Sun Into Virgo 2014: Power Station

Published: Sat, 08/23/14

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Sun Into Virgo 2014 Edition


     The Sun moves into practical, studious Virgo at 11:46 P.M. MST on the 22nd. The Sun's entrance into Virgo marks that annual sweet spot when we enjoy the waning warmth of summer and begin to anticipate the onset of autumn.  If Virgo was a beverage, it might be an iced, pumpkin-spiced latte.  Though all of the mutable signs close out their respective seasons, the sense of impending change is especially strong under this sign.  That is particularly true for 2014 because the next set of eclipses as well as the next Pluto Uranus square are on tap for the fall.  It may also be because the Virgo cycle points us toward the homestretch of the year.  Conveniently enough, Virgo is astrology's best organizer, and as such, its Sun cycle gives us four weeks to take stock and to plan ahead.  If we can pause long enough, the quiet wisdom of Virgo can help us make the most of this time and what's left of 2014.

     In terms of the astrology, there is a feature article below, and I got to visit with Kristy Ayala to talk about this Virgo cycle.  You can listen at your convenience via this link, and we thank you for joining us.  Personally I knew Virgo was coming when the following occurred in less than 36 hours.  One, I opened my pantry and was compelled to put soup materials with soup materials, oils with oils, pastas with pastas, etc.  Then, quite unconsciously, my mixed pile of astrology charts, the one that had been stacked the same way since I moved here 20 months ago, demanded to be sorted into clients, moons, major events and such.  Lastly, when making notes in my paper ephemeris, out came the colored get highlighters.  No longer would squares and trines coexist on the same date in black and white; all astrological facets would be categorized by one of six colors.  Each time that I caught myself under the influence of Virgo, I laughed.  It rules a lot of my birth chart, and a little organization never hurt anyone.  So, if there are projects you've put aside for someday, you just may find the urge to take them on in the coming weeks.  Spring cleaning may get all the glory, but some clutter clearing or putting things in order as summer morphs into fall is just as refreshing and valuable.

From The Oracle


Disruptive forces need to be cleared from your energetic field. Reclaim your inner peace and your connection to your true purpose.


Jade restores tranquility and devotion by soothing frayed nerves, easing the mind, and supporting the release of negative thought patterns. This message indicates that you are in the midst of stressful energies and need to take some time to rejuvenate. 

Celebrated for centuries for its ability to calm the mind and restore focus and peace, jade offers you an ancient pathway back to serenity and bliss.


Bathe in tranquility. Create a forest-themed oasis and take a long, restorative bath. If possible, work with shades of deep greens and browns (towels, candles), earthy scents (soap, incense), and natural music (flute, harp). Make sure that you eliminate all possible sources of distraction, such as phones, e-mail alerts, and so on. 

Imagine being transported to a remote and pristine wooded area, and visualize yourself immersed in a sacred pool of healing water. Bathe as long as you need to, allowing the ancient wisdom of this place to wash away all troubles-completely restoring your wellness and connection to the Light.


I reclaim my inner peace.

Sun Into Virgo 2014: Power Station

    Mutable, service-oriented Virgo is not the sign we typically associate with power.  Initiating Cardinal signs like assertive Aries and ambitious Capricorn, or determined Fixed signs like firm Taurus and Pluto-ruled Scorpio, usually come to mind long before the mild-mannered earth sign.  In part this is due to cultural conditioning that has mislead us into regarding values like love and peace as signs of weakness, instead of strength.  Further, we've been lead to think of masculinity and its aggressive characteristics as being more powerful than femininity and its communal qualities.  Phrases like "dog eat dog" and "survival of the fittest" have infiltrated our collective psyche and distorted our perceptions.  One tap of any news app shows us how much damage these misconceptions are reeking: war, economic inequality and environmental abuse are threatening our very extinction.  2014's Virgo cycle concludes with Pluto stationing to turn direct on September 21st, the United Nations Day of International Peace.  Between now and then we are being called to redefine how we think of and use our power.  Courtesy of Mercury, we'll also be given a cosmic emotional intelligence evaluation.  At the same time, Mars will energize new pathways and possibilities.  As noted in my article of 2010, the constellation Virgo is home to the mythological Goddess Astraea. She was the last Olympian deity to leave earth and its inhabitants as they plunged into their self-created darkness of greed, war and competition.  She desperately wanted to help humankind restore the world to a perfect state.  The cycle ahead will give us the chance to immerse ourselves in the thoughtful, healing essence of astrology's altruistic sixth sign.

