Sacral Chakra
Take back your power and release all that limits you. Your creativity and passion are on fire, and you are ready to thrive.
You have successfully navigated your way through a period of darkness and are now ready to experience a whole new level of abundance, joy, and freedom.
All cords to sources of envy, resentment, and negativity are being severed. Trust the process of change that is now unfolding in your life. Your talents have been honed, and you are ready to shine like a beacon to others. Infinite power is flowing through you, so own it, and shine your Light.
Sing out loud! While many might consider this a fifth or throat-chakra exercise, the second, or sacral, chakra’s role in our
expression cannot be underestimated. Neither can the profound power of raising one’s voice. When the second chakra is working properly, money flows; we attract healthy relationships (especially our intimate ones); and we have a positive, patient outlook on life.
Singing dispels negative energy, tones the body, and activates transcendence. “This Little Light of Mine” is an excellent choice for your musical
It is 100 percent safe for me to be my most powerful and creative self right now.