Sun into Gemini: Prometheus' Flames Burning Brightly

Published: Wed, 05/19/10

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Sun into Gemini 2010 Edition



Welcome to the Sun into Gemini edition of Elizabeth's Oracle.  I am just delighted to connect with you.  Thank you again for subscribing.  Two of the biggest astrological alignments we've had in centuries are lining up this solar cycle, and this month's article describes the first one, the T-square, in detail.  Next month we'll cover the next one, the Grand Cross.

In terms of announcements, every 3rd Tuesday of the month, I'm joining astrologer CA Brooks on her show "Simpletales" at 11 A.M. PST on to give you the latest on the planets.  Next Wednesday, May 26th, I'll be joining 12Angel host Audra Garcia on the "12Family Hour" at 9 A.M. PST on 12Radio.  This will be a live show, which should be lots of fun, so I sincerely hope that you will join us.  Lastly, because the specials at 12Listen are usually decided after my newsletter goes out, I have devoted a regular spot on my website to list each month's upcoming specials.  You can check that out at anytime to find out when to get a great deal on your next reading.   Now let's get to this month's feature story. 

Sun into Gemini 2010: Prometheus' Flames Burning Brightly

Conventional wisdom in astrology asserts that the mutable signs are the subdued ones, those gentle, affable energies responsible for finishing up their respective seasons. For example, Sagittarius closes the autumn, Pisces winds down the winter, and so forth. To say the least, 2010 is a year when convention is being turned on its head. While the 2010 Sun through Gemini cycle brings spring to its annual conclusion, in keeping with the revolutionary sentiment abuzz on the airwaves, it also ushers in the start of the T-square and sets the stage for the Grand Cross. a series of impressive alignments we have not experienced simultaneously for centuries. So rather than a mild cycle of finishing affairs, major events will just be getting underway during this transit. Gemini's versatility, ability to think on its feet and adaptability are our keys to peacefully maneuvering through the headline-making solar cycle and summer ahead.
To put the upcoming events into context, we need to understand the mechanics of the T-square and to distinguish it from the Grand Cross. Visualize the face of a clock with Saturn in Libra at 9 o'clock, Pluto in Capricorn at 6 o'clock at the bottom and Uranus and Jupiter in Aries at 3 o'clock. This alignment is what astrologers call a T-square. Now add the Sun in Cancer at 12 o'clock to the top of the picture. This is what astrologers call a Grand Cross. In both alignments the planets form oppositions and squares to each other. As the names imply, oppositions and squares are the more contentious angles in astrology. They tend to bring things to a head and force decisions. Note how Saturn opposes Jupiter and Uranus in both charts and how Pluto and the Sun come into opposition in the Grand Cross. In the T-square, Saturn squares Pluto which also squares Jupiter and Uranus. In the Grand Cross, Jupiter and Uranus square the Sun which also squares Saturn. Next, four of these planets, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus, are outer planets, those thought to represent our larger world and collective experiences. Finally, all of the signs involved in both formations are the cardinal ones. These are the zodiac's provocative energies, the instigative energies responsible for starting their respective seasons, Aries spring, Cancer summer, and so on. They set things off so to speak.

But the Sun isn't in Cancer you astutely note; it's at 11 o'clock or Gemini. Yes, on May 20th at 8:34 P.M. PST it moves there, but by the summer solstice of June 21st, it arrives in Cancer. For those of you paying even closer attention to your astrology these days, you'll likely also note that Saturn is also presently not in this exact alignment because it has retrograded back into late degrees of Virgo, to about 8:54 on our clock. Correct you are. But on May 31st, the planet ruling lessons, structure and discipline turns direct and sets its course for Libra where it will arrive on July 21st. As the Gemini solar cycle begins indeed Jupiter and Uranus are spending their last days in dreamy Pisces, at about 2:58. However, on the full moon of May 27th wired, rule-breaking Uranus heads into the aggressive, fire sign Aries, and expansive Jupiter follows suit on June 6th and also heads into the feisty energies of the sign of the Warrior. What is important here is that these planets are traveling in very close degrees in their respective signs, thus creating more precision and intensity in the T-square and Grand Cross. It is also worth noting that on the full moon of June 26th the moon will join Pluto in the cardinal sign of Capricorn, strengthening that Cross on the day of an eclipse.

To get some insight into how the T-square, which will last into late 2012, might play out, we can look at the history of some of the transits involved, such as Pluto in Capricorn. The last time the planet of destruction and transformation traveled through the sign that rules governments and institutions was 1762-1778, when the American Revolution brought the beginning of the end of monarchy as the world's ruling "system." The previous Pluto Capricorn transit was from 1516-1532. In 1510 Martin Luther traveled to Rome where he witnessed the extent of the corruption, including the sale of Indulgences, of the then almighty Roman Catholic Church. Determined to change what he saw, one year into this tumultuous transit, in 1517, Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation. Protest and reform are indeed an integral part of the language of Pluto in Capricorn.

