Sun into Sagittarius - It's About Faith!

Published: Sat, 11/21/09

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Welcome to the Sun into Sagittarius 2009 Edition!
Thank you so much for (re)subscribing, and congratulations on making it through the 2009 Scorpio cycle.  There's nothing like a visit with the Death Crone of Scorpio time for seeding deep and lasting changes I always say.  But wow, it is always an intense journey.  The Cosmos has great Wisdom, and invariably follows Scorpio's deep and dark hours with bright, buoyant Sagittarius.  The warm and friendly fire sign favored by Jupiter and prone to adventure returns on November 21st.  This year's cycle has an extra dose of that Sagittarius magic and faith, and all of the details are in this issue's feature article below.  
In case you haven't heard, the buzzword around work this month is radio. On Monday, November 30th I'll be joining 12Academy meditation instructor Kristina Walsh on her Meditation Circle Radio show at 6pm PST.  We'll be talking about music, sound healing and meditation, and taking your calls.  Please be sure to join us over at BlogTalkRadio for that.

The big news is that our sister site 12Radio has launched!!  If you enjoy listening to music, uplifting interviews and shows about New Age and metaphysical topics, bookmark this site and tune in often.  Many of my colleagues will be hosting shows and Network Director Oliver Guttorm Svendsen has kindly added my new single to the playlist.  I also did an interview with him last week that you can catch when you listen.  Congratulations to all involved and best wishes for great success with this stellar endeavor.
Now let's have a look at the new energies coming in.
Sun into Sagittarius - It's About Faith!

On Saturday, the 21st, the Sun enters irrepressible, inspirational Sagittarius at 8:23pm PST. Like the gleaming dawn after a harrowing night, Sagittarius banishes Scorpio's menacing phantoms and lingering shadows with a hopeful, adventurous outlook. Symbolized by the archer's bow, ever aiming toward a new horizon, Sagittarius wants us to see beyond our current limits, to take chances and to believe that things will always work out for the best. Native Walt Disney was probably Sagittarius' greatest ambassador. Every one of his stories sends the uplifting and comforting message that no matter what the odds or obstacles, for those who are nobel, everything will work out fine in the end. Ruled by expansive, exuberant Jupiter, this friendly mutable fire sign strives to renew that kind of faith in the future. A confluence of planets in fire signs will fuel Sagittarius' excitement in 2009, while large planets in air signs will fan the enthusiastic flames. That Sagittarius sense of possibility is heightened even more by the final alignment of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in visionary Aquarius which will be exact from December 7-21st. Memo from the Universe: it's officially time to lighten up.
In between the dark, intense waters of Scorpio and the conservative energies of Capricorn lies Sagittarius, an annual bright spot just waiting to energize and enliven us. In astrology the water and earth signs are said to exhibit a negative, inward or yin polarity while the air and fire signs are said to have a positive, outgoing or yang polarity. In the ebb and flow of the Cosmos the two polarities follow one another around the astrological wheel. When you think about the outgoing qualities of Aries, Gemini and Leo for example compared to their yin polarity counterparts Taurus, Cancer and Virgo, the positive and negative polarity concept makes sense. In 2009 the inward Scorpio cycle was more intense than usual due to that dramatic square between planetary heavyweights Saturn and Pluto on November 15th. During the upcoming yin Capricorn cycle Mars will have just turned retrograde in Leo on December 20th, Mercury will go retrograde in Capricorn on December 26th and 2009's final solar eclipse will take place on December 31st with a lunar square to Saturn. Those challenging aspects on either side of this year's (yang sign) Sagittarius cycle make it an even more important window of cosmic opportunity than usual. So let's take a look at some specific highlights.
Mars is already in the willful fire sign of Leo heating up our motivation. With the Sun and Mercury now in warm, congenial Sagittarius, instead of brooding Scorpio, Mars' drive finds the fuel its passionate fires demand and he finds that the harsh squares that were zapping him have given way to approving trines. Mercury in Sagittarius until December 5th brightens our thoughts and forms a harmonious sextile to benevolent Jupiter on November 29th. Sweet Venus joins the jubilation when she enters Sagittarius on December 1st, the same day when eccentric Uranus turns direct. All of this tees us up for a lively full moon in Gemini on December 2nd. In between Mars in Leo and the gathering of Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Sag sits Saturn in Libra. Hardly regarded as the Cosmos' party goer, stuffy Saturn in this affable air sign sends favorable winds to the festivities. This cycle's most exalted point however is likely to be the final lineup of generous Jupiter, dreamy Neptune and healing Chiron in the unifying air sign of Aquarius from December 7-21st. The energies generated by this trio are ideal for healing, finding deeper connections with Divine energies and aligning ourselves with greater inner peace. In short, this is a stellar time to meditate.
If you need some help getting your meditation on or if you enjoy meditating with an advanced facilitator, mark December 6th on your calendar. On that night at 12Academy instructor Kristina Walsh will host a meditation specifically designed to help us integrate the energies of this Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron alignment into the Age of Aquarius. Whether you meditate with a group like this one or on your own, what this final alignment, unlike its 2009 predisecors, offers is Sagittarius' buoyant, spirited and optimistic influence. This promising combination of planetary energy is bound to reawaken our sense of wonder and to point us toward our possibilities with a renewed sense of hope. But before setting out on that new course, notice what autumn business is still incomplete. Like all mutable signs, Sagittarius concludes one season and prepares us for the next. This is a good cycle for both tying up loose ends and allowing a vision of the future to form. On Winter Solstice Capricorn will arrive with the energies needed to give our new aspirations structure. For now, enjoy the warmth of the season and glean the insights in those magical Sagittarius dreams.