     In 2014, all three Mercury retrogrades involve the planet of thinking and communication moving from a water sign backward into the preceding air sign.  The Pisces/Aquarius retrograde took place from February 6th-28th and the Cancer/Gemini one take place from June 7th-July 1st.  The next one begins on October 4th with Mercury at two degrees of the fixed water sign Scorpio.  By October 25th it will have traveled all the way back to 16 degrees of the Cardinal air sign Libra.  This is important for the cycle ahead because Mercury will first reach 16 degrees of Libra on September 14th.  If either of this year's previous Mercury retrogrades effected you significantly or your chart is heavily influenced by Mercury, preparing for the next one now is a good idea.  You can check your chart to see which planets and houses fall in the signs of Gemini and Virgo because both are ruled by Mercury.  Also look to see where your natal Mercury is.  If it's in a water or air sign, especially Libra or Scorpio, you may be more impacted by the coming retrograde than others.  But universally, water represents the emotions and air represents our thinking, so we can all benefit for this one. 

    This year's theme of bringing our feelings to the surface for analysis, review and revision is clear, and this final retrograde will give us yet another chance to resolve the issues our emotions call our attention to.  To underscore the cosmic mandate to decode the messages that our emotions are sending us, this retrograde will take place during the year's second set of eclipses.  The first set took place in the midst of the Grand Cardinal Cross and during the last Pluto/Uranus square.  This time, under shamanic Scorpio's influence, our emotions are likely to feel their most intense, yet simultaneously the Libra aspect will be working to restore equilibrium and inner peace. Paradoxically, one of the clearest indications that we are actually on track is the experience of discomfort.  Esther Hicks describes this energetic disturbance as a contrast wave, merely our awareness of what we want instead of the present reality we are experiencing.  She says that once we understand that, we can appreciate its meaning and make needed the changes.  One emotion that is particularly good at getting our attention is anger.

     Astrologically, anger is associated with Mars.  The planet of war takes two years to travel through the zodiac, a cycle that correlates to our development.  Can you say terrible twos?  Much like the temper tantrums thrown by children, our conflicts need love, patience and wisdom.  Instead of repressing anger, or any of the uneasy emotions, the cycle ahead is asking us to cradle them with the same compassion we naturally give to the innocent and vulnerable.  Mars is also our inner call to action.  Coincidentally the red planet will move into Sagittarius on September 13th, the day before Mercury hits the shadow point of its next retrograde, and it will be there until October 26th, the day after the retrograde ends.  Hopeful, inspirational Sagittarius shows us possibilities.  Symbolized by the Archer's bow, the optimistic fire sign points to the horizon and directs us toward solutions.  Couple that with Martian courage, energy and enterprise, and you begin to see the value in uncovering and clearing blockages while taking action toward your heart's desires.  To round out this Virgo Sun cycle, Pluto stations to turn direct on September 21st.  Another source of celestial fuel, Pluto imparts the gift of transformation.  It will be powering up as we head into the autumn.  With fresh analysis and motivation, we can plot the coordinates on our map to a happier and more peaceful future. The celestial recharge begins now.

     "You now allow yourself to experience your power.  Being powerful is safe for you, knowing that you express your power with love.  You have all of the power of your Creator within you!  All the power of Divine love, wisdom and intelligence is available to you.  You have the spiritual power to see angels and the future.  You have intellectual power to tap into the universal wisdom of the One Mind.  You have emotional power to empathize with others, and physical power that is truly unlimited.  The angels ask you to give them any fears you may have connected with being a powerful person.  Your angels see a quiet and beautiful aspect of your true power streaming from the only power in the universe: Divine love.  Allow yourself to shine with this radiant love, so that your true power can radiant out into the world in miraculous ways."  Dr. Doreen Virtue, Ph. D. 

    Thank you as always for being here.  It's always my pleasure to research and write these articles for you.  In addition to keeping an eye on those planets, I've been writing some new music which I look forward to sharing with you in the coming editions of the Oracle.  In the meantime, and hopefully well ahead of even Mercury's shadow, my website is being updated.  You won't notice too much difference on the front.  This is more like a tech haircut.  The Libra cycle will mark two years since the new look debuted, so thank you very much for your support of my work.  I really appreciate it and I hope that your Virgo days are relaxing and enjoyable.

With love and gratitude,
Ps: You can always read the newsletter in your favorite brewer by clicking here