Sun into Leo: Got Lemonade?

Published: Wed, 07/21/10

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Sun into Leo 2010 Edition



    Welcome to the Sun into Leo edition.  I hope that your summer is going really well and that the changes taking place in your life are happy and positive ones.  We've made it through most of the intensity of this summer's historic Grand Cross and T-Square, but there are still a few more weeks with strong aspects ahead.  Not to worry though, the Leo cycle begins on July 22nd, and that means that the Cosmic source of courage and enthusiasm is on tap and celebration is in the air.
          The Leo party officially starts at 3:21 P.M. PST on Thursday when the Sun enters this fixed fire sign.  At and 12Angel we're hosting a sale-a-bration featuring 6 hours of reduced prices on readings.  Btw, I'm sending a complimentary three month transit report with all readings of ten minutes or longer throughout July.  Next, at 7 P.M. PST on the 22nd, the revelry moves over to the "Stonestreet Cafe" on where I'll be joining accomplished astrologer Julia Stonestreet Smith to ring in the Leo cycle and talk about those planets.

     Then on Wednesday, August 4th at 9 A.M. PST, we'll keep the feline festivities rolling when I visit with my delightful, dedicated and talented colleague Katt.  Her radio show is called "Katt on a Mission" and we'll be giving live readings as well as talking about our intuitive work and the planetary happenings.  Lions are known to roar, and so it is with this cycle as the momentum will continue through to my regular guest spot with astrologer CA Brooks on her show "Simple Tales."  On Tuesday, August 17th at 11 A.M. PST we'll be taking things to the next level by going live.  With this exciting new format, we'll be reading charts, taking your calls and sharing our love and knowledge of astrology with you.  I truly hope that you will join me for any or all of these three very special appearances.

    Now let's take a thorough look at what's in-store during 2010's Leo cycle! 

Sun into Leo 2010: Got Lemonade?


    Several days into the average heat wave, many a withering spirit desperately searches for news of an impending cooling trend.  During 2010's massive T-Square and Grand Cross, many of those with strong Cardinal sign placements in their charts are similarly seeking refuge from the intense Cosmic action.  Then there are those Souls who love the heat, those oddballs who thrive in its infernal ferocity.  No matter your preference, this year's solar journey through the spirited fire sign of Leo is going to be a scorcher.  Cooler winds will begin to prevail by the time it winds down on August 23rd.  In the meantime, a July 25th full moon is set amongst more massive squares and oppositions, Mars and Venus will add more fuel to the T-Square by joining Saturn in Libra, and a Mercury retrograde starts on August 20th.  If ever a sign was invented to cheer us all up and on to the completion of this celestial marathon, it is Leo.  The Sun arrives in the effervescent, magnanimous sign of the lion at 3:21 P.M. PST on July 22nd.

    Gallant, confident and boundlessly enthusiastic, Leo loves to lead, inspire and perform for others.  To earn their adulation, this fixed sign is ever willing to roll up his sleeves and work hard for those coveted applause.  His natural tendency toward extroversion, seemingly endless supply of creativity and passion, and lion-sized heart make Leo a magnet for those seeking encouragement and optimism.  And generosity?  Leo has learned that the true gift of his wealth lies in his ability to share his riches with others.  With the sky heating up, in 2010 Leo is in fact on a singular mission to turn every lemon in the Kingdom into ice-cold, thirst-quenching lemonade.  Given the Cosmic forecast, sitting down and sharing a glass with this regal creature might be just the recipe for getting through the dog days ahead.  After all, the King of the Jungle knows a thing or two about conquering beasts and living sovereignly.



    On July 21st, Saturn moves back into Libra thus reenergizing the T-Square by forming a more precise square to Pluto in Capricorn and closer oppositions to Uranus and Jupiter in Aries.  Remember that Pluto is already simultaneously squaring Uranus and Jupiter.  On July 25th indeed the square between Pluto and Jupiter will be exact, recurring on August 3rd.  Also on July 25th, the moon will be full in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, and on July 26th the next Saturn Uranus opposition will be exact.  Squares and oppositions bring matters to the fore and tensions to a head, and all the planets involved in these are in the provocative Cardinal signs.  Under such challenging aspects, what's a glamourous, pampered and pleasure seeking sign like Leo to do?  That's simple; he dawns his designer shades and views it all through those famous Leo-tinted glasses. 
    For example, while some will claim that the Pluto Jupiter square is a clash of conflicting values with Pluto in stern Capricorn imposing the rules while exuberant Jupiter in Aries wants to run amok.  Leo sees this as a winning combination for life's go-getters.  Capricorn builds stamina and Aries just can't say no to taking action.  To Leo, the 25th is a fabulous time to launch an exciting, long term venture.  On July 29th Mars, the Warrior, will join Saturn in Libra.  With Mars' infamous battle-lust and Saturn's reputation for restrictions, some fear these two in league.  Leo agrees with astrologer Sue Tompkins who maintains that this pair teaches us how to balance fear with courage, assertiveness with control and impulse with discipline.  With the two sitting under heavenly arbitrator Libra's watchful eye, the potential for conflict resolution is even greater.  And really, who wouldn't want to master this stuff?  On August 7th Venus arrives home to join these two, bringing her quest for beauty to the affair. 

