Sun Into Gemini 2014: Setting The Stage

Published: Tue, 05/20/14

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Sun Into Gemini 2014 Edition

Welcome Back Lovelies,

     As the Gemini cycle dawns, Mars has begun moving forward and a restorative water trine is forming.  We have one more personal planet retrograde to work through and a little Cardinal bump ahead.  But most of us will feel a discernible lift in spirits and energy.  It has been a long winter, to say the least, and I'm sure that most of you are heading outdoors at every opportunity.  So, this edition of the Oracle is a light one.  There is a detailed article below that I hope you will enjoy, and more astrology news will be on the airwaves and portable, appropriately enough for the cycle of those traveling, talkative Twins.

     For details about this Gemini cycle and some Angelic messages, please join me tomorrow when I visit with Kristy Ayala on "Kristy's Connection To The Soul" at 11:00 A.M. PST.  If you cannot tune in then, the show is archived and free, and it plays on any device that connect to the net.  We welcome you and thank you for tuning in, and I thank Kristy for being such a genial and generous show host.  Additionally, the new edition of "Surfing The Psychic Waves" with my special Summer of 2014 report will debut this weekend.  I invite you to join me, not only for this astrology overview, but also in bringing Kristina's listenership over the 1,000,000 mark.  That's right, as of this post, she's had 963.484 listens to her show on Soundcloud.  Please join me in celebrating her success by clicking here.  Congratulations Kristina!!!  Finally, in opening announcements, thank you!!  Out of the blue I received a commission check from the Hay House affiliate program.  In it I saw just how much you all have been buying books and event tickets through this newsletter and my website.  Your support means more to me than my words can ever possibly express.  Thank you so very much.  By all means, if you will be in Austin or Baltimore during the next month, I encourage you to attend an inspiring "I Can Do It" conference.  I will be writing more about ICDI Denver in the coming editions.  In the meantime, please enjoy this month's featured article.

From The Oracle


The magic of the Unicorn has arrived to grant you any desire. Fill your heart with Light, make your wish, and see it come true.


You're drawn to this wild card of the Oracle. Magic is in your hands, and you may direct the Unicorn's Light to any positive purpose you desire. His cosmic horsepower will carry your wish to the highest realms of Light for its fulfillment. But know that the Unicorn will not tolerate cruelty in any form, nor will he work toward any harmful intent. He is a pure Light Being.  To grant your wish, he asks that you move with gentleness, compassion, and kindness. What your heart desires most will come to you.


Work with images of Unicorns, and notice the horses and rainbows that show up in your life. In a world filled with fear and skepticism, it is sometimes hard to believe that any magic exits, but in actuality, an infinite number of doors and windows are opening for you. You may not be able to see them from the third-dimensional perspective you normally live in, but they, like the Unicorn, exist. 

Find beautiful images of Unicorns, place them where you will see them often, and sincerely welcome Unicorn's energy into your life. Then, stay alert to horses and rainbows. They are signs that your wish is manifesting, and they are reflecting life's magic back to you. Believe!


I am open to the magic and mystery of life.

Gemini Infusion
On Sale!


    Gemini Infusion - Concentrating in the heart, throat and third eye chakras, Gemini Infusion opens the heart and mind, clears outmoded thought patterns, supports enlightened, reciprocal communication and prepares inner space for bright, new ideas. This Infusion is recommended when mental focus, versatility and creativity are needed.  The Infusion package includes an MP3 file featuring original music set to a guided mini-meditation, instructional notes and a worksheet and glyph for you to work with.

Editor's Booboo:

     Last month the Taurus Infusion was listed here as being on sale, and yours truly forgot to change its price on my website, to the sale price.  So this month, both the Taurus and Gemini Infusions are on sale!!  Sorry about that.

