Sun into Aquarius - You Say You Want a Revolution, Well...

Published: Mon, 01/18/10

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Welcome to the Sun into Aquarius 2010!
Wow, has this past month flown by.  I can hardly believe that I'm already writing this first newsletter of 2010.  I sincerely hope that this new year is off to a good start for you.  As you may have read in the various astrology columns, it is going to be a year filled with some exceptionally strong activity between the large outer planets. Those planets are the ones that can help us reshape our lives in major ways.  As I look ahead personally, I can see where these forces are already lining up for big shifts this year. Helping me, and I hope you, remain centered throughout the changes of 2010 will be a very special series of presentations I'm giving with my dear friend and workmate Chris Donovan at 12Academy.
We have decided to journey through the Celtic wheel in 2010.  The eight points of the Celtic cycle are the Solstices, Equinoxes and cross-quarter points in between them.   At a time when so much change abounds in the outer world, it's very comforting to me to have this structure that is not tied to geography, income or any other form of self-identification.  All of those are subject to change.  It is in Spirit where I find abiding Truth and peace, and each of these energy points are places to align with that Source of Light and Wisdom.  The other aspect of this series that is deeply meaningful to me is that it is the first time that I'll be bringing music directly into my metaphysical practice, as I will be playing the harp live for each of Chris' guided meditations.  The harp is such an extraordinarily healing instrument and one so capable of transporting us into other realms.  On February 1st at 5pm we will host our first class honoring Imbolc.  Imbolc marks the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, and it is the first of the three fire festivals of the Celtic year. Chris will present material about Imbolc, its patron Goddess Brigid and Celtic symbology prior to leading a guided meditation.  I'll be accompanying her meditation on the harp.   If this resonates for you, please join us.  As this is a big venture for me, much of this issue is devoted to the endeavor.  Thank you as always for being part of the experience.  Now for the planetary happenings.
Sun into Aquarious 2010: You Say You Want a Revolution, well...

"You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world"
                John Lennon

    In a seeming call to arms, the first volley of blaring, rapid fire electric guitar chords of the Beatles' "Revolution" jolt us to attention.  True to his brilliant Libra nature, John Lennon instantly dismisses the impulse for radical overthrow characteristic of his counter-culture era by thoughtfully weighing the pros and cons of the various arguments of his day.  The 60's icon's lyric in fact seems to ultimately denounce extremist politics.  The Sun moves into progressive, rebellious Aquarius on January 19th at 8:28pm PST where it is joined by Neptune, Chiron and Venus, also moving through the fixed air sign.  That irrepressible Aquarius urge to change the status quo is in the air again.  With Mars stirring things up close to the January 29th Leo full moon followed on January 31st by the next massive Saturn Pluto square, the energy to drastically alter things is certainly at our disposal.  The song "Revolution" prompts us to both shake things up and to think them through.  With the vast majority of planets spread across the winter axis of the zodiac, it might be a good time to take a page from the sagacious Beatle's songbook.

"You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan"

    On the one hand, Mercury, ruler of our thoughts, and Pluto, our core feelings, are hanging back in conservative, institutional Capricorn. Any "bright ideas" will have to pass the rigors of critical analysis and inner truth. On the other hand, expansive Jupiter has joined rule-breaking Uranus in dreamy, intuitive Pisces.  We'll want to green light projects that feel right.  Capricorn is the cardinal or first sign of winter and mutable Pisces is the final sign of the season.  Between the two, Venus, Neptune, Chiron and the Sun move through innovative and visionary Aquarius.  There are four fixed signs in astrology, each anchoring the energy of its respective season.  Being one of the three air signs, Aquarius is a lightening rod for futuristic ideas.  Nonetheless, it is firmly rooted in winter's midst. It's this fixed quality that gives Aquarius the stability to realize its visions.  Susan B. Anthony, Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were Aquarians.  Visionaries of their times, their contributions to humankind are excellent examples of that Aquarius combination of brilliance and resolve. This winter has one other major player insisting on cautious progress and humming along to the Lennon classic, Mars.

