Sun Into Leo 2014: Roar And Shine

Published: Tue, 07/22/14

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Sun Into Leo 2014 Edition


     Welcome to the Sun into Leo edition!  This is one of my annual favorites to write and present.  As a proud lioness myself, I look forward to sharing the joy, creativity and encouragement of my home sign with you.  2014 is extra special because giant, generous Jupiter just entered lavish, lively Leo for a year-long extravaganza.  Fittingly enough, this month's newsletter is super-sized.  In addition to a detailed article about the coming month's astrology, I am deeply honored to feature an interview with Hay House author, speaker and teacher Radleigh Valentine.  His message, story and presence are an inspiration, and here, exclusively for Elizabeth's Oracle readers, he shares his sagacious advice about making big career changes and embracing your dream job.  Coincidentally, the five planets in his birth chart that are in the sign of Sagittarius are ruled by Jupiter.   Do you feel lucky?


     The only draw back to tighter internet security, which thankfully makes websites safe, is that these days the back end updates are constant.  So, if my site ever loads too slowly, you can always reply to this or any newsletter to reach me to schedule a reading or to connect.  In other news, there's the quincunx matter.  For months I have meant to include an explanation of an astrological aspect called the quincunx.  But it's a little technical and complicated, and the right spot to include it has eluded me.  Fortunately for all of us, one of the greats of the astrology world, Steven Forrest, recently wrote about it.  In this article he examined Saturn's current quincunx with Uranus. Predictably, he did a masterful job of explaining things in understandable, relatable language.  Btw, his sentinel work "The Inner Sky" is still, hands down, my top recommendation for anyone who wants to learn about astrology.  Next, if you made that list of your favorite to least favorite signs, go to your least favorite.  That, is of course, the part of you that you are least willing to look at, at least according to me and astrologer and friend Eric Meyers.  We are just playing of course, but we hope that you played along.  Colleague and monthly radio companion Kristy Ayala went on holiday in July, so we did not do our monthly show.  But, for those of you who want a radio rendezvous with the cosmic happenings, please join me and Kristina Walsh on "Surfing The Psychic Waves."  It's free and you can listen anytime via the net or on the Soundcloud app.  Anyone else catch that Comcast call on Soundcloud?  

     Speaking of radio waves, did you see who got a new makeover?  Showing off her lovely new look, improved lineup and sleek design, is none other than the re-launched Hay House Radio.  You can listen to uplifting shows and messages anytime via the app or on the revamped website.  It is just gorgeous and its functionality is much nicer.  And that, dear reader, leads me to the subject of our featured article.  I worked along side of him for five years, and he was always a fun, friendly, cordial and considerate co-worker.  Now he is the author of top selling books and oracle decks and a speaker and teacher with world-wide engagements and acclaim.  Most impressively, he is still the same grounded, caring and sweet soul that he's always been.  Ladies and gentleman, please give a warm welcome to Mr. Radleigh Valentine.

Rising Star

     About seven years ago, a brand new client called me to ask if a big career change was a good idea.  These questions place tremendous responsibility on any reader.  Yet, in the end, we share the guidance we receive and let the client make the choices.  What I remember vividly about this caller was the overwhelming good fortune I saw ahead for him.  It was off the charts.  In fact it looked so positive and solid that I found myself consciously restraining my enthusiasm.  I felt like I needed to distinguish myself from those psychics who just tell callers what they want to hear, and at the same time, clearly convey the unmistakeable success waiting for this man.  As it turned out, the caller was none other than Radleigh Valentine.  

     Indeed he courageously left the safe, reliable world of accounting.  To everyone's benefit, he has gone on to share his inspiring message with audiences regularly numbering in the thousands, around the world.  He is also the host of his own weekly Hay House Radio show, and he recently topped the charts at Amazon. This past April at the "I Can Do It" conference here in Denver he delighted the audience from the event's main stage.  Afterwards, when a long line of people queued up for autographs and pictures, I stood nearby in awe.  There he was, living the dream.  For a man with five planets in imaginative, affable Sagittarius, the magic comes naturally.  Here Radleigh shares some insight on how and when to make that magic practical.

