Sun into Libra 2010; It’s a Unity Thing

Published: Wed, 09/22/10

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Sun into Libra 2010 Edition


Happy Autumn Equinox 2010!
Wow, the transformative summer of 2010 finally draws to a close.  I hope that the turbo-powered planetary activity of this summer brought positive and expansive changes to your life.  Jupiter and Uranus have now retreated back into gentle Pisces, so we can regroup until early January 2011 when they start stirring things up again.  However, with three planets moving through Libra during the coming weeks and thus squaring Pluto in Capricorn, don't expect things to be too quiet.  Libra is after all one of those instigating Cardinal signs, so things will stay pretty lively. 

Here the days have definitely begun getting shorter and the angles of sunlight are quickly shifting southward.  The wildlife is still green and lush, and unfortunately no one has told the weatherman that the summer is over.  It was 97 degrees just yesterday.  I hope that wherever you are a lovely Fall is beginning to unfold, complete with crisp breezes, and that the season ahead will bring you joy and peace. 

Thank you as always for subscribing.  Happy Birthday to all of the Libras amongst us!  Here is this month's feature article.

Sun into Libra 2010; It's a Unity Thing


    On September 22nd at 8:09 P.M. PST the Sun heads into the sign of harmony, balance and relating.  Austere Saturn is already transiting Libra's diplomatic terrain, and Mercury is poised to join them on October 3rd when it enters this cardinal air sign.  With Mars and Venus traveling through intense Scorpio and Uranus and Jupiter resting back in gentle Pisces, 2010's Libra cycle offers some keen insights into that most powerful of realms and popular of subjects, our relationships.

    Setting the stage for the Sun's entrance into the sign of grace and fairness are alluring Venus and aggressive Mars in the deep impassioned waters of Scorpio.  Scorpio enjoys its renown for sexual prowess.  So the presence of amorous Venus and desirous Mars in its sensuous depths can be an ideal influence for deepening levels of intimacy.  However, Scorpio's real purpose (obsession some would argue) is getting to the truth, in and out of bed.  To that end, this Pluto-ruled sign is ruthless, indeed willing to exert even its destructive tendencies, in its pursuit. With forceful Mars in intent Scorpio, secrets will be unearthed and real motives and needs will be revealed.  So, during this transit we can expect not only the blooms to come off a few roses, but many a stone to be overturned.  Ultimately, courageous Mars will help us get our needs met, and Scorpio's clarity will help us see our relationships more honestly.

    Because relationship is inherently a two-way street and because one person's or partner's truth can be vastly different from the other's, the Cosmos is bringing in a celestial officiating crew of sorts.  Saturn, the Sun and Mercury will travel through objective, reciprocal and cooperative Libra.  Like no other sign, Libra asks us relate to "other" and it insists that we play nicely.  Venus-ruled Libra's aim after all is wholeness.  With unyielding Pluto in realistic Capricorn sitting 90 degrees away however, Libra's mission will not be an easy one.  That's because Pluto will form exact squares to the Sun, on September 25th, and Mercury, on October 5th, as a general square to Saturn churns away in the background.  And all four planets will be in those provocative cardinal signs.  Add two full Aries moons, on September 23rd and October 22nd, to the mix, and balancing individual needs with the whole is bound to be challenging.

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on
       With head referee Saturn firmly at the Libra helm, we are in capable Cosmic hands.  But we must be prepared to embrace those Libra standards of Truth and Justice.  Any of our complaints about what "other" is doing will be met with stern judicious review.  In addition to asking us to walk the proverbial mile in "other's" shoes, the taskmaster is equally likely to remind us that we choose to be in a given relationship, or not.  According to Saturn, we are not so much victims as we are the consequences of our choices.  LIke a line judge, Mercury, whose spheres of influence include our thinking and communication, will echo Saturn's sober sentiments.  He lives in our minds and will likely be asking some pertinent and controversial questions of his own.  Whose filters are we using to come to our conclusions?  Have we genuinely tried to see the situation from "other's" point of view?  Are we are holding "other" in high regard or simply conveniently labeling to suit our own story?  And most importantly, what is our end game in this situation?  The Sun, representing our will, will help us answer that last question, as it also works to help us see our circumstance from Libra's exalted, communal view.  

