Sun Into Pisces 2015: Poetry In Motion

Published: Tue, 02/17/15

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Sun Into Pisces 2015 Edition




Welcome to the Sun into Pisces edition of the news, and happy birthday to all of you gentle, sweet Pisces spirits swimming amongst us.  During the next two Sun cycles we will experience a total changing of the astrological guard.  One group of planets is signaling closure and completion, while another is bursting forward into new territory.  So if you’re seeing some people and situations shift out of your life for good as new opportunities present themselves, you are right on track.  During this Pisces cycle, Mars and Venus will move into initiating Aries, Mercury will move out of its shadow and the next and final Pluto Uranus square will take place.  By the time the Sun moves into Aries a month from now, the year’s first eclipse and a new moon at 29 degrees of Pisces will be ready for us.  I’ve covered the immediate cycle ahead in my latest video and I’ll be discussing it in further detail with Pisces Kristy Ayala this Wednesday at 11A.M. PST.  You can join us live or catch a replay of her show at your convenience by clicking here.

During the past month I had the chance to visit with Kristina Walsh on her show “Surfing The Psychic Waves” where we met the magical Radleigh Valentine.  He is hard at work on a new fairy oracle deck and you can get the scoop by listening to the latest edition of Kristina's show.  Also, details on how you can win an autographed set of Guardian Angel Tarot cards are below. 

     They're back, for a limited time only.  When I ran this special two years ago, it was so popular that I had to discontinue it.  You all responded and my Fridays got a little nutty.  But, as I like showing my appreciation for your subscriptions, I'm bringing this one back, exclusively for newsletter subscribers, while the Sun is in Pisces 2015.  The way that this special works is that you get five free minutes with any reading order you place on Fridays, and you can have your reading on any day of the week.  Please just email me to schedule your reading.
From The Oracle

You are on the right path, and success is inevitable. The happy seeds germinating within yield highly rewarding results.


Your intuition is spot-on in this matter. This energy is exciting and full of promise. Follow it closely, and what you desire will manifest. Remember, when you acknowledge and give thanks for each positive development along the way, more will come. Also, notice any information you receive that confirms your hunch. It will sustain your deep enthusiasm for this endeavor. Success is yours!


See, believe, and behold! Add some visual representations of your intended goal to your environment. Choose images that inspire feelings of joyful success, and add them to places you see often. Whether it be the wallpaper of your PC, tablet, or smart phone, your refrigerator door or an old-school dream board, your subconscious will respond to these images. To heighten their power, attach the actual word success to them. As your desires manifest, add symbols of your achievements to your collage.


I recognize and celebrate my success, and also that of others.

Editor's Note: Yes, out of 44 cards, I drew the same message this month as last.  As we're going through a sea-change in the sky, I'm interpreting this as a message for all of us to stay the course when it comes to what we desire most.  Keep going!!

I Can Do It Denver

Join Radleigh and your other favorite Hay House authors at I Can Do It in Denver from  April 24-26th. 
Win An Autographed Deck Of Angel Cards

Especially for Elizabeth’s Oracle subscribers. Radleigh Valentine has generously autographed copies of all four of the Angel card decks he co-authored with Dr. Doreen Virtue, and you can win one.  I’d like to reward those of you who are loyal readers, so each month I'll be selecting a winner from those of you who read this newsletter, with extra chances to win given to those who like and share it.  Each deck comes with a personal message from Radleigh, along with a full set of these beautiful, inspiring and accurate cards.  I’ll be drawing one name per month every month from now through the Sun Into Aries edition.  Congratulations to Barbara in New York City who won last month's prize, the Angel Answers Oracle deck.  Thank you Rad, thank you Barbara and thank you all for your subscriptions.  Here are details on this month’s gift.

Guardian Angel Tarot Cards
The World's Gentlest and Sweetest Tarot Cards

After the successful launch of their bestselling Angel Tarot Cards, Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine knew that some people were still wary of tarot. So they created this 78-card deck and accompanying guidebook for highly sensitive people who desire the accurate and detailed answers of tarot cards, along with gentle words and images. Even sweeter than their other decks, you'll find the Guardian Angel Tarot Cards a comforting and safe way to get clear answers for yourself and others.

Always the road tester of any deck I recommend, I have to say that this one is a soft tarot deck, and therefore aptly fitting for the Pisces cycle.  The winner of this deck will be announced in the Sun Into Aries edition.

Sun Into Pisces 2015: Poetry In Motion
     The Sun moves into the mutable water sign of Pisces on February 18th.  But Mars and Venus are on the march into fiery Aries at the start of this Sun cycle, and the 7th and final Pluto Uranus square is picking up momentum as it heads towards its March 16th zenith.  So, while the Sun, Neptune and later Mercury will draw us into the dreamy realms of Pisces and the spiritual side of life, Mars and Venus will enliven Uranus, activate fire sign trines and call us to action.  Get all the details here, and thank you for any likes, shares and Youtube subscriptions. 
    Thank you as always for being on the list.  The current Jupiter retrograde is giving me time to work on creative (Leo) projects, and I should have another new song ready about the time Jupiter turns direct in April.  In the meantime, I'll likely be posting some harp videos on my Youtube channel.  I hope that rather than feeling frustrated or forestalled by any of the retrogrades, including the starting Saturn one this cycle, you are tuning into their deeper messages and meanings and giving yourself time to review, rework and revise your endeavors with the singular gifts of each retrograde.  I'm already excited about seeing you when the Sun rolls into action-packed Aries a month from now.  Until them, I wish you the sweetest Piscean dreams. 

With love,
Ps: You can always read back issues in your favorite browser by clicking here