Sun into Pisces: Awakening Sweet Dreams

Published: Thu, 02/17/11

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Sun into Pisces 2011 Edition


 Welcome to the Sun into Pisces Edition!

    It is a ridiculously wonderful 72 (22C) degrees here in North Carolina as I write to you today.  After several months of continuous cold, which included snowfall up until last week, this breath of spring air is most welcome.  Lots is bubbling beneath the surface here in the Oracle, and I'll be revealing more about that during the coming months.  What I can tell you as that it is a magnificent time to be involved with creative endeavors.  The forthcoming Pisces cycle is a particularly good time to connect with your muses.  Don't worry about outcomes or meanings.  Prescient Pisces is purely about process.  So dive headlong into those artistic depths with complete faith in your Spiritual compass for navigation.  Dancing, writing, singing, composing and playing are your connection to source, and the cycle ahead is brimming with both insight and inspiration.

    This cycle will also usher in one momentous planetary changing of the guard on March 11th when Uranus moves into Aries for a seven year stay.  The last time Uranus traveled through Aries was 1927-1934.  During that cycle lesson bearing Saturn traveled through Capricorn, the sign ruling government, business and institutions.  Can you say stock market crash and substantial, subsequent systemic reform?  This time it's powerful Pluto transiting Capricorn (from 2008-2023) while Saturn moves through Libra until 2012.  Astrologically, squares will be created between Uranus and Pluto and Pluto and Saturn while an opposition will form between Uranus and Saturn.  Squares and oppositions often bring issues to a head and demand their resolution.  Further, all of the planets in play here are the outer ones which shape our larger world.  With a seven-year shake up coming from agitating, unorthodox Uranus in the Cardinal fire sign of Aries, we can expect to see radical and innovative changes of a significant magnitude. 


    As I have mentioned previously, there is a larger context into which all of this planetary activity is taking place.  That is the Pluto through Capricorn transit.  Historically it has meant the destruction of the dominant ruling system of the time.  In the 1515-1532 cycle, the Protestant Reformation successfully challenged the absolute power of the Roman Catholic Church, and during the 1760-1778 one the American Revolution initiated the end of monarchy as the ruling system.  I truly try not to use this newsletter as a political platform, but I suspect and am hopeful that this Pluto through Capricorn transit, with its Uranus in Aries impetus to challenge authority, will bring a counter balance to corporate power.  Let's check back in 2023 and see what happened.  In the meantime, please enjoy this month's feature article.

Sun into Pisces 2011: Awakening Sweet Dreams

    Under the full Leo moon of February 18th, at 4:25 P.M. PST the Sun quietly slips into peaceful, reflective Pisces.  On February 21st communicative Mercury follows suit as does aggressive Mars on the 22nd.  Already transiting the deep and dreamy waters of this mutable sign are newly arrived Chiron, associated with healing, and innovating Uranus.  With so many planetary bodies swimming in Pisces meditative, nebulous depths for much of this cycle, our psychic sensitivity will be heightened as will a need to pull inward.  Pisces completes the annual tour of the zodiac and prepares us for spring and the year ahead.  In 2011, that yearly urge to move forward will get an early and rousing wake up call when rebellious Uranus abandons mystical Pisces for trailblazing Aries on March 11th.  This Pisces solar journey will also see the moon nodes shift from the Capricorn/Cancer axis to the Sagittarius/Gemini on March 3rd.  So while much of this cycle offers us time to contemplate and integrate the experiences of the past year, the impulse to begin changing things will prove equally irresistible.

    Though fellow water sign Scorpio is reputed for its transformational powers, Intuitive, creative and unifying Pisces is also a gifted game-changer.  With compassion as its guiding principle, perceptive Pisces goes about her work with empathy and serenity.  The Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Chiron will be in her gentle tow on the new Pisces moon of March 4th, making it an excellent occasion to wade into her healing, spiritual waters.  In her quest to help us make ourselves and our lives whole, Pisces encourages our muses.  Through daydreaming and artistic endeavors, we unearth and confront the content of the unconscious.  Distinctly different from her logical opposite sign of Virgo, Pisces could care less if we are just "making it all up" or whether it makes any sense.  She implicitly understands the value of the truths being expressed in our stories.  


 March 4, 2011
    Also, associated with the 12th House of astrology, Pisces is undaunted by anything unpleasant that may be lurking beneath our placid facades.  Ruled by Neptune, she is fully equipped to descend with us to our darkest, most unsettling depths.  Her job after all is to support us in assimilating all of the pieces of ourselves, including the messy and monstrous ones.  For only when they are brought to the surface can we truly heal.  What are we do to with this newly gleaned self-awareness?  Pass the cosmic baton to Uranus.