    On October 8th loving and virtuous Venus will go retrograde.  The planet of exquisite beauty and immeasurable tranquility will diligently work to guide our relationships into a state of deep and abiding peace.  If we are willing, through her we can see the Divinity in all things, including our foes.  Her retrograde motion in Scorpio will aid Mars in his quest for the truth.  Only she will take a much softer and more harmonious tact.  
    Aiding this kinder, gentler form of enlightenment will be Jupiter and Uranus in supremely serene and subtle Pisces.  Under calm, spiritual Pisces influence, unorthodox Uranus may present us with a completely unique perspective, as expansive Jupiter offers us a broadened view of our reality.  Though Libra is a cardinal or initiating sign, and Pisces a mutable or completing one, and Libra is air and Pisces water, the two have something important in common.  Both are committed to unification.  They are charged to explore the energies around them and to assimilate them, and they ask the same of us.  To phrase it euphemistically, relationships offer us life's greatest growth opportunities.  This year the planetary hookups in Libra, Scorpio and Pisces will give us some stellar revelations about them and the tools for cosmic conflict resolution.

Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Celestial Note
Warning: Two Aries Full Moons Ahead

   With 13 annual full moons and 12 astrological signs, we get a double-dose of one sign each year.  This year has two full Aries moons, on September 23rd and October 22nd.  Watch out for this one.  In it's unhealthy guise, it's the practically psycho neighbor, who, when you fail to pick up her repeated phone calls, goes on a doorbell rampage until you to respond to her most pressing need, say the loan of your vacuum cleaner.  An Aries moon can be "ME FIRST" in the worst possible form.  But handled carefully, these two Aries moons can help us both duck the lunatics and get our needs met in a socially responsible way. 
Remember that the antidote to every sign is its opposite sign.  In this case that Aries drive can be diluted with some Libran consideration for others.  You can compassionately tell your neighbor that leaving one message is ample.  And if you are the one needing a vacuum loan, try investing a little social capital in the relationship beforehand.  Leaving a plate of freshly made warm cookies the next you bake or pulling his emptied garbage can from the curb after collection will likely go a long way to creating good will.  
As one season gives way to the next, I continue to be humbled by your kindness, generosity and support, and putting together this newsletter continues to be a labor of pure love.  I only hope that thank you often enough for subscribing.  

This cycle will see me in Denver for Valerie's workshop, so I'll be an official LRH practitioner when we meet next at the start of Scorpio.  I wish you all the very best in the meantime.
With gratitude,

Message from the Oracle
Listen - Love's voice is in everything.  Open your heart and mind to its messages.

Here's an appropriate message for the Libra cycle.  So often we get caught up in our story, our version of reality, that we get stuck.  Without taking other points of view into consideration, we cannot clearly see what's really going on.  The message "listen" invites us to move out of our limited space, experience and perceptions into the awareness of others.  With fresh perspective, our understanding is deepened and broadened.  So the next time you feel blocked or frustrated, instead of ruminating on your state of mind or being, listen to what's going on outside of you.


Cosmic Community
Light Resonance Healing Coming to Denver in October

  12Angel's Valerie Camozzi, the Founder of Light Resonance Healing, is teaching her proven method of energy healing in a two day workshop in Denver on October 16th and 17th.  More than just a class, this course teaches LRH, a distinct technique, and offers students certification as an LRH Practitioner.  


To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
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 To Kill a Mocingbird
     Libra is the sign concerned with social justice.  So one of those feel good Hollywood stories about justice prevailing seems apropos.  While there are many fabulous choices, "To KIll a Mockingbird" gets my nod.

In all Libra fairness, credit must first go to author Harper Lee for writing the Pulitzer Prize winning novel that inspired this compelling film.  Nearly 50 years after the movie was made, classy and classic leading man Gregory Peck's performance still blazes brightly.  Though we've largely addressed the specific racial issues highlighted in this courtroom drama, this film rekindles our timeless yearning for good to triumph over wrong and satisfies it. 

You'll rarely catch me yammering on about my bygone days in Hollywood.  I try not to live my present in the past.  However, I am proud to have briefly worked at the PR office which represented Mr. Peck.  Though he was a client some 30 years after this film was made, I can now more fully and deeply appreciate his courage and convictions.  "To Kill a Mockingbird" was after all made in 1962, when racial equality was not exactly widely embraced here in America.  What strikes me about Mr. Peck, both in those vague personal memories of his telephone calls to our office and mostly in a role like that of Atticus Finch, is his dignity.  Maybe I'm totally waxing nostalgic here.  But in an age when we can literally surf the web to find video clips of "celebrities" copulating and even the most banal thought Tweeted by the now famous, this film is a beautiful reminder of our ability to stand up for what we believe in, with grace.  And who doesn't love the immortal Scout?

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