When did you know for certain that things would work out for you?

Oh um... well... as a human being, are we ever sure?  LOL!  There is the bright, quintuple saggy side of me that never sees any other possibility!  But then there's the kid in me that survived a very rough childhood who's wondering if the other shoe will drop.  But to directly answer the question you're really asking, it was when Angel Tarot Cards came out and were so lovingly received.  It was when I started speaking at Hay House events around the world and people embraced me so kindly.  That's when I was able to say to myself, "Okay, Rad, you can write, you can speak, and this will be okay."

What was your biggest inner-struggle while making such an enormous change?

Gosh, there were a couple really.   For my entire life, I had been a people pleaser.  I just wanted everyone to be happy regardless of what I might have had to give up for myself.  But then my life changed.   I travel constantly now and there is always a writing deadline in front of me.  I had to start making choices that were about me and my own emotional and physical health.  The thing is Elizabeth, people don't like it when you change.  Especially if that change is to stop sacrificing your own needs for theirs.  It became necessary for me to release quite a few people from my life.  It was extremely difficult and yet, I am so much happier now.  I tell people all the time to remove the drama queens and kings from their lives, to find their OWN joy and to go for that.  It's a very different way of life, but seriously... it changes EVERYTHING!

The other big thing I had to do was to start saying YES to everything my angels said.  That meant becoming a vegetarian, giving up alcohol and caffeine, and letting go of things that were everyday aspects of my life.  But what happened was that the more I said YES to my angels, the more they said YES to me.  

What advice do you have for people wanting to transition from a career that pays their bills to their dream job?

That depends on which side of my brain you ask.  LOL!   The recovering Certified Public Accountant side says, "make a plan!"  Don't just quit your job, leave your spouse, and move to another city without having things thought through.   Yes, your angels, God, and the Universe will help you get where you want to go!  But the problem is that YOU have to believe.  If you believe... and I mean truly believe without any doubt... that you can do all those things and move seamlessly into your dream job, then do it!  I believe that your belief will make that happen!  However, if you have doubts...  if you have fears... if you're unsure..., then having a plan quiets the ego.   Having a plan silences the negativity in our minds that blocks success.   So having a plan is more about helping you to BELIEVE than anything.  

The spiritual side of me says, "Do what you love!   Follow your passion!"  Set your compass in the direction towards joy and then take at least one step in that direction every day.   Remember to ask for help from your angels and to give gratitude to Spirit.  Gratitude is the fuel of the Universe.  The more thankfulness you put out there, the farther you will go!

 Do you believe in Unicorns?

 LOL!  But of course!  I believe in angels, fairies, mermaids, unicorns and just about anything you can imagine.  Without meaning to be too scientific about it though, I think that they exist just out of phase with our vibration.  They're around us, but just slightly on a different plane that makes them not visible to most people.  And while most people say that "seeing is believing", I have long held that "believing is seeing." 

In a post-accountant reality, what has been your most gratifying moment?

 Whenever anyone tells me that my work has made them no longer afraid of tarot, my heart sings.  Anytime someone tells me that Angel Tarot Cards, the Big Book of Angel Tarot or anything that I wrote or teach took their fear away, that is the best thing in the world to me.  It pure joy for me. 

Radleigh takes your calls and questions every Thursday at 2pm PST on Hay House Radio.  He will also be at I Can Do It New York in September and I Can Do It Pasadena in October.  His "Big Book of Angel Tarot" is available here.  

From The Oracle


Holding on to old resentment is blocking your forward progress. When you forgive, healing begins and new opportunities arrive.


