Sun into Taurus 2011: Dream It, Build It

Published: Wed, 04/20/11

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Sun into Taurus 2011 Edition




Welcome to the Sun into Taurus edition.  I hope that you are enjoying the flowers, birds and warming breezes of spring.  Mirroring the current skies with 5 planets in Aries, this is one action-packed issue, so I'll let you jump right in.

Sun into Taurus 2011: Dream It, Build It

    When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 20th, the grounded, patient energy that astrology's bull is famous for may be in short supply.  At that time, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus will be in high spirits as they continue their lively foray through bold, fiery Aries.  While many like to think of Venus as a gentle, loving energy signifying beauty, art and delicate femininity, it's a money planet that will enter Aries late on the 20th.  With such an excitable cadre of personal and outer planets in the sign of provocation, the bull's more tempestuous side is likely to show itself in 2011.  By the end of this solar journey however, Venus, Mercury and Mars will have moved into earthy, fixed Taurus.  Softly aspected there by Neptune and Chiron in healing Pisces, this lineup suggests that the Taurus cycle will ultimately yield the peace, calm and sense of security the bull requires.
 May 3, 2011


      At this time of the year much is written about the Cardinal sign of Aries, the sign responsible for kicking off the astrological year.  In 2011, that is especially appropriate because at any given time from March 11th through May 11th no fewer than half of the zodiac's planets, 5, will be under its ferocious, instigative influence.  Independent and free-spirited, Aries loves to get us all fired up.  Its motto is "just do it" with an "out with the old and in with the new" added for emphasis.  Did I mention "Now!"?  But with tough squares from Pluto in Capricorn and oppositions from Saturn in Libra waiting at every turn, many an Aries impulse will be interrupted or curtailed.  So while the Sun will lead the way into Taurus's tranquil and abundant pastures on April 20th, it will be well into this Taurus cycle before the other planets stop their squabbling and begin to catch Taurus's easy-going drift.  Quirky Uranus and violent Mars are two of the obvious Arian agitators, but Venus in headstrong Aries exerts a force to be reckoned with, or at least one to be recognized and reconciled.


     A living tribute to the saying that it's always the quiet ones to watch out for, "sweet" Venus represents possessions, resources and income, and she will travel through assertive Aries from April 20th through May 15th.  Also associated with art and exalted forms of beauty, one of Venus's most enduring images is in fact that of Botticelli's voluptuous goddess serenely standing on a shell.  But make no mistake, Venus, the planet, is equally all about luxury, fertility and comfort, a.k.a. money.  Even in Botticelli's loving portrait, the graceful goddess hardly looks famished.  In Aries, Venus will ignite our material desires along with our aggressive tendencies toward attaining wealth and its associated power.  Cautionary tales of the dark side of the lust for gold abound.  They include everything from the deceit, treachery and loss encountered by mythological Jason in his pursuit of the Golden Fleece, to the modern day hubris of Jeffrey Skilling, Jack Abramoff and Bernie Madoff.
    Wielding his trident like an ancient super weapon, Neptune, the enduring god of the Greeks, stands at the ageless sea of consciousness.  Through time itself he warns us of the excesses of such greed.  Corporations, nations and civilizations rise and fall, like the coming and going of the timeless tides over which he prevails.  In 2011 he has taken up residence in his home sign of spiritual Pisces, for a 14-year odyssey.  Pisces promotes integration, assimilation and a holistic approach to life.  In the company of healing asteroid Chiron, one of Neptune's old fraternity buddies, concepts like "capitalism with a conscience" emerge.  In compassionate Pisces, Neptune will work to dissolve the boundaries between "us" and "them" while Chiron devotes its energy to global healing.  So where does that leave our cantankerous, lustful bull this year?

