Sun into Aquarius: Higher Wavelengths & New Frequencies

Published: Fri, 01/21/11

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Sun into Aquarius 2011 Edition



Happy New Year!  It's great to be back.  If you were wondering if the Sun into Capricorn issue got lost in your busy holiday shuffle, it did not.  Yours truly came down with a serious case of Energizer Bunny Syndrome, the one running out of juice.  I can't believe that guy has his own web page.  Anyway, that it happened under the hardest working, most serious sign of the zodiac made it all the more humorous to me.  Take that Saturn!  I do however apologize for being the stereotypical "flakey psychic" and not getting that edition out.  My brain cells were officially cooked, any attempt at writing would have only resulted in gobbledygook, and you deserve more. 

    That being said, welcome to 201!!  This year is going to be a very exciting one.  Jupiter and Uranus reenter Aries, Chiron and Neptune head into Pisces and the eclipses shift to the Gemini Sagittarius axis.  The Sun shifted into Aquarius on January 20th, and this futuristic sign gives us a glimpse of things to come, so I sincerely that hope you enjoy this month's featured article about the Uranus-ruled fixed air sign.

Sun into Aquarius: Higher Wavelengths & New Frequencies


        What is on your mind?  In 2011 how each us answers that question at any given moment will become increasingly important.  On January 20th, the Sun moves into the sign of the future, community and innovation. This Aquarius solar cycle will see benevolent Jupiter move into pioneering Aries, intellectual Mercury join the Sun and active Mars in progressive Aquarius and the healing asteroid Chiron enter holistic Pisces.  Individualistic and humanitarian, Aquarius compels us to express our unique identity, yet it obliges us to do so in service of the greater good.  Fortunately for us, Ghandi revealed the shortcut to this lofty objective when he said that we must BE the change we want to see in the world.  And that leads us right back to that original question; what is on your mind?  In no other time has the answer to that question determined so much.  It is shaping our future, the future to which we are all connected and in which we share a collective stake.  Aquarius is here to assist us with our visions and associations as we map out the year ahead, and she has brought along some inspiring companions.

    The first mover and shaker of this cycle is Jupiter's reentrance into self-oriented, instigative Aries on January 22nd.  Jupiter's job is to expand and amplify the energies it touches, and Aries insists that we break new ground.  Favorably aligned with feisty Mars and the Sun in inventive Aquarius, the desire to boldly ditch the herd to blaze trendsetting trails will be practically irrepressible.  Then, on February 3rd, when Mercury ventures into unorthodox Aquarius, our thinking will become highly original and those new frontiers brighter and more enticing.  Aquarius is after all ruled by erratic and revolutionary Uranus.  Still under the influence of that new Aquarius moon of February 2nd, Mercury's presence in eccentric Aquarius, in combination with the Mars, Sun and Jupiter placements, will charge the air with electricity, passion and exciting new ideas.  

    Fully prepared to restore law and order, should that become necessary, will be a sober and stern Saturn in Libra, the sign of partnerships and fairness, and ruthless Pluto in grounded Capricorn.  Jupiter's reentry into Aries after all, reignites that famous T-Square, and Uranus is set to join the action on March 11th when it also reenters Aries.  Saturn in Libra will directly oppose Jupiter (and then Uranus).  And like a cosmic referee, sitting 90 degrees apart from both sides, Pluto is set in pragmatic Capricorn.  With Venus also moving into the austere earth sign on February 4th, a healthy balance should be able to be struck between the radical impulses hellbent on rebellion and the forces devoted to fair play and the common good and the preservation of useful institutions and productive endeavors. 

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!
        To fuel our nobler Aquarian aspirations, on February 8th wounded healer Chiron enters Pisces for the beginning of a seven year voyage.  If we learn empathy from pain, then life's slings and arrows deepen our understanding and compassion.  Chiron beckons us to remember our hurts, but not for the sake of erecting yet another altar to Victimhood.  Its aim is to teach us empathy and to assist us with healing and personal growth.  In the sign responsible for assimilating our lessons in the cause of unity and integration, Pisces, we see the richest expression of Chiron's purpose.  Best-selling astrology authors Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer describe the Chiron through Pisces transit this way.

