Sun Into Sagittarius 2014: Keeping The Faith

Published: Sat, 11/22/14

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Sun Into Sagittarius 2014 Edition



Hello Readers!

    The Sun is moving into upbeat Sagittarius, astrology’s annual sweet spot of optimism, renewed hope and excitement.  If you are not already feeling its festive waves, chances are high that by the time the Sun, Venus and Mercury journey through the mutable fire sign, you will.  In part that’s because lucky Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is in fellow fire sign Leo, and together their energies enliven our spirits.  It's also because the next month will see lots of fire sign trines and conjunctions as well as our next blockbuster Uranus Pluto square.  That having been said, sober Saturn is set to travel through Scorpio's late degrees until December 23rd when it changes signs, so there may be a little cosmic turbulence in the bright skies ahead.

What Will 2015 Bring You?
     With Saturn moving in Sagittarius in late December, the seventh Uranus Pluto square on tap for mid March and Jupiter changing signs into careful Virgo in September, 2015 is set to bring in various new energies.  Your chart is the key to understanding how they will affect you personally, and a transit report tells you how the current and upcoming planetary movements interact with the planets in your unique birth chart.  So, from now until January 31, 2015, I am running this once-a-year special.  When you have a reading of 20 minutes or longer, you will receive a complimentary 13-month transit report along with a copy of your natal chart.  Why read a generic forecast when you can have a comprehensive, customized report and a live personal consultation?  Email me to schedule your session and we’ll take a look ahead together.  Happy New Year!
From The Oracle


To accomplish your goal, your ambition must be tempered with pragmatism, a long-term view, and regular and consistent work.


    Capricorn sees the mountain and fully intends to reach its peak. Realistic, disciplined, and determined, day by day the mountain goat ascends until achieving its objective. This message from the Cardinal earth sign indicates that your aspirations can be realized through consistent work over time. The rewards are there, but you must make the effort to attain them.


    Work that glyph! To sustain stamina, visualize the Capricorn glyph. Feel its grounding energies aligning you with your objective. Then, complete one small task that supports your goal, knowing that it is precisely these tiny, incremental, steadily taken steps that ultimately take you to the top.


I endeavor, and I succeed.

Editor's note: For new readers, each month I draw a message from an oracle deck I've created to share with you.  Hence this month when we're celebrating Sag, the Oracle gave us a message about Cap. 
Thank You!
     From time to time, I like to fully disclose that I am in fact a Hay House marketing affiliate.  This means that when you purchase Hay House products and services via my site and through this newsletter, I earn a portion of the revenue.  If your holiday shopping will include any of the self-help books, decks or events on offer from Hay House, please consider clicking through to their site from mine or from this newsletter.  Thank you always for your support!  It is greatly appreciated.
I Can Do It Returning To Denver!
     I’m very pleased to announce that I Can Do It will return to Denver next April.  The lineup includes mainstays like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Robert Holden and Cheryl Richardson, who will be joined by hometown favorite Radleigh Valentine.  Newcomers to the Denver event include Mike Dooley (Notes From The Universe), Pam Grout (author of “E-Squared”) and scholar Lynne McTaggart.  Some early bird special pricing on tickets is available now.  Let’s get inspired!!
Sun Into Sagittarius 2014: Keeping The Faith
     When the Sun enters the friendly skies of Sagittarius on November 22nd, Scorpio’s dark introspection and intensity will give way to our annual cycle of optimism, hope and expansion.  Add an auspicious new moon accompanied by beautiful Venus, some encouragement and audacity courtesy of Jupiter and Uranus in fellow fire signs, and the game-changing force of our sixth Uranus Pluto square, and the time for positive change is at hand.  Signified by the archer’s bow pointing toward the horizon, Sagittarius prompts us to look ahead.  With 2014 winding down, it’s natural enough to begin glimpsing into the coming year.  The Sagittarius Sun is here to show us the new opportunities on tap.