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on
  Then there's that pesky Mercury retrograde sitting at end of this cycle ready to roll on August 20th.  Mercury will be in discerning Virgo, the meticulous sign that the Sun will travel through for most of this retrograde.  The perfect opportunity to review details says Leo.  Moreover Leo asserts, by then Uranus will have already ducked back into peaceful, dreamy Pisces (on August 13th) where it will be followed by Jupiter on September 9th.  This is a great chance to rest, relax and let the our intuition mingle with those newly discovered facts.  For somewhere between the two, along that Virgo Pisces axis, lies a solution to one of life's persistent questions or problems.  Ah, a golden opportunity to rejuvenate reasons Leo.  With that, his official royal proclamation is announced:

    "Spa time! Leo-tinted glasses and lemonade for all!"

Elizabeth's Oracle Subscriber-Only Celestial Note
Warning: Mercury Retrograde Ahead

By the end of this Leo cycle we'll be at the beginning of the next Mercury retrograde which begins on August 20th.  In 2010, all three of the Mercury retrogrades take place while Mercury and the Sun are in the earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.  This can give a very physical expression to this transit.  During the last one of April 18th through May 11th, for example, the Gulf Oil spill occurred and some 68,000 flights were canceled due to the eruption of a volcano.  Now, you know I'm not one to predict global catastrophes.  Sunny Leos just don't go around doing that sort of thing.  What I would recommend, however, is that you get your tech shopping and traveling in before August 20th and after September 12th.  Mercury influences technology and travel, so there you have it, a cosmic excuse to spend now!

Well that wraps it up for this edition.  I hope that you have enjoyed it.  Thank you as always for subscribing!  I appreciate your support more than words can say.
With gratitude,

Message from the Oracle
Carnelian - the artist's stone, is here to assist you with inspiration and creativity.  Dispelling fear, envy and rage, Carnelian restores the link between you and the Divine so that all that flows through you is loving and joyful. Let Carnelian help you express the Light you are.


Cosmic Community
Evolutionary Leaders 

  You've probably already heard about the  "Gulf Call to Sacred Action," and you may have even been one of the 9,000 people on any one of the three conference calls hosted by this group.  In any case, the work being done here is indeed noteworthy.  Some of self-development movement's biggest names recently joined forces to hold collective intention to positively impact the Gulf oil spill.  And guess what?  Over the course of their conference calls, things began to improve.  While I'll certainly leave it up to you to come to your own conclusions as to the possibility of cause and effect here, after listening through the various calls, I found lots of interesting information on them.  I also really enjoyed hearing the thoughts and ideas about our global condition expressed by folks like Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Braden and Joan Borysenko.  Other renowned speakers included Deepak Chopra, Reverend Michael Beckwith and Debbie Ford.  I'll likely be looking into more of Lynne McTaggart's research on collect thought.  For now, it is heartening to see people in our community coming together and using their gifts to help others and the planet.  I hope that you find something useful and inspiring in their work.
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
Netflix Pix

Ok, if we are going to celebrate drama, there's no sign that does it better than Leo and no better Dramatist than the bard Himself, William Shakespeare.  We could get into the documentaries that question whether or not he was the sole author of some of literature's finest works, but let's wait for the conspiratorial Scorpio cycle to do that.  For now, it's enough to be awed by striking insight the playwright had into the human mind, and its frailties in this case, and the brilliance and timelessness of his work.  

As someone who has watched both traditional British and embellished Hollywood productions of Shakespeare's work, I find this telling of Othello a nice balance.  The sets and settings change without becoming distractions while they effectively support the plot.  As this tragic tale unfolds we are caught in its terrible grip by the compelling performances of the actors and Shakespeare's masterful and mesmerizing use of the English language.   

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