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!
          Taurus's motives are stability, security and physical pleasure.  Those needs can produce the sign's notorious stubbornness and its penchant for hoarding. The antidote of course lies in its opposite sign, destructive and transformative Scorpio, the Pluto-ruled sign that insists on change.  On May 17th the moon will be full in intense, truthful Scorpio.  This is an ideal time to reflect on what we value and what we are prepared to release and to birth in order to possess it.  The Aries courage, Neptunian insight and bull's strength and stamina on tap this cycle offer us the power to build it.

Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Celestial Note
New Taurus Moon; time for planting

Astrologically fiery Aries passes the cosmic baton to placid, rooted Taurus.  Passion is grounded into form as the raw yang energy shifts to fertile yin.  The new Taurus moon of May 3rd, ten days past the end of the Mercury retrograde, is an excellent occasion for planting.  Whether your seeds are literal or symbolic, Taurus can help them grow.  Take some time on this new moon to focus on your intentions for the future, and avail yourself to the practical, productive and peaceful power of the  bull.
Blog for Hay House
Many of you are gifted writers and most of you are fans of Hay House.  So here is an opportunity that you may be interested in.  Hay House is looking for bloggers and book reviewers.  This is NOT a paying gig.  But the books are free and you only have to complete one review per month to stay on the list.  My first one is published below.  Here are the details on how you can be next.  Good luck.
The Angel Therapy Handbook
Doreen Virtue

Excellent Resource for Beginners, Sound Advice for Pros

    Virtue's most well-articulated work to date, "The Angel Therapy Handbook" gives a clear and succinct version of its author's take on the subject of angels, but its audience should not be limited to believers in angels.  This is a solid textbook for those aspiring to learn how to give professional readings and a useful reference book for those already in the psychic business. 
   Under the sizable banner of psychic readings, there exists a nearly endless list of specialties including astrology, crystals, past lives and numerology, to name but a few.  No one in his/her right mind attempts to be an expert in all of these areas.  A good psychic, or Lightworker as they are now known, however, will have a working understanding of the various modalities.  For this audience, Virtue's book is a clear and concise primer on her views on the subject of angels.

     A respected authority in the field,  Virtue first references her sources of information on the angels and then walks the reader through her ideas on topics such as archangels, angel numbers, etc. Particularly refreshing, she does not assert her opinions as fact or "the gospel" about angels, but rather as her experience with them.  This creates an atmosphere of sharing which gives the reader the impression that Virtue's motives are very pure and loving, to teach and to help others with what she understands.  In this context the reader is free to pick and choose what works or resonates and to dismiss what does not.
     Several chapters in the book detail Angel Therapy itself, Virtue's speciality.  The techniques for conducting Angel Therapy sessions, mediumship readings and angel readings are well defined and thoughtfully laid out.  The nuts and bolts of "The Four Clairs:, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and claircognizance" are also given.  While much of this information will feel pretty basic to the full-time professional reader, there are enough tips and tools to make reading this material interesting.  For beginners, the clear definitions of terms, along with the exercises and suggestions given to develop one's skills, make this book an outstanding training manual.  With dedication and practice, anyone who wants to learn how to give readings, angel or otherwise, will benefit from this book.

    Finally, and to her credit, Virtue takes on the sometimes sticky subject of reading professionally, as in for money.  She confidently reminds her audience that this is a profession and that an exchange of energy is only natural.  She also addresses popular myths which take a dim view of spirituality and compensation for work.  Once those are dispensed with, she then provides practical business strategies.  These are helpful to both the novice getting his/her business off the ground and the pro looking for ways to freshen up or grow an established practice.  Throughout this discussion of business, a healthy reverence for God and the angels is maintained and in fact encouraged.  This material also rounds out "The Angel Therapy Handbook."  With it, one can move from aspirant, to student, to Lightworker.
     Thank you as always for your support. I am back from vacation, look forward to connecting with you soon and hope  that the upcoming Taurus cycle is good to you.
With love,

Message from the Oracle

You are on the right path and success is inevitable.  The happy seeds germinating within will yield highly rewarding results. 

