Sun into Virgo 2010: Review, Regroup, Relax

Published: Mon, 08/23/10

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Sun into Virgo 2010 Edition



    Welcome to the Sun into Virgo edition.  Finally, a chance to relax has arrived.  Complete with a Mercury in Virgo retrograde, this restful cycle is an excellent time to recuperate from the Grand Cross and T-Square intensity and to rejuvenate the mind and spirit.  So, without further ado, please enjoy this month's newsletter.

Sun into Virgo 2010: Review, Regroup, Relax


    During a recent visit with astrologer C.A. Brooks on her radio show "Simple Tales" I joked that the best way to send a Virgo over the edge is to put a few soup cans in the cereal section of his/her cupboard.  One Virgo in the chat room instantly commented on just how unsettling that proposition was.  While perhaps amusing to the rest of the zodiac, Virgo's painful and often solitary quest for order is not the clear cut case of OCD this caring and gentle sign often gets the rap for.  Virgo's search for perfection is in actuality born of a deep, sincere and abiding drive to restore harmony in the world.  The constellation Virgo is in fact home to the mythological Goddess Astraea.  She was the last deity to leave earth and its inhabitants as they plunged into their self created darkness of greed, war and competition.  She desperately wanted to help humankind restore the world to a perfect state, and we enter her intricate, detailed realms on Sunday, August 22nd at 10:27 P.M. PST when the Sun enters the mutable earth sign of Virgo.

     Like her fellow mutable sign companions, Virgo closes her respective season and gives us an opportunity to wind down and clean up loose ends.  Closing the tumultuous summer of 2010 is no easy task.  But the Sun will get ample assistance with slowing things down from Mercury retrograding from August 20th through September 12th in Virgo, and wild card wielding Uranus safely recessed back into easy-going Pisces where it will be joined by generous Jupiter on September 9th.  Uranus and Jupiter in flexible Pisces also offer a heavenly counter weight to Virgo tendencies toward excessive control and rigidity.  

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on
       So how exactly does that meticulous Virgo mind work in the real world?  Let's take the common desire of losing weight as an example.  Virgo needs the cold hard facts to formulate her methodical plan.  Translation; get on the scale (and look).  Next assignment; count calories, all of them, for one entire week, no exceptions.  Once Virgo has calculated your average daily caloric intake, she will logically conclude that if you want to lose one pound per week, you will need to deduct precisely 500 calories per day from your diet, no cheating.  Aries would likely suggest an intense crash diet to instantly shed the unwanted pounds and Leo is likely to opt for those pills that lose the weight for her while she sleeps.  Both would make a run for the nearest plastic surgeon.  Virgo patiently insists that small consistent steps toward life's objectives are much healthier and more sustainable and effective in the long run. Her devotion to service and concern for health also strongly advocate a realistic exercise plan, 3-5 days per week.  Fortunately In 2010, Virgo's rules and regulations are sweetly counter balanced by Uranus and then Jupiter in adaptable Pisces.  Translation; you get to eat whatever you want with your calorie allowance and you get to pick the day, different ones every week if you please, for any exercises you enjoy.   

    It is worth noting here that all of 2010's Mercury retrogrades have been in those grounded and practical earth signs.  The earth signs help us put ideas and feelings into form. The support offered via Mercury's current retrograde in Virgo will be reinforced by Pluto in earthy, disciplined Capricorn which forms favorable trines to Mercury and the Sun. Whether the goal is weight loss, debt elimination or improving one's business, this Mercury through Virgo transit provides an ideal climate for uncanny analysis, synthesis and planning.  So if a long forgotten New Year's resolution fell hopelessly off the wagon sometime earlier this year, this cycle can help you get things in order and back on track. 

