Sun into Sagittarius: Fear Less, Hope More and Keep It Real

Published: Mon, 11/22/10

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Sun into Sagittarius 2010 Edition


Hello Beautiful Ones!

     Thank you, as always, for joining me for another edition of Elizabeth's Oracle.  I hope that the dawning Sagittarius cycle finds you warm and well.  This past month has just flown by me.  I hope it was an enjoyable one for you.  I did manage to sneak outdoors for about 10 minutes yesterday in hopes of making a postcard from North Carolina for you. 

     As I write this my first holiday playlist of the season is playing and getting me in the mood for the days ahead.  If the holidays are hard for you or if you are having trouble feeling good, I'd like to share this little story.  A client with a severe disability called to tell me how happy she is to finally be strong enough to change her own bed and do other housework.  She told me that for the first time in seven years she no longer needs daily naps or rest after completing simple housekeeping chores.

      She's a practicing Buddhist and we always manage to laugh as we try to understand the spiritual meanings of the things that happen in life.  We often shake our fists at the creator and demand to know where our Lightworker's "Get Out of Jail" pass is when the hard lessons come tumbling down upon us.  Don't we get to skip those?  I thanked her for sharing as we reflected on the gift of perspective her story offers.  Typically I sing or have comedy going when I do the dishes, clean the cat box or fold the laundry.  Music and laughter just help me feel good.  Now and again, however, the mopping, scrubbing and moving furniture to vacuum feel like a ceaseless cycle of thankless drudgery intent on endless reproduction.  Until today I never contemplated how tough it would be to not be able clean up after myself and my cat Nicholas.  Tomorrow when I lather that sponge, in addition to singing and laughing I'll remember to say a heartfelt prayer of gratitude.  I share this with you in hopes that it may help you look at any challenge you may be facing with new eyes and appreciation for all that you are blessed with now.  

Here's this month's feature article.

Sun into Sagittarius: Fear Less, Hope More and Keep It Real


(Reprinted from Wikipedia)       
        On a cold New Year's Eve, a poor girl tries to sell matches in the street. She is freezing badly, but she is afraid to go home because her father will beat her for not selling any matches. She takes shelter in a nook and lights the matches to warm herself. In their glow, she sees several lovely visions including a Christmas tree and a holiday feast. The girl looks skyward, sees a shooting star, and remembers her deceased grandmother saying that such a falling star means someone died and is going into Heaven. As she lights her next match, she sees a vision of her grandmother, the only person to have treated her with love and kindness. She strikes one match after another to keep the vision of her grandmother nearby for as long as she can. The child dies and her grandmother carries her soul to Heaven. The next morning, passers-by find the dead child in the nook.

        If there was ever a cautionary tale about the excesses of wishful thinking, Danish author Hans Christian Anderson masterfully articulated them in his timeless "The Little Match Girl."  Does this mean that there is no place for hope in a bleak world nor any room for optimism amongst challenging circumstances?  Hardly.  What the sagacious story teller keenly understood is that hope alone is not enough, and escapism can be deadly.  As the Sun transits the boundless fire sign of the Centaur in 2010, Mercury and Mars will venture into sober Capricorn where they join regenerative Pluto, and Venus, newly direct, will work her way through truthful and transformational Scorpio. Unorthodox Uranus will emerge from its retrograde slumber, and to make sure that we don't overlook important details, Mercury will begin another retrograde.  In short, this Sagittarius cycle will point the way forward while teaching us how to balance our aspirations with work, integrity and reality.

        Some forms of oppression, like the beatings given to the matchstick girl by her father, are obvious.  Most however work on much subtler levels.  It is often said that it is easy to know what we are against, but the greater challenge lies in knowing what we are for.  Upon that tiny axis lies an entire paradigm shift.  When we begin to change our focus from what is wrong to what we want, that old Sag magic begins working.  Affable, philosophical and kind, Sagittarius's ultimate aim is freedom, ours.  Upon its archer's arrow our consciousness soars into the heavens, expanding our field of awareness and showing us what possibilities lie on the horizon.  From this exalted view we begin to see the opportunities gleaming before us.

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on
    When the 2010 Sagittarius Sun cycle begins on November 22nd, Mercury and Mars will already be basking in the effervescent, expansive energies of this enthusiastic sign.  Buoyed by recent forward motion from Venus and Jupiter, our spirits should be on the upswing.  However, on November 30th Mercury will head into hardworking and practical Capricorn, followed by Mars on December 7th.  Mercury helps us think and communicate clearly and Mars represents how we pursue what we want.  With both in the conservative earth sign of Capricorn, those Sagittarius dreams and visions will not be immune the laws of gravity.  An especially potent dose of the goat's milk is available on December 13th when Mercury and Mars meet up with the planet of ultimate truth and power, Pluto. That triple conjunction is an excellent occasion for seeding long range goals.