    Law-breaking, authority challenging and proudly unorthodox, Uranus swaggers into the bold, fearless fire sign of Aries on March 11th for a seven year stay.  There his talents are well placed to help us break the new ground needed to manifest the lives we dreamed up under the Piscean influence.  This volatile mixture of Uranus's revolutionary spirit and Aries provocative, independent style is sure to prove explosive at times.  But meaningful change cannot come from maintaining the status quo.  Uranus and Aries are lovers of freedom, excitement and progress, and they will leave little room for mediocrity and complacency.  In combination with that unfathomably deep Pisces quest to make life whole again, we are being given some awesome tools for self-reflection, inventory taking and courageous change.  

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!
    Adding an another layer of enlightened inspiration to the airwaves will be the moon's nodal shift from the Capricorn/Cancer axis to Sagittarius/Gemini one on March 3rd.  Conventional thinking in astrology holds that the moon's North node represents the lessons ahead while the South node describes those previously mastered.  The term karma is often used to explain their relationship with the idea that our past experiences help us navigate the future.  In this case, Gemini lies in the position of the past and Sagittarius points the way forward.  Gemini is renowned for its journalistic skill.  It scans the world ceaselessly for information.  Sagittarius on the other hand, needs to find the meaning behind all of those facts and figures.  The philosophical fire sign is also known for its warmth, imagination and enthusiasm.  With the moon's North node in the sign that believes that life always gets better, a benevolent note will constantly ring as the music of the spheres plays and the planets and asteroids do their dance through August 2012.  In June of this year, the eclipses also fall along this axis, giving these energies a deeper resonance.  So as we glimpse ahead, prescient Pisces arrives to offer up consciousness.  It's time to scry through her loving, holistic lens.


Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Celestial Note
February 25th Jupiter Square to Pluto

Jupiter wants to expand, expand and uh, expand some more, especially when being encouraged by instigative Aires.  Pluto in conservative, sober Capricorn on the other hand, is not subject to the whims of irrational exuberance.  On February 25th the two battle it out.  Watch which issues come to the fore leading up to this date and see how your wisdom can work to broker a peace between these two formidable forces. 
Thank you so much for your support and for subscribing.  Enjoy the dreamy Pisces waters ahead.  Next  the planets congregate in feisty Aries.  I look forward to connecting with you then.
With love,

Message from the Oracle

Chrysocolla offers you inner strength and tranquility now. This soothing stone wishes to realign you with the Universe's perfection.  Allow Chrysocolla to calm your nerves, ease your mind and attune your chakra system to the oneness of Love and Light.

Cosmic Community
The Kundalini Yoga Lady
Maya Fiennes
Has the harsh realization that it is not anatomically possible for you bend and contort yourself into the form of a human pretzel ever discouraged you from taking up yoga?  Maybe it's the idea that it's not "real" exercise. Oh, that was just me?  Fine.  In any case, a lovely and extremely talented colleague of mine named Tina kept extolling the virtues of something called Kundalini Yoga.  This form of yoga is reputed to awaken the body's energy centers and get the life force flowing.  Always in search of tools for feeling better, I decided to try the stuff.  Ok, to be perfectly honest, I was a stereotypical New Year's Resolution at the Amazon checkout page, complete with a batch of new exercise DVDs, green super food drink and a food scale.  But Tina was right.  This stuff really works.

Maya Fiennes has garnered the praise of industry heavies like Deepak Chopra, and her work lives up to the buzz.  Her detox DVD is a great place to start and her chakra series is positively mind-blowing.  Someone like Jillian Michaels gets you to pump, push and break a sweat, but that style of working out limits the mind to the (grueling) tasks at hand.  Maya's brilliance is in getting you to move well beyond your comfort zone while she teaches you about the practice of yoga.  With natural charisma, she warmly shares the 411 in an encouraging, but never perky-annoying way, as she completely engages you in the mantras, movements and meanings of the exercises.   If you are having issues relating to any specific chakra, I highly recommend giving her DVDs a try.  For anyone else, besides me of course, wanting to keep that New Year's cleaner living resolution going, the detox one is fantastic.
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment

Netflix Pix

  The Insider
     In keeping with our Uranus in Aries challenging the system theme, this film illustrates how corrupt a system can become and the power of the individual to change it.  In "The Insider" a corporate tobacco scientist, played by Russell Crowe, is encouraged to go public about the dangerous secrets his industry has been keeping.  Then the sinister side of the news organization charged with revealing those secrets comes to light. Overflowing with intrigue, this one will keep you captivated. 
Elizabeth on Twitter 


"Awesome reading!  No matter what the subject I need to discuss, this advisor has Always made all the difference for me.  She is accurate, compassionate, balanced, wise, articulate, helpful and immediately latches on to all that I need to know.  If anyone has any issue the needs sorting out, then this is the advisor to call!  I am in your debt.  Thank you so much!"

C. Wells
 February 2011

Elizabeth's Blog


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