December Celebration - 

Win A Free 12 Minute Reading!

Throughout December 2009 every 12th caller who has a reading with me at for five (paid) minutes or longer will win 12 Free Minutes!  2009 has been an amazing year for me and I've decided that this will be a fun way to both celebrate the season of giving and to give something back.  The end of the year is a great time to have ahead look into 2010, so I hope to hear from you soon.  You might just be the lucky 12th caller!
And speaking of 12 minute giveaways, some of you may have noticed that I offered four 12 minute packages of free readings to winners of last month's drawing and that only two winners of those packages are listed.  One winner did not want to open a Click4Advisor account and the other never responded.  So I just decided to roll those two remaining 12 minute packages into the aforementioned promotion. That should be a good reminder to add to your address book as some of those winning notices may have wound up in the spam box.
One final and happy announcement, on the full moon of December 2nd, I have the distinct honor of joining my fellow Angel staff members at from 5-6pm PST for specially priced readings.  Thank you so much to hostess Audra Garcia for extending such a lovely invitation. 
Thank you again for your subscription.  I really appreciate it and hope that your holiday season is jubilant.  This Sagittarius cycle is truly a high point and I hope that you will soak up its good cheer and joyous rays.
With love always,
New Message from Elizabeth's Oracle
Rose Quartz -  fills your heart with overflowing Love.  The gentle, pink energies of Rose Quartz are here to remove trauma and to restore deep, abiding self-love, helping you to see yourself, others and your situation with unconditional love.
When you read this month's feature about the encouraging and optimistic energies of the upcoming Sagittarius cycle this message about working with loving rose quartz will make even more sense.
Cosmic Community
Love and Light Cards & Book by Angela McGerr
Her latest Angel card set is the 3rd in a series and the most beautiful and complex to date.  Building on her earlier body of work with the Angels, Angela's Love and Light deck and book venture into powerful and glorious new realms.  Well done Angela!
Robyn Nola's 2010 Calendars!
As the time to buy those 2010 calendars is upon us I wanted to post a reminder about Robyn Nola's awe-inspiring and uplifting work. 


Contest News

Winners of Readings at

Grand prize 30 Minute Reading

Harriet S. Skokie, IL

12 Minute Readings
Olivia S., Sparks, NV
Sue Ellen G., Canada
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment
New Contest
None this month as I would have to draw and contact the winners over the holidays and I'm taking a break! The drawing for the 3 sets of Aloha cards by Robyn Nola will take place on November 23rd and the winners will be announced in next month's edition. We'll have more great stuff in the new year.

Netflix Pix

The Express
This is not a repeat from last month. It's still football season and I'm still watching lots of sports movies. At Autumn Equinox I committed to three months of regular workouts with Jillian Michaels DVDs. In working out so often I'm noticing how good being in a body can feel, how powerful the combination of mind and body is and what a metaphor for life athletics can be. I've plowed through quite a few of these films looking for the gems in the genre, and The Express stands head and shoulders above the rest. It's the moving story of football great Ernie Davis whose struggles and achievements on the gridiron extended into the social and political issues of his time. He was a gifted athlete and remarkable man, and this film is a loving and fitting tribute to him.


For a reading


"Elizabeth is wonderful! Very knowledgeable, friendly and down to Earth, but above all else she is honest and to the point and she tells you how it is. Her sincerity and kindness makes it easy to open up to her, and my sessions with her are always productive and informative. I look definitely would recommend her to any of my friends/family. Thanks Elizabeth! " 

Anne, November 2009


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