"You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead"

    The planet of War and desire went retrograde in fixed fire sign Leo on December 20th and will not be going direct until March 10th.  He'll just be getting into forward motion as the Spring Equinox arrives and we collectively spring forward.  On January 26th Mars opposes Venus and on January 29th he opposes the Sun. What makes these oppositions a little more tense than usual is that they occur so close to the full moon in Leo on the 29th and against the backdrop of this cycle's most formidable activity, the next Saturn square to Pluto.  The two planetary heavyweights meet again on January 31st.  

    In its lower vibration Aquarius rebels for rebellion's sake.  It upsets the apple cart for the shock value.  In this context, the quest to be different is self-defeating.  As these planetary energies intensify, we may want to ask ourselves some of the following questions.  To what end is our inner call for revolution?  What machine are we raging against exactly?  And why?  Most importantly, how would we like to see things change?  With the Sun, our Will, loving Venus, relationships, dreamy Neptune, our capacity for compassion, and healing Chiron, our chance to improve things, in electrifying Aquarius, this sign's most lofty ambition and ultimate purpose, freedom, is within grasp.

    The winter of 2009-10 has been delivered with one Cosmic foot on the gas and the other on the brakes.  Aquarius asks us to look down the road and to ask ourselves where we want to go and what will give us the greatest sense of freedom in that not-so-distant place.  With that destination mapped out internally, the directions and decisions on the path ahead become much clearer.  Note the issues that arise around this full moon and Saturn Pluto square because similar energies will reappear on July 26th.  In addition to Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus and Jupiter will have moved into Aries, thus forming some extremely provocative angles between large, outer planets.  Major transformation is indeed possible in 2010.  With Venus, Neptune, the Sun, Chiron and Mercury after February 10th in the sign of the future, now is the time to envision it.  As Lennon sweetly assures us,  

"Don't you know it's gonna be all right
all right, all right"

Reading Special -$2.99/minute
for live chat readings
Available through January 31, 2010
We're beta testing our new chat service and welcome you to a new kind of online reading.  Click here to try our new service.

So there you have it, one more full month of allowing the answers to reveal themselves and a little more time for moving at a more measured pace.  
With blessings and peace,
New Message from Elizabeth's Oracle
Patience - This situation is here to teach you the virtue and gift of patience. Allow all to unfold in peace and faith.
Now that's funny!  I went to my Oracle just the other day and drew this same message.  Well, with Mars retrograde until March 10th, making friends with patience is probably a great idea.  If you read the feature article here on what the planets are up to, this will make even more sense.   
Cosmic Community  

This month I'm celebrating all of our friends in radio who are so generously supporting our Celtic Journey workshop.  THANK YOU!!!!!
"Consciously Creating with Laura and Kelly" at on Tuesdays at noon PST.
Erica Longdon and "Erica's Evocation Hour" also at on Thursdays at 9am PST.
I'll be on these shows on the following days and times.
Monday, January 18th at 4pm PST on "Metastories" with Karen Kinsey.

Monday, January 25th at 5pm PST on "MeditationCircle" with Kristina Walsh on Blogtalkradio. Please tune in!!

Aquarius Contest 
Win a scholarship to our Imbolc Presentation!
Drawing will be held on January 30th! If you are subscribed to this email list, you're eligible for this and all contests.  To register for the class, please click here.  
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment

Netflix Pix

October Sky

This is one of those movies that can hit you on so many levels, especially if you enjoy pondering the question of Free Will vs. Fate.  How much of what happens in our lives is meant to be and how much is caused by our effort?  Large metaphysical questions aside, you don't need to wax philosophical to thoroughly appreciate this film.  Set in 1957, "October Sky" is based on the real life story of teen-ager Homer Hickam then living in a West Virginia coal mining town who dreams of becoming a rocket scientist.  With space travel at the story's core, this movie does a wonderful job of reminding us our human potential.  

For a reading


"Elizabeth is right on! She told me I would get a job after I took a big trip. And sure enough a month long trip fell in my lap and the day after I got back from my trip I had an interview and was hired a week later!! She couldn't have been more right!!"
Marissa - January 2010

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