Sun into Pisces: Ready, Aim, Meditate

Published: Wed, 02/17/10

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Sun into Pisces 2010 Edition
Welcome to the Sun into Pisces edition of Elizabeth's Oracle.  This cycle will see Mars turn direct and carry us to the beginning of Spring, but not before offering us some Pisces reflection and insight.  Creative pursuits are likely to be your best sources of inspiration and enjoyment during this last month of Winter and the astrological year. 
Speaking of astrology, please mark March 16th on your calendar.  It is the day I will join Mark Husson over at Hay House Radio as his guest on the Power Peek Hour.  This is a huge honor and privilege, and we will be celebrating Mars' forward movement and talking about Aries.  I sincerely hope that you will join us for the fun and astrology.  Before that, please enjoy this month's feature article. 
    Sun into Pisces 2010: Ready, Aim, Meditate

    On February 18th at 10:36 A.M. PST the Sun joins gentle Venus, generous Jupiter and innovative Uranus in dreamy Pisces, with only an Aries moon hinting at the awakening energy that will begin unfolding during this solar cycle.  As the Sun travels through completive Pisces, aggressive Mars will turn direct in fiery Leo and Mercury and Venus will venture into instigative Aries.  This mixture of planets in intuitive, nebulous Pisces and provocative, pioneering Aries walks our psyche's fine line of war and peace and helps us plan and act accordingly.  It also foreshadows some of 2010's most noteworthy planetary activity, the movements of both Jupiter and Uranus into Aries and their returns to Pisces.  

    LIke last month, at the start of this solar cycle we find must of the planets lined up along the winter axis of the zodiac wheel.  Winter is the season of reflection and contemplation and this one has had extra brakes on it with a Mars retrograde that began the day before Winter Solstice.  But unlike when the Sun entered Aquarius or Capricorn, now the majority of these planets are in the season's final sign, Pisces.  Being the last sign of the zodiac as well, Pisces prepares us for Spring and the start of a new astrological year.  Before even the March 20th Spring Equinox arrives, on March 10th Mars will turn direct.  In fellow fire sign Leo, it will be poised to fuel the fervor of the planets in and bound for Aries, Venus on March 7th, Mercury on March 17th and the Sun on March 20th.  

    Ruled by the planet of insight and illusion Neptune, for Pisces life is but a dream.  One of the Yin or inward pulling signs, it is happiest in its serene nether worlds.  Ruled by passionate Mars, Aries could not be more different.  Not only does the Cardinal fire sign demand that we deal with the real world, it is intent on shaking the whole thing up.  The dance that will unfold during this cycle between the fish and ram is an unusual one.  We all want the peace and bliss found in mutable Pisces' idyllic waters.  Yet inertia is not an option, nor would we really want it to be.  

    The most dramatic example of these energies in action during this cycle is the War in Afghanistan.  For years the Taliban regularly shot and beheaded women publicly to demonstrate its unchallenged and brutal authority.  At the same time it also operated terrorist training camps with impunity.  Before 9/11, only the voices of women's rights activists, and a few military hawks, called for intervention.  Pisces teaches us compassion for the innocent and the weak, and Aries understands the imperative to act.  Presently, the battle of Marjah, a fight that may well come to be regarded as the Normandy of the Afghanistan War, is underway as the planets awaken from the Pisces dreamland and shift into the Warrior energies of Aries and Mars moving forward in Leo, a fire sign revered for its leadership and courage.

    In its lower vibration, Pisces is spaced out, uncommitted and unreliable.  In its lower forms, Aries is selfish, grossly insensitive and recklessly impulsive.  But in combination in their higher degrees, Pisces' imagination, empathy and quest for Oneness complement Aries' decisiveness, boldness and fearlessness.  We can see how together these energies may well win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people, and the War.  

    From May 27 through August 13 Uranus will enter Aries.  A few days later, on June 6th, Jupiter will also enter Aries where it will stay until September 9th.  Both will ultimately retreat into Pisces before entering Aries for good in 2011.  The window they create this summer is an outstanding one for trying out new projects, paths and ideas.  With both heavyweights returning to Pisces for the long Autumn, there will be plenty of time to refine these ventures. It will be interesting to see how these aspects play out on the international stage.  