        To prevent any Capricorn pessimism or drudgery from spoiling Sagittarius's party however, erratic, rule-breaking Uranus turns direct on December 6th.  With increasing velocity, Uranus will do what it does best, shake things up.  Though it is traveling through peaceful Pisces, its rebellious influence will charge the air with excitement. Between it and a Sun still shining brightly in lively Sagittarius, optimism, all be it the cautious kind, will prevail.  To further keep the ideas fresh and our momentum strong, Mercury will slip out of serious Capricorn on December 18th for a dip back into adventurous Sagittarius.  Its retrograde will be in effect from December 10th through 30th.  So as the Sun's journey through Sagittarius exposes new frontiers, Mercury's dance between industrious Capricorn and exuberant Sagittarius will help us distinguish between fact and fantasy.

        Since early October the personal planets (Mercury, Mars, Venus and the Sun) have been traversing the dark, truthful waters of Scorpio, and Venus will continue her detective work in Scorpio until January 7th. The truths about our lives churned up during these transits are typically the unpleasant variety.  For example the report from the Presidential commission on the magnitude of the U.S. budget deficit and the hard choices ahead to fix it recently emerged.  So as this Sagittarius cycle dawns, we find ourselves not so unlike our newly elected Congressmen and women.  Largely put into office to oust the government, they now awake to find that they are the government.  So it is true for us. The reins of responsibility and power rest firmly in our hands.  This Sagittarius cycle, with its shot of Capricorn pragmatism, can still reinvigorate our spirits, encourage us to blaze new trails and light our way to liberty.  Aim high!

Elizabeth join's C.A. Brooks on "Simple Tales" next on the Winter Solstice, December 21st on 


Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Celestial Note
Mercury Retrograde: December 10th - 30th

Shortages on the hottest tech toys, long lines in stores, packages getting lost in the mail and flight delays?  OK, well, that's nothing new during the holidays.  That being said, the usual suspects will be packing an extra wallop this year.  That's because the Trickster of the zodiac, Mercury, will be retrograde during crunch time for shopping, shipping and travel.  My advice?  Show now, travel later.

OK, it's terribly late as I put this edition, and myself, to bed.  Please forgive any grammatical errors.  Late nights and proof reading don't mix well.  Otherwise, thank you very, very much for subscribing.  
With love,

Message from the Oracle
Imperial Topaz



Golden Topaz is here to recharge your batteries, boost your spirits and help you manifest your dreams.  The bright energies of this crystal offer you healing on a cellular level as they shower you with optimism and confidence.  Revitalized and brimming with radiance, you can attain your desires with joy and an open heart.  Soak up Topaz's golden rays.


Cosmic Community
Time for  a 2011 calendar
If I could send a gigantic cyber hug, it would go out across the waves to artist Robyn Nola.  The light and beauty she continues to channel through her artwork are uplifting and inspirational. 

Her 2011 calendar was co-created with Hay House author and radio host John Holland and is now available through her site.  I am proud to feature her work here again and invite you to check out more of her art.  Here's to a new year filled with healing in every day.,
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
Netflix Pix

  Cinderella Man
    "Cinderella Man" makes my Netflix Pix list because it contains two irresistible ingredients, Ron Howard's talent and a story of triumph.  The other thing about this film that takes me by the heart is that it is set in Great Depression.  It's not hard to look around and understand why that generation needed a hero and why we need reminders of courage and our ability to overcome great obstacles. 

Maybe I'm becoming a sentimental old bat, but Ron Howard's work seems to become more important to me in time.  Is it just my take, or is there a brilliant streak of patriotism blazing through his work?  It's not jingoism; his award-winning "Frost Nixon" takes an unflinching look at our nation's shadow, in the form of the late President.  Yet even that dark chapter showed that our institutions are much larger than the weak custodians who temporarily inhabit them.  And films like "Apollo 13," "A Beautiful Mind" and "Cinderella Man" positively celebrate our ingenuity, resilience and moments of glory.  They are wonderful reminders of human capacity.  The outcome of this one, the story of a laid off worker turned boxer who gets the chance to compete with champion Max Baer, is pretty obvious.  Still, "Cinderella Man" is a cinematic journey very well worth taking.

Elizabeth on Twitter 



For a Reading with Elizabeth
"This guide is brilliant, clear, consistent, and available to work with the most mundane and the most profound. She is always positive, gracious, and welcoming. I will work with her for a long time to come. Her reflections are on target, spiritually sound, and here to help me grow through the gifts and challenges of my life. The finest!"

Melissa M.
 November 2010

Elizabeth's Blog


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12 Days of Giving!
December 1st-12th

It's give back time!  I know that I promised to run more contests in 2010.  This year has been a busy one, but not too busy to make good on my word.  So I'm very pleased to announce the return of my annual 12 Days of Giving promotion.  From December 1st through 12th, I'll be giving out prizes each day.  From 12 free minutes toward a reading, to cool divination apps, to Light Resonance Healing sessions, to astrology reports and lots more, I'll announce each day's prize(s) in the morning on Twitter.  To enter, all you have to do is have a reading of five paid minutes or longer with me at  At the end of the day I'll draw the winner(s) from only that day's readings and award daily prizes.  Lucky Jupiter is now direct, so come have a reading for your chance to win.