Your energy field is ready to open you up to new channels of Light, joy, and radiance, but old blockages are in the way. It is important that you practice forgiveness to clear the way to a new and better life. Forgiveness does not mean approving of or condoning the past words or deeds of another or yourself. It means accepting what has happened and releasing your negative feelings about it. Doing so initiates a healing process. Through forgiveness, you will experience more joy, and your energy field will become lighter and brighter. Your improved state and higher vibrational frequencies will attract better people and situations to your life.


Apologize. So often we project outward and blame others for our unhappiness. We also often fail to notice the harm we cause. Writing a letter of apology heals the body and soul. When we recognize our flaws, failures, and shortcomings, we can more easily forgive others for theirs. 

So, write a letter that you may or may not send, and in it express all that needs to be said.


Forgiveness allows me to heal. 

Leo Infusion
On Sale!

    Leo is the dramatic, sunny sign in astrology that is associated with creativity, enthusiasm and play.  The Leo Infusion is an active meditation designed to encourage and strengthen your artistic abilities.  Through affirmation, vocalization and drumming, this infusion, for musicians and everyone, stimulates the creative fire within and supports confident expression.  Any problem you have has a solution.  Allow the warmth and generosity of Leo help you rediscover your joy and lead you to inspired answers.  The Infusion package includes an MP3 file featuring original music set to a guided mini-meditation, instructional notes and a worksheet and glyph for you to work with.

Sun Into Leo 2014: Roar And Shine

    On July 22nd at 4:41 P.M. MST the Sun enters courageous, confident Leo.  Annually this signals a celebratory cycle when rays of enthusiasm, joy and vitality flow freely from the very source of our solar system and life, the Sun.  What makes 2014's solar homecoming extra vibrant is that abundant Jupiter, our solar system's second biggest celestial body, has also recently rolled into the charismatic fixed fire sign, for a year-long stay.  In the context of Saturn gaining forward momentum and Mercury and Mars past their retrograde shadows and picking up steam, the forecast is indeed sunny and optimistic.  But if a plot line is to be genuinely compelling, it needs a good antagonist.  Contentious Mars and obstinate Saturn have been cast for those parts.  On July 25th Mars will move into fixed, intense Scorpio, where alongside Saturn, it will square the planets traveling through lively Leo, cooling intemperate tendencies and issuing the reality checks.  Whether you are sitting back to watch the show, writing your own script or feeling like the Oscar-winning director of your own life story, the cycle ahead will be filled with new opportunities and plenty of entertainment.

     Co-starring in this month's blockbuster are the Sun and Jupiter.  Together in dramatic Leo, these powerhouse planets will enliven and expand our endeavors.  The Sun is after all, the gravitational center of our solar system and our source of life.  But a few billion years back, Jupiter came very close to becoming a star in its own right.  It opted for becoming hefty enough to hold 1,330 earths, having sixteen moons revolve around it and turning into our solar system's second largest energy supplier.  Not a bad gig if you can get it.  From ancient to modern times, it has symbolized good fortune, success and benevolence.  Who doesn't want some of that?  Combined with the regal radiance of playful Leo, the celestial stage is set for a year filled with positive possibility.  Where in your life are you ready to take a leading role?  What projects are ready for their debuts?  The silver screen is lighting up now, and a cast of cosmic characters are waiting in the wings to support you. 
    The first supporting role will be played by the new Leo moon on July 26th.  By the time this one is full on August 10th, it will be one of this year's SuperMoons.  Would a Leo settle for anything less?  Setting a clear intention as this one dawns is the surest way of manifesting your heart's desire.  After all, Leo rules the heart.  Getting into the act next will be nimble Mercury, which makes its Leo run from July 31st to August 15th.  Bolstered by Jupiter and the Sun, this transit will give us the chance to think big and express boldly.  Turning up the volume and star power, magnetic Venus will join the leonine tour de force on August 12th.  Her run will last until September 5th.  This Jupiter/SunVenus trio suggests ideal conditions for attracting new relationships or spicing up existing ones.  Cheering the star-studded Leo cast and us on, possibly into celestial overdrive, will be rambunctious Uranus, who will beam surprises from passionate Aries.  Even in retrograde mode, this innovative force will find good company amongst its feisty and fiery planetary companions.  The extra energy will likely prod and push us to abandon routines, experiment and play to new audiences.  Uranus will form exact trines with Mercury and the Sun on August 8th, the same day that the Sun and Mercury conjoin.  Further out, it will trine Venus on August 25th and Jupiter on September 25th.  In the immediate forecast, look for lucky Jupiter hookups with Mercury on August 2nd and Venus on August 17th-18th.  Bright lunar transits of Sagittarius, August 5th-7th. and Aries, August 13th-15th round out this ring of fire.  But this all-star cast won't be without its critics.