Sun Into Gemini 2014: Setting The Stage

    We're finally entering the last phase of 2014's exceptionally long retrograde series.  This cycle, it's mischievous Mercury meandering backwards.  But, instead of shaking your fists in consternation or throwing your hands up in the air in exasperation, relax.  The coming Sun through Cancer and Leo cycles, when Mercury and Saturn turn direct and abundant Jupiter makes its grand entrance into dramatic, generous Leo, will see the stage curtain rise and the spotlight begin to shine upon you and your endeavors.  The Gemini cycle we are now entering is ideal for putting those finishing touches on projects and making those last minute tweaks before showtime.  The Sun in observant Gemini and mental Mercury's retrograde are here to offer you a dress rehearsal.  And to be sure we have our act together, another provocative Cardinal Cross is heading our way.  

     As most of you know, since December 21, 2013 we've had one personal planet after the other going retrograde, only to turn direct and pass the cosmic backwards baton to the next personal planet.  Venus was retrograde in Capricorn from December 21st to January 31st.  Then Mercury went retro from February 6th-28th from Pisces back into Aquarius.  No sooner had he/she started moving forward did Mars start marching backwards in Libra, from March 1st through May 19th.  Now Mercury is at it again as it prepares for its second retrograde of the year from June 7th through July 1st from Cancer back into Gemini.  So, if you've felt like the projects you've been trying to get off of the ground have been, well, grounded, it has been in the ethers.  But all of the effort you've been putting in will soon pay off because the best part of 2014 is yet to come.  For now, the Sun is moving into articulate, social Gemini, at 8:59 P.M. MST on May 20th, and the days ahead promise to be as productive as they are fun.

    As this Sun cycle gets underway, motivating Mars has just come out of it's nearly-three-month-long slumber.  In the instigating air sign Libra, the sign of justice, beauty and balance, the planet of action will nicely align with the Gemini Sun for the next 30 days and Mercury while it travels through the mutable air sign.  The winged one will be in Gemini from May 7th through 29th and June 17th through July 13th.  Mars will build more momentum under the new Gemini moon of the 28th, the Libra moon of June 6th-9th and the Aquarius moon of June 15th-17th.  Another very favorable aspect occurring at the start of this cycle is the final Jupiter Saturn water trine that will be exact May 24th.  We won't have another Jupiter in Cancer water trine to Saturn (next time in Pisces) until November 2025.  So soak up this cosmic combination of possibility and practicality.  You can bring your dreams to life, and these two powerhouses, now placed in intuitive water signs, can show you how.

     So what happened in your life during the month of April?  If two eclipses and the full Grand Cardinal Cross left you with unfinished business, you'll have another chance to take care of it.  Though the intensity level will have simmered down a few notches, some more Cardinal conflict will take place following the June 12-13th full moon.  This cycle's hotspot, the full moon will see Venus in Taurus in direct opposition to Saturn in Scorpio, and two days later intent Mars will square evolutionary Pluto.  Helping you choose your battles wisely will be nimble Mercury, reviewing the facts and information in Gemini.  On the 19th, the Messenger will meet up with the Sun, offering us an extra dose of clarity.  Until then, what do we do with the loose ends that over six consecutive months of retrogradation have inevitably left most of us with?  Think big.  Think about where you want your life to go in 2014 and beyond, how you want to look and feel by Winter Solstice and what you would like to have happen between then.  By clearly seeing your way forward now, with clever Mercury at your side, harmonious air sign collaborations and a soothing water sign trine in the mix, you can make the choices and changes needed to get there. 


    In closing, I'd love to tell you that summer has arrived here and that my long pants, coats and fleece jackets are all packed until autumn.  But I live in Colorado.  On Mother's Day I sat on my lawn chair atop four inches of snow, singing "Rocky Mountain High."  It was all very well and funny until the following morning when more snow fell, my fire alarm went off and I found myself trekking to my neighbor's in boots, flannel pjs and a bathrobe.  All was well.  Some dirt set the thing off, at 5:00 A.M..  Somehow the experience made me feel like an Initiated Mountain Woman.  I'll look forward to starry nights when it will be warm enough to take out the telescope again, and in the meantime I'll keep those warm clothes handy.  See you when the Sun moves into nurturing Cancer.  Thank you as always for your subscription, and Happy Birthday to our Gemini readers.

With love and gratitude,
Ps: You can always read the newsletter in your favorite brewer by clicking here