Sun into Capricorn - Quiet Passion

Published: Sun, 12/20/09

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Welcome to the Sun into Capricorn 2009 Edition!
Happy Winter Solstice!

    It's hard to believe that 2009 is quickly drawing to a close.  For many, its conclusion cannot come fast enough.  For others its been a year of positive change and favorable happenings.  For me, it has felt like living life at a nonstop pace.  With the onset of winter and our annual opportunity to pause, take stock and allow plans for the future to germinate, I feel a great relief.  Possibilities abound and we now have the time to retreat and contemplate them. 

    It's time to think about the year ahead, but not to stress out about it.  No action is required just yet.  As you'll read in the feature article, we have a major pileup of planets in stoic, slow-moving Capricorn and three other planets turning retrograde.  In short, we're at an ideal time for relaxing and planning.  Now let's have a look at the new energies coming in.

Sun into Capricorn - Quiet Passion

In Winter's silence lies the voice of inner truth, beckoning us to calm down, sit still and be quiet long enough to glean its ageless wisdom.  In Winter's stillness lies a dormant world of possibility, one intent on embracing solitude, reflection and rest.  The absent birds will return and the bare tree branches will again flourish, but not now.  This is the time when energy operates on levels so subtle that they are barely perceptible. On December 21st at 9:47am PST the Sun moves into stoic, conservative yet ambitious Capricorn where Pluto, Mercury and the North node are already positioned. This solar cycle will see Venus voyage through this cardinal earth sign, a Mercury retrograde, two eclipses, the onset of a Saturn retrograde and Jupiter's entrance into Pisces.  It sounds action-packed and it is.  The action however, is taking place beneath the surface.  To those focusing on the external world, the inevitable delays inherent in retrograde periods (Mercury, Mars and Saturn) along with Capricorn's cautious pace will feel frustrating and consternating.  To those honoring this Universal offering of time for review and reinvention and the call for measured movement, this cycle will be illuminating and liberating. The key for unlocking this Capricorn cycle's gifts is quiet passion.

    Capricorn is a cardinal sign which means that its purpose is to initiate, to spur us onward.  Capricorn is also the most conservative sign of the zodiac.  The dance of taking action and remaining reserved is a intricate one. In it each step is carefully considered, deliberate and finally animated.  This year five planets will come under pragmatic Capricorn's influence simultaneously, along with the North node (our future direction), so a heavy dose of this impressive energy is at hand.    
    Venus joins the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn on December 25th where she will be in residence until January 18th.  Mercury will begin its retrograde on December 26th and will turn direct on January 15th.  Mercury in grounded Capricorn can help us get ahold of our thoughts when we're being overrun by them or allowing them to take us too far out there.  It is also a tremendous aid for coming up with down to earth solutions and realistic plans for realizing our dreams.  Also assuring us of reliable Guidance during this cycle will be Pluto in Capricorn. 

    Pluto above all else brings a deep abiding truth to all matters.  Think about the energies of the recent Scorpio cycle to recall Pluto's unrelenting intensity.  Pluto in Capricorn offers us the chance to get real about our dreams and aspirations and the ability to completely transform our lives in very concrete, measurable ways. Capricorn offers us the drive and stamina to reach those goals.  To attain that success, this duo demands that we dedicate ourselves to our desires by taking very practical, consistent steps toward them.  Like no other sign Capricorn extolls the virtues and accomplishments of hard work.  With Mars, ruler of passion, recently turning retrograde in Leo, the energies of ambition, drive and desire will only be amplified (see C.A. Brooks' recent articles) during this cycle.  Mars turned inward manifests as resentment, rage and bitterness.  Mars combined with the honesty Pluto in sober Capricorn brings to our lives now can unravel the unpleasantness and get us back on track to enjoying life and reaping its richest rewards. We only need to follow the truth of heart's desire and wisdom and act accordingly.