     As Luke Skywalker needed Darth Vader and Harry Potter needed Lord Voldemort, to grow Leo requires her nemesis.  She'll find him in Scorpio.  There Mars and Saturn will be waiting to challenge the Sun's self-centeredness and Jupiter's excess.  First aggressive Mars will rival the royal players when he forms squares to the new moon on July 26th, Jupiter on August 1st and Mercury on August 2nd.  Next, and more significantly, restrictive Saturn will be putting the smack-down on Jupiter influenced exuberance when he squares that new Leo moon, Mercury on August 8th and the Sun on August 9th.  Though Saturn will not square Venus until August 26th, the day after an exact meeting with Mars, and the battle royal with Jupiter will not heat up until the autumn, these early Mars and Saturn skirmishes will give us some indication of the issues we need to surmount during the coming year.  Where do our excesses get us into trouble?  Where, as Casey Kasem might have phrased it, do we need to keep our feet on the ground as we reach for the stars? 

     Dreams born in the fires of Jupiter in Leo and forged by the mettle of Saturn in Scorpio. can build a foundation that will sustain us, and our happiness, for the next twelve years, Jupiter's cycle.  At its worst Leo is immature, selfish and autocratic, and at its worst Scorpio is vindictive, obsessive and ruthless.  Jupiter expands and sees what's possible while Saturn constricts and sees soberly.  Under the aforementioned squares, the skies, and plot, could turn very, very dark.  What are we and our hero to do?  Like Simba, Leo can access its enormous heart and act with its signature courage and generosity for the greater good.  Scorpio can mead out its candor with watery compassion.  We can pour our enthusiasm into manageable tasks.  The full Aquarius moon of August 10th at 19 degrees of Aquarius and the August 1st Venus trine to Saturn and Chiron can show all of us how to integrate the best of these aspects.  Jupiter will be in Leo until August of 2015 and Saturn will not leave Scorpio for good until the following month.  Their friction between them will intensity this fall before dropping off for the winter, but their exact square will occur in August of 2015.  The Lion Kings and Queens among us will now begin learning how to manage, fuse and master these conflicting forces, and create the lives of their dreams.  Let the Sun shine!


  In closing, how is your summer going?  I hope that you are enjoying this one.  Yogis have their ecstatic postures, and so far this season, mine is sitting.   I sat and watched the World Cup for weeks, loving every minute of this tornament's excitement.  Congratulations Germany!   I've also been sitting on my porch playing the harp for a crowd of aficionado bunnies.  So far the sweetest moment came at dusk a couple of weeks ago, when one sat up on his haunches, after dining, and just listened, for a good twenty minutes.  Cuuuuuuuuute!  Last night a young deer and a few bats came by, and the night before I took the telescope out to survey the heavens again.  This, is why I love summer in Colorado.  Hopefully for the Virgo edition, I'll have some new pics to share with you.  Until then, I thank you so very much for supporting my work and I wish you love, joy and blessings.  Have a fabulous Leo cycle!

With love and gratitude,
Ps: You can always read the newsletter in your favorite brewer by clicking here