The ruling institution most likely to be radically altered this time around, 2008-2023, is the corporation. Current examples of its authority being challenged include the sweeping financial reform bill now in Congress and President Obama's recent decision to better regulate the major oil companies by separating the revenue collection and enforcement powers of the Minerals Management Service. Activist Jamie Oliver has launched a widely embraced "Food Revolution" and Buddhist scholar and Columbia University Professor Robert Thurman an "inner Revolution," and we have one political party relying heavily on imagery from the American Revolution while a growing trend amongst voters is to register as Independents. With this T-square, the already charged political atmosphere will be given extra voltage from electrifying, innovative Uranus moving through pioneering Aries (from May 27, 2010-May 15, 2018). The last time we experienced a Uranus Aries transit was 1927-1934, when it was part of another T-square. It's also interesting to note that during the 1762-1778 Pluto through Capricorn cycle, Uranus transited through confrontational, autonomous Aries from 1760-1768, when the British government passed the Stamp Act and other incendiary legislation that would ultimately lead to the War for Independence. Also, during that Pluto transit, Saturn went through justice-seeking Libra from September 1774 through December 1776, during which time the American Declaration of Independence was signed. What is significantly different in the summer of 2010 is that all three of these major transits will occur simultaneously, from July 21st - August 13th, they will be very close in degree to one another, and Jupiter will be adding its magnifying energy to the mix as it travels along side Uranus. The two are in fact conjunct (at the same exact spot) on June 8th.

The sign of journalism, travel and international commerce, Gemini will have a keen eye on global events. International affairs in the spotlight while the Sun moves through the sign of the Twins include the World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa, the escalating push of the U.S. military into the major urban front of Kandahar, Afghanistan, the European financial crisis and activity at the Federal Reserve. While we in America are inclined to think of the Fed as a domestic entity, its role in global markets is noteworthy. Its chart is set to be heavily impacted by the coming T-square and Grand Cross, and on June 3rd and 21st we may get a glimpse into what's ahead. I'll be writing more about the charts of the Fed and Cancer born U.S. next month in the Sun through Cancer/Grand Cross edition of this series.

While 2010 may or may not be the official "dawning of the Age of Aquarius," a dramatic and transformational time is clearly upon us. Remembering the legend behind the namesake sign of this New Age, the story of Prometheus, can serve and inspire us. From Mark Husson's "Lovescopes"

"One of the ways Zeus maintained power over the mortals was to keep them in the dark-literally. He forbade anyone on Olympus to teach them how to wield fire. Being one of the brighter gods, Prometheus didn't like the suffering this caused humans, so he brought them this forbidden element, forever changing their existence. Because Prometheus broke the rules, Zeus chained him to the top of a mountain and ordered an eagle to eat out his liver - only for it to re-grow and be eaten day after day."
In times of uncertainty, and in the face of seemingly invisible hands that ravage the earth, loot the financial systems and fund corrupt political systems, what Light, what Fire, will you be in the world?
Well, that's it from here this month.  Thank you so much for your love and support.  I wish you love and Light in the days ahead.

With gratitude,

Message from the Oracle
Celestite - offers you a link to Angelic Realms.  The heavenly energies of Celestite bathe you in Angelic Light and aid your consciousness in ascension to ever higher frequencies of Awareness.  You may also work with Celestite to solve complex problems and to strengthen dream recall.

Cosmic Community
Sacred Texts
    You know, sometimes being psychic is still a wonder to me.  About a month ago on a Sunday morning, I woke from a bunch of dreams in which I was repeatedly given the words "Dynamic Thought."  My Guides, knowing that I can be a little lazy, kept asking if I would remember the phrase when I woke up.  "Yes, yes, yes," I agreed in my astral delirium.  When I eventually got up, I went to the computer to Goggle "Dynamic Thought" to see what the heck they were so emphatic about.  What I found astonished me.

    Way back in the 20's a book called "Dynamic Thought" was written.  It's about manifestation and in my view blows "The Secret" away.  Better yet, it's published for free on a site called Sacred Texts.  That site is simply amazing, so I wanted to include it this month.  Sacred texts hosts a vast array of free books spanning the spiritual spectrum.  I hope you find something there that speaks to you.
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
Netflix Pix

Keeping with the Gemini theme, this month's pick is "A Beautiful Mind."  In this complex and moving film, Ron Howard superbly tells the deeply touching story of Nobel-prize-winning mathematician and economist John Forbes Nash, Jr. and his lifelong battle with schizophrenia. Winner of four Oscars, including Best Picture, "A Beautiful Mind" invokes our compassion and reminds us of what is most important in life, love.  And just a side note for the astrologically curious, Nash just happens to be a Gemini.
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For a Reading with Elizabeth
"My recent reading was absolutely fantastic! The reading completely matched what I was picking up with my own intuition and of course the advisor was able to add to it with more insight and messages. I felt so calmed afterward. I will definitely contact them again in future when I need some guidance and direction!     Elizabeth"

Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Astrology Tidbit!

On June 8th Jupiter, newly arrived in Aries, will be conjunct (in exact sync with) Uranus and Mercury will trine Saturn.  This is a lovely day to set a special prayer or affirmation in motion.
Elizabeth's Blog


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