    As the saying goes, "No one likes a critic."
No one likes a cheapskate either.  For that matter, an overzealous neat freak can be downright disturbing.  So how does Virgo overcome her astrological reputation?  She learns to accept life's unavoidable chaos, inherent messiness and inevitable unpredictability.  In short, she surrenders to element of mystery.  Life's greatest experiences cannot be defined purely by fact, comprehended by the rational mind, nor fully articulated by words alone.  In her enlightened state, Virgo reveres the unseen, the intangible and the unexplainable, and she warmly welcomes them in to rattle her otherwise orderly world.  In 2010, oppositions to the Sun and Mercury in Virgo by rebellious Uranus and jubilant Jupiter in unfathomable Pisces, encourage even the most persnickety Virgo to enthusiastically embrace the unknown.  Because that, is where life happens.

Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Celestial Note
It's About the Bad Eggs

   Credit Virgo's quest to analyze, question and restore order; my bet for the issue of the retrograde is food safely.  As you likely have heard, nearly a half a billion eggs are feared to be contaminated, and to date over 1,300 illnesses have been linked to these tainted eggs.  Pardon the pun, but our chickens have come home to roost. The implications of this incident are astonishing.  How far have these eggs gotten into the food chain that we all share?  Schools? Fast food chains? Frozen food manufacturers?  Virgo will want all of the facts. Like with Gulf oil spill, which began at the start of the last Mercury retrograde, through earth sign Taurus, we are clearly being presented with a situation that illustrates the failures of our current system and we are being given the opportunity to change course.  This is also the handy work of Pluto in Capricorn who is busy transforming our unsustainable business practices and institutions.

    In both cases, we see clearly how the corruption of a few can endanger the well-being of many. This time, food executive Austin "Jack" DeCoster, who has been cited for numerous health, safety and employment violations over the years, finds himself in the hot seat.  While shocking and appalling, this incident gives us the chance to reexamine our current agri-business friendly model of food production and distribution and to restructure a system in which power is so disproportionally and perilously concentrated.  My hope it that the great egg recall of 2010, initiated on August 13th, the day Uranus headed back into Spiritually-minded Pisces, will inspire public demand for safe food.  Please excuse my editorializing here, but you know my favorite telephone number? 202.456.1111. Tell the White House what you want!
Well that wraps it up for this edition.  I hope that you have enjoyed it and that your retrograde is a productive one.  Thank you as always for subscribing! 
With gratitude,

Message from the Oracle
Amber - bright, sunny energy is here to assist you in manifesting your heart's desires. Amber rebalances your Being and restores optimism. Work with Amber's smiling, golden energies to bring your vision into reality.

The combination of subdued Virgo and Pisces energies coming in can cause a sense of inertia to set in.  Amber reminds us to keep an optimistic disposition and to let those bright Leo rays of sunshine linger just a little longer.  After all, this is still the summertime.  So remember to view whatever information the current Mercury retrograde brings to light with hope and inspiration.  For whatever surfaces can be improved and changed for the best.


Cosmic Community
Oliver's Affirmative Power Blessing

  In addition to ably assuming his duties as 12Radio Network Director Oliver Guttorm Svendsen gives an affirmative blessing like no one I know.  This man's dedication to his co-workers and clients sets the standard and then exceeds it.  If you are looking for results for your intentions and aspirations, check out Oliver's Affirmative Power Blessing. I can tell from experience, his loving and empowering technique works wonders.  Virgo is one of the earth signs that helps us all with manifesting our desires.  Let Oliver help you bring yours to life.
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
Netflix Pix

 The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers
     Man, if you are looking for a film that will intrigue and enthrall every planet you have in Virgo, "The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers" is for you. As fate would have it, I watched this movie the night before the story about Wikileaks broke. Coincidence?

    For those for whom the details of the Vietnam War era are fuzzy at best, this is a great primer.  The story told in this fascinating documentary, shows how profoundly the politics of this time rocked the foundations of our system to their core.

     For the Virgo mind, the implications of Mr. Ellsberg's actions are downright riveting.  From essential First Amendment issues like freedom of the press, to its impact on Watergate, to the import of his generation's willingness to question the government's credibility and authority, the magnitude of the release of the Pentagon Papers still reverberates.  For those interested in modern history and political activism, "The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers" is a must see movie.  Did I mention that this is just the best movie you could ever give a politically-minded Virgo?

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