    Like some sort of Cosmic check and balance, or conspiracy depending on your viewpoint, Saturn, Capricorn's stern ruler, is sitting in Libra 90 degrees away from all things Capricorn.  If we're way off track or trying to get by with shortcuts, fuzzy math or excuses, the challenges will be formidable, disagreeable and unavoidable.  If on the other hand, we are listening to and following our Guidance and doing the work required to achieve our objectives, Saturn's waves will be favorable, supportive and encouraging.  Doors will slowly open  As if to underscore his point, the taskmaster will be begin his retrograde motion on January 13th.

    Adding a little more fuel to this slow burning awakening of our passions will be two eclipses, one on December 31 with the full moon in Cancer and the other on January 14th when the moon will be in Capricorn. Saturn's alignment squares both eclipses, and these eclipses will be in those provocative cardinal signs.  To soften the blows or perhaps to enlighten us as to the spiritual reasons for what's showing up, loving Jupiter enters mystic Pisces on January 18th.  The unspoken language of creativity available throughout Jupiter's sojourn through Pisces offers both retreat and intrinsic guidance.  Delving into otherworldly Piscean realms through dance, music, writing and art may well be the master key to understanding the messages now being transmitted from the Cosmos.  With that esoteric meaning found, the Capricorn conspiracy will help us put it to use and into form. Happy Winter Solstice!


January Special - 

Free 3 Month Transit Report with all Readings

To help you navigate the beginning of 2010, have a reading with me at and receive a free three month transit report.  Your personalized report will detail the upcoming influences and how they pertain to your unique birth details.  All readings of five paid minutes or longer throughout January 2010 qualify.  And remember that for the remainder of December 2009, every lucky 12th caller wins 12 free minutes.  Those have been really fun to give away.  Good luck!

Thank you, as always, for subscribing.  It's absolutely my pleasure to bring this information to you, and to give away prizes each month - especially to those of you who exclaim "I never win anything" upon notification of winning.  I hope that joy, love and light abound in all of your endeavors in 2010.

Happy New Year!

With love,

New Message from Elizabeth's Oracle
Clear Quartz - the Amplifier, is at your service.  Direct its radiant energies to your heart's desire in pure Love, and a Garden of Light will blossom into your life.
What a wonderful message and stone to work with during this time of reflection and preparation as we begin a new year.  Clear Quartz not only aids us with its clearing abilities, but it also links us with Divine Guidance helping us clarify the road ahead. You can work with this crystal to purify space and energy around you and you can align with is loving, supportive vibrations to glean answers and solutions to life's questions. For those able to work with Clear Quartz and newly fallen snow, the information may flow more readily.  Enjoy!    
Cosmic Community  

Seems appropriate for a Mercury retrograde period.  I would like to proudly re-introduce 12Academy.  It is now officially a live site filled with metaphysical classes taught by gifted teachers.  Congratulations to all involved. 
Capricorn Contest 
Win a set of the new Love and Light Cards & Book by Angela McGerr
This is the final deck in Angela's series of Angel cards and we'd like to give these beautiful ethereal cards to one lucky winner. So, on January 21st a winner will be selected from all of the names currently on the Elizabeth's Oracle email list.  If you are on the mailing list, you are automatically entered into all contests.  It's really fun to give away these gifts, so thank you all for your participation and good luck!
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment

Netflix Pix

We Are Marshall
Yes, it's another football film. Yes, I know that this newsletter mainly goes to women, most of whom are not avid sports fans.  But this movie is about so much more.  I really thought I had found the best sports movie with "The Express" and then I watched "We Are Marshall."  For those of you struggling through any major life issues or situations, this is a must-see movie.  For those only needing to be reminded of the courage of the human heart and our ability to persist through devastation long enough to celebrate life again, you have to see this movie.  I want to cry again just writing about it.  Based on the real life story of a plane crash that killed nearly the entire football team of a small West Virginia town, "We Are Marshall" is a testament to resilience. I didn't realize it at the time, but this movie is also such a fitting film for the season of winter.  Funny how the Guides always know what I'm doing, even when I am clueless.


For a reading


"Elizabeth, as always, has left me feeling much "lighter". I feel like I now have tools that will help me take the next right step and the strength to take that step. Speaking with her is like being infused with bright white light and love. " 

Susan, December 2009


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