    "Its association with forgiveness while in compassionate Pisces reminds us that blame only perpetuates our problems.  This isn't about avoiding the truth; it's about the power of unconditional love as a healing force that releases others and ourselves from the past."  

    Now there's a wavelength to be on in 2011.  Associated with the 11th House of astrology, one of Aquarius's other sphere's of influence is friends and associations.  This makes perfect tense in the context of future-building.  For as gifted and astute astrologer Steven Forrest points out, "Friends reflect our goals." When surrounded by supportive energies, our aspirations are strengthened and energized.  In turn, and in true Aquarian fashion, we gladly share our love and support to buoy the world around us.  The Chiron through Pisces transit will assist us in choosing healthy relationships so that the energies of giving and receiving are in greater balance.  So, back to that initial question; what is on your mind?  Just notice it during the cycle ahead.  The Aquarian energies on hand can help us refine our ideas, align with like energies and take those first brave steps into the future.  



Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Celestial Note
Worth Leaving Behind

On February 18th, we reach the 5th and final full moon of the series of full moons at 29 degrees.  The 29th is the last degree of a sign in astrology and represents completion.  This month's oracle message of forgiveness is asking us to release old hurts and grudges now.  Carrying them into the time ahead will only weigh and slow us down.  Much easier said than done, the practice of forgiveness begins with compassion, first for ourselves and then for those who have wronged us.  Let your heart lead the way and be very gentle with yourself in this process. With forgiveness, you will be better prepared to reap the full benefits of the energies coming our way. This final full moon at 29 degrees can help you release the unwanted past.

Thank you so much for your support and for subscribing.  Lots of good things are just bubbling beneath the surface and I look forward to sharing them with you throughout this dynamic year.  
With love,

Message from the Oracle

Let the overflowing Love that you truly are wash away past hurts. As you forgive yourself and others, you experience profound joy and grace.


Cosmic Community
Yes Virginia, there is ESP!
     Perfectly appropriate for the Age of Aquarius, news emerged this week of scientific research confirming the validity of ESP.  Though in its very early stages, the work of highly regarded Dr. Daryl J. Bem of Cornell University is giving credence to what spiritual practitioners have known for ages.  

    Some in my profession have already reacted negatively to the notion of science being applied to our arts, but I embrace it.  As dedicated scientists and researches study ESP, energy fields and the like, it can only bring credibility and legitimacy to our profession and weed out rest.  Further, once reliable techniques for developing psychic ability are firmly established, this knowledge can be applied in other fields such as medicine, teaching and law enforcement.  

    On the opposite end of the nay-saying spectrum are the skeptics, those who dismiss all paranormal claims as the work of charlatans or the unfortunately misguided.  I warmly welcome the opportunity for science to one day separate fact from fiction and to ultimately validate much of the work being done in the spiritual community.  The Uranus through Aries transit is famous for scientific advances.  Its seven year ride alongside healing Chiron in integrative Pisces gives us the chance to merge science and spirituality.  I can't think of a more beautiful Aquarian vision.
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
Netflix Pix

  Terrifying Times
     Ok, enough of heavy spiritual concepts and weighty academia, let's have a laugh.  "Daily Show" viewers will already be familiar with comedian John Oliver.  But have you seen his DVD?  Hardcore advocates of political correctness will find plenty to gripe about in "John Oliver: Terrifying Times."  But for the rest of us who can relax and laugh, even when it's "wrong," this DVD is hands down hilarious.  Oliver's humor is clever and delightfully uncommon and his abstract musings will have you doubled over with laughter for nearly the entire length of his New York performance.  Think funny times 100!
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For a Reading with Elizabeth
"Thanks Elizabeth for giving me a bit of light at the end of the tunnel and letting me vent. And the "don't hit send" was right on target, but dang it, I SO want to! LOL "

Carolyn S.
 January 2011

Elizabeth's Blog


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