Sun Into Aquarius 2015: Sparkle & Shine

Published: Tue, 01/20/15

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Sun Into Aquarius 2015 Edition



Happy New Year!    

     Welcome to 2015 and the eccentric, original and always innovative energies of astrology’s 11th sign.  Aquarius is ruled by exciting, unpredictable Uranus, a planet presently moving through ground-breaking Aries.  Under these conditions, fresh ideas, inspiration and courage are in abundant and instantaneous supply.  Grounding the cosmic electricity will be the year’s first Mercury retrograde.  The trickster planet ruling technology, communication and travel is poised to move backwards, in Aquarius, from January 21st through February 11th.  Its presence will assure that the grids we begin building now will aptly handle the high voltage coming online in the next few months.  In keeping with the inventive spirit of astrology’s fixed air sign. this month’s featured article is changing formats to video.

     Uranus is considered a higher octave of Mercury, and fittingly enough, there’s loads of broadcasting news to share with you this month.  First, in late December, I was a guest on Marketplace.  This is the daily public radio business program with 8.7 million listeners that is heard on over 500 radio stations throughout the United States.  If you didn’t get a chance to check it out, click here and scroll down the page to my name to hear the piece.  Next, I caught up with Kristina Walsh on Soundcloud to look at early 2015’s biggest astrology trends.  You can catch that celestial overview here.  Finally, I’ll be live with Kristy Ayala on her show tomorrow, January 21st, here, to talk specifically about this Aquarius Sun cycle.  In case you can't tune in then, that show will post to the archive, so you can listen at your convenience.  Thank you as always for your support.  I hope that you’re enjoying the news and information we’re sharing.

Final 10 days of this special
     With Saturn's recent arrival into Sagittarius, the seventh Uranus Pluto square on tap for mid March and Jupiter changing signs into careful Virgo in September, 2015 is set to bring in a wide range of new energies.  Your chart is the key to understanding how they will affect you personally, and a transit report tells you how the current and upcoming planetary movements interact with the planets in your unique birth chart.  So, from now until January 31, 2015, I am running this once-a-year special.  When you have a reading of 20 minutes or longer, you will receive a complimentary 13-month transit report along with a copy of your natal chart.  Why read a generic Sun sign forecast when you can have a comprehensive, customized report and a live personal consultation?  Email me to schedule your session and we’ll take a look ahead together.  Happy New Year!
From The Oracle

You are on the right path, and success is inevitable. The happy seeds germinating within yield highly rewarding results.


Your intuition is spot-on in this matter. This energy is exciting and full of promise. Follow it closely, and what you desire will manifest. Remember, when you acknowledge and give thanks for each positive development along the way, more will come. Also, notice any information you receive that confirms your hunch. It will sustain your deep enthusiasm for this endeavor. Success is yours!


See, believe, and behold! Add some visual representations of your intended goal to your environment. Choose images that inspire feelings of joyful success, and add them to places you see often. Whether it be the wallpaper of your PC, tablet, or smart phone, your refrigerator door or an old-school dream board, your subconscious will respond to these images. To heighten their power, attach the actual word success to them. As your desires manifest, add symbols of your achievements to your collage.


I recognize and celebrate my success, and also that of others.

I Can Do It Denver

Join Radleigh and your other favorite Hay House authors at I Can Do It in Denver from  April 24-26th. 
Win An Autographed Deck Of Angel Cards

Especially for Elizabeth’s Oracle subscribers. Radleigh Valentine has generously autographed copies of all four of the Angel card decks he co-authored with Dr. Doreen Virtue, and you can win one.  I’d like to reward those of you who are loyal readers, so each month I'll be selecting a winner from those of you who read this newsletter, with extra chances to win given to those who like and share it.  Each deck comes with a personal message from Radleigh, along with a full set of these beautiful, inspiring and accurate cards.  I’ll be drawing one name per month every month from now through the Sun Into Aries edition.  Congratulations to Celeste in Arizona who won last month's prize, the Angel Tarot deck.  Thank you Rad, thank you Celeste and thank you all for your subscriptions.  Here are details on this month’s gift.

Sometimes you need a simple and to-the-point answer to your questions, such as 'Is it "Yes" or "No"?' and 'When will I get that job... meet my soul mate... move to a better location?' and so on. Angel Answers Oracle Cards offer you trustworthy guidance when a short-but-sweet response is required.

Always the road tester of any deck I recommend, I have to say that I love this one.  The images are filled with Light and its messages are to-the-point and clear.  Good luck to all of you.  The winner of this deck will be announced in the Sun Into Pisces edition.

Sun Into Aquarius 2015: Sparkle & Shine
     This is a video companion to the newsletter.  In this edition, I describe the 2015 Sun through Aquarius cycle, including its Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades, Aquarius stellium and winter sector assembly of planets.  Along with the dates of all of 2015’s Mercury retrogrades, this video features a tutorial on retrograde shadows, and information about coming Pisces and Aries stelliums.  Enjoy the experimental Aquarius waves, and find out what the planets are up to.  Just click this link or the image below to watch.
    Wow, it's hard to believe that the first month of the year is already winding down.  There is so much ahead, and plenty of time for you and your aspirations for this very special year.  If like so many others, your new year has gotten off to a bumpy start, don't worry.  The retrogrades (of Mercury and Jupiter) will give you time to reorganize and restart.  I hope that you are doing well and I look forward to connecting when the Sun dives into watery Pisces.  Until then, thank you as always, for your subscription. 

With love,
Ps: You can always read back issues in your favorite browser by clicking here