    More immediately, in our own lives, while the Sun moves through Pisces, we have a little more time to prepare for the big opportunities ahead.  Still, during this solar transit, some of the important doors are very likely to begin opening.  Gleaning some reflective Pisces wisdom now may well serve our big picture plans.  Some exquisite points of Pisces guidance include the February 28th full moon in analytical Virgo and the March 15th Pisces new moon when Mercury will be conjunct Uranus.  Don't expect the solutions to come by thinking your way through the issues or problems, however.  Under these influences, you're much more likely to have your a-ha moment when delving into a pool of creativity, such as writing, painting or playing music.  For it is only deep in those unfathomable Neptunian depths that Pisces yields her prescient pearls.
So there you have almost all of the astrological news.  For those of you kind enough to subscribe to my newsletter, I've decided to add some extra information that is not published elsewhere.  It's my way of saying thank you and of giving you a little something special.  And this month's tidbit is important.  I feel obliged to warn you about one aspect that will go into effect on St. Patrick's Day, Mercury moving into Aries.  If you can't watch what you drink, indeed watch what you say while the talkative planet is hijacked by impulsive and feisty Aries, especially on a day when folks tend to have a wee nip, or two, or three.  But whose counting?  If you're not a drinker, sit back and wait for the drunken dialing to begin.  Just sayin'.  

On another note, St. Patrick's Day is also a reminder of the ongoing peace and reconciliation process in N. Ireland, which has been a huge source of inspiration for me since 1998 when the people there voted for peace.  If you ever feel doubtful about what is possible in terms of solving the world's problems, you only need to connect with this incredible example of global healing.  May the love and blessings of this holiday be with you now and always.
In contest news, the winner of the 12Academy scholarship was Diane of San Diego, CA and the winner of the Love & Light Angel cards and book by Angela McGerr was Lisa of Denver, CO. I'll work on some new prizes when I get a chance!

There's one more item of note.  The beginning of March marks my 3rd anniversary of joining the 12Listen staff and family.  My heart overflows with love and gratitude for all that has happened, the good and the bad, over these three life-changing years.  Thank you Mark Husson for this amazing opportunity, my colleagues for your love and inspirational work and especially you, my clients and readers, who enable me to do work I truly love.   Happy Anniversary! 

And please remember to tune into Hay House Radio the day before St. Pat's to listen to me and Mark Husson on the Power Peek Hour at 9am PST on March 16th.  Thank you as always, for subscribing! Muah!

With love and fairy tales wishes coming true,
Ps: The code I cobbled together for this newsletter is pretty jacked up.  If you are great with html and would be interested and trading for a reading to clean it up, please email me.  Apologies to all if there is any strangeness tin the layout.  I've tested this in both Mac browsers and can only hope it works in Windows. 



Message from the Oracle
Patience - This situation is here to teach you the virtue and gift of patience.  Allow all to unfold in peace and faith.
Yes folks, it is the same message as last month, and it makes me chuckle.  We are of course in the last month of Winter and just aching for that Mars retrograde to end.  And Spirit is insisting that we find peace with the now.  If you find yourself resistant to messages of patience, you have spiritual gold in your hands.  Check out the home page of 12Listen for my "In A Moment Message" because I give some resources for working through impatience.  This Pisces cycle is an excellent one for meditation, and Spirit may just have some important  information to give you before everything heads into Aries and we all get going.
Cosmic Community
Have you tried this app out yet?  It's the Hay House Radio App and  I LOVE this thing!  If you've ever wanted to listen to internet radio, but did not want to be chained to your computer, this is how to do it.  You can listen to all of the great Hay House Radio programming live and in real time anywhere you can take your smart phone or iTouch.  And it's FREE!
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
Netflix Pix
Now that I've finally stopped writing about sports films, until the autumn anyway, I'm on a new cinematic bender, movies about the American Revolution.  Maybe it's my move to a Colonial state last year.  Maybe it's the gravity of the times we live in.  I'm awed by the profound vision, immense courage and fierce determination of the people of this momentous point in history, and I think you will find inspiration in their stories as well.  There are a number of excellent films to tell you about in the coming months and this first one gives a great framework of the period.

"Liberty" is the 1997 PBS series that outlines the era, its major players and events, and gives us the historical context of the time via commentary from scholars and historians.  3 discs containing 6 episodes total, it is of a length appropriate to the subject.  More than facts, figures and famous quotes, this series gives us incredible insight into the lives and sentiments of those caught in this extraordinary moment of history, British, American, Native-American, African-American and Women.  And the soundtrack?  When James Taylor sings "Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier" while the credits roll at the end of each episode, I just cry.  If you want something moving to pass the last of these long Winter night's with, rent "Liberty." 
For a Reading with Elizabeth
"I always love working with Elizabeth!!  She is clear, accurate, and always has such a warm energy to make you feel that no matter what situation you bring to her attention, it's okay!! " 

Rachel, February 2010


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