Your intuition is spot on in this matter.  This energy is exciting and full of promise. Follow it closely and what you desire will manifest.  Remember to acknowledge and give thanks for each positive development along the way and more will come.  Also, notice the information you receive that confirms your hunch.  It will sustain your deep enthusiasm for this endeavor.  Success is yours!

Seeing is believing, so add some visual representations of your intended goal to your environment.  Choose images that inspire feelings of joyful success, and add them to places you see often.  Whether it be the wallpaper of your PC, tablet or smartphone, your refrigerator door or an old-school dream board, your subconscious will respond to these images.  To heighten their power, include the word "success" with them. 
Cosmic Community
IEF & Belfast Marathon
    As many of you know, about four years ago, I had the privilege of working with Catholic and Protestant students in Northern Ireland on a music video for one of my songs.  These were drama and religious studies pupils from Strangfold Integrated College, a high school in rural County Down.  Recently a young Catholic police officer was killed by a bomb in Omagh, the city that in 1998 tragically became the scene of the region's single worst incident of terrorism.  For those of us who have been following the successes of the peace process since that time, that murder was a shocking and terrible reminder of the past. 

    Even in the wake of that most unfortunate event, the will to peace remains strong.  On Monday, May 2nd, students from Strangford will be sending six teams to participat in the Belfast marathon.  I took the occasion to contact the school's principal to extend my support and wish them the best of luck.  I warmly invite you to join me in following the marathon on Twitter, FB and Youtube and the Integrated Education Fund, on FB and YouTube.  For nearly 30 years, that organization has courageously been establishing integrated schools throughout the region.  In a world so full of strife and bad news, I believe that this is truly one of its brightest Lights.

To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
Special News Item
Yes, this edition is pretty full, but I just couldn't wait until the Gemini one to share this amazing news story with you.  Scientists and doctors have developed a way for a paralyzed man to control his computer with his thoughts.  MIke Dooley's "Thoughts Become Things" philosophy, which been around since at least 2001, comes to mind.  Though Mike may have not been teaching from a "scientific" point of view, I can't help but think that he, along with so many of us in the "woo-woo" New Age movement, is smiling from ear to ear at the news of this astonishing breakthrough.  There you have it, one more reason to think good thoughts, and to be extra careful with the ones about your ex!

Netflix Pix

  Truman: American Experience

      OK, it is a seriously dry documentary, the kind only oddball admirers of the genre like me can appreciate, much less get through.  But if there was ever an astrology lesson on the subject of Taurus, President Harry Truman would make a stellar case in point.  In "Truman: American Experience " the former President  personifies the sign's traits to a tee.  At times when watching this you feel like you could go down the list of stereotypical Taurus traits from any astrology book, and check them off one by one.

    We watch a determined Truman steadily work his way up to the top of the political ladder, display bullish resolve on the issues that mattered most to him and defy critics, pundits and polls with successes that only the sheer tenacity of a true Taurus could produce.  Or was that stubbornness?  We learn of his lifelong appreciation of music and realistic evaluation of his unlikely prospects for a career in the arts.  We are also given evidence of the raging bull's infamous temper, in the form of give 'em Hell Harry's blistering letter to the unfortunate Washington Post critic who penned an unflattering (and likely accurate) review of Truman's daughter's singing recital, at a time when the President was particularly stressed out.

    If you are even remotely curious about this period of American history, from F.D.R.'s death to the beginning of the Cold War, this documentary is certainly full of insight.  For me the course in Taurus was intriguing enough.  Lastly, for anyone completely bored by these things, it could come in handy the next time you can't get to sleep.  

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"Elizabeth is a candid, down to earth, trustworthy and truly gentle soul. Elizabeth has been a consistent and accurate source of support and clarity for me. No matter the issue, she always has provided me with information and details that no one else could have possibly known, and has saved me from making major mistakes. I would recommend her to anyone seeking advice from a true professional."

 April  2011

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