    The enlivening of our spirits gets underway right at the start of the cycle when the Sun joins Venus under a new Sagittarius moon on the 22nd.  Last month when the Sun changed signs, it was also accompanied by a new moon in the same sign.  That was part of a very special trend that will occur through the spring equinox of 2015.  While there are many interpretations to these six new moons beginning on the same six days when the Sun changes signs, mine is this.  The Sun symbolizes our personality and the moon our emotions.  Rather than fighting an internal battle between how we behave or appear to others and how we really feel, we are learning to value and acknowledge our emotions more and to more fully integrate them into our identity.  These two planets have also long represented the principles of masculinity and femininity.  This blending of their energies over a six-month period indicates a further release of outdated gender roles and stereotypes and a stronger shift into new ways of defining both and ourselves.  These alignments also signal a time when social, economic and political issues are increasingly seen from a wider variety of perspectives, and when there is greater gender equality and balance.

    Another interesting feature of these six solar lunar meetings is that the first five include Venus.  Venus helps us identify and appreciate what we find beauty and pleasure in.  Though the planet of relationships and relating will be at various stages of its transits, its presence in the same sign as the moon and Sun at the start of these cycles suggests a more heart-centered approach to personal and global issues.  Its presence will inspire us to spend more of our time doing more of what we love, and our connections with one another will be deeper and more authentic.  Finally, this new moon and Sun cycle synchronicity fortifies the characteristics of the respective signs they meet under.
    Sagittarius is filled with optimism, excitement and inspiration.  Its 9th house vantage point shows us the range of possibilities surrounding us and the far-reaching potentials of present aspirations.  This year when the Sun, Venus and Mercury travel through this eternally hopeful territory, they’ll be buoyed by the considerable forces of Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries.  Jupiter enlarges and expands and Leo encourages and creates.  Uranus awakens and innovates and Aries instigates and explores.  This grouping makes up five of the ten planets we watch the most.  Their meetings in the spirited fire signs at trines and conjunctions, astrology’s most favorable aspects, underscore the Sagittarius imperative to reignite our enthusiasm.  For more on fire sign trines, see my Sun Into Libra 2014 article.  Dates to ponder 2015’s possibilities and potentials include November 22nd with the new Sagittarius moon, November 26th when Venus trines Uranus, December 4th when Venus trines Jupiter and the Sun trines Uranus, and the 14th when the Sun trines Jupiter.  But a Sun Jupiter trine won’t be the only stellar event in the sky that day.  In addition to boosting the effervescence of the planets in the lively fire signs, transpersonal Uranus will pair up with transformative Pluto for their sixth square.  

    Since June of 2012, these two powerhouse planets have been engaged in a series of alignments at astrology’s right angles, commonly known as squares.  A square forms when two perpendicular lines intersect at 90 degrees.  In astrology these intersections bring conflicting points of view to the fore for resolution.  As outer or transpersonal planets, Uranus and Pluto have been forcing global or big picture issues to a head for some time now.  Prior to the current series, their last noteworthy connections took place in the mid 60’s.  So their societal impact is clear.  This time, both planets have been in astrology’s Cardinal signs, meaning that their purpose is to create and support new paradigms and endeavors.  Some astrologers are correlating this series of seven squares, which concludes next March, with the chakra system.  If that’s true, then the coming square will effect the 6th or third eye chakra.  Whether through the influence of futuristic Uranus alone or enhanced third eye capacity, increased spiritual awareness is part of our next evolutionary step.  Beyond being our affable, adaptable celestial cheerleader, Sagittarius is equally devoted to belief systems, long-distance travel and higher education.  Opposite of curious Gemini, it wants to find meaning in the information it gathers.  Under its enlightened influence, we are called to wax philosophically about the time ahead, not only in terms of our own wishes and agendas, but in terms of the global impact we make.  The sixth Uranus Pluto square happening amidst these aspirational, fiery skies, asks us to dream a bigger dream, one that will make the world a better place, for everyone. 

     But wait, there’s more.  There always is with Jupiter.  Another gift bestowed by the planet of plenty is Kristi Walsh’s interview with author, scholar and astrologer Chris Brennan on her show, Surfing the Psychic Waves.  A regular contributor to The Mountain Astrologer, Chris is one of the most respected voices in the field.  He specializes in ancient astrology, and you can learn more by tuning into this very special edition of Kristi’s show.

     In closing, please keep a look out for a very special message which will be sent out within the next week or two.  I was hoping to have the official word in time for this edition of the Oracle, but we'll all have to wait just a little longer.  In the meantime, I wish those who celebrate it, a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.  Thank you as always for being part of this newsletter community. 

With love,
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