Sun Into Aries 2014: Playing With Fire

Published: Thu, 03/20/14

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Sun Into Aries 2014 Edition


Welcome to the Aries edition of the Oracle. I am delighted to share the start of the new season, Spring Equinox and astrology news with you.  Lots is popping here and lots more is on the way, including one of 2014's biggest astrological events.  But before we dive in, I want to wish a very happy birthday to the Aries readers!  Your courage, audacity and warmth are an inspiration to all of us.  Here's to you!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of chatting about upcoming trends with my friend Kristy Ayala.  You can listen to our conversation anytime by clicking here.  Her show is always fun to be part of, so thank you Kristy! I don't want to stir up any Aries impatience, so please enjoy the rest of the newsletter. 

From The Oracle


To accomplish your goal, your ambition must be tempered with pragmatism, a long-term view, and regular and consistent work.


    Capricorn sees the mountain and fully intends to reach its peak. Realistic, disciplined, and determined, day by day the mountain goat ascends until achieving its objective. This message from the Cardinal earth sign indicates that your aspirations can be realized through consistent work over time. The rewards are there, but you must make the effort to attain them.


    Work that glyph! To sustain stamina, visualize the Capricorn glyph. Feel its grounding energies aligning you with your objective. Then, complete one small task that supports your goal, knowing that it is precisely these tiny, incremental, steadily taken steps that ultimately take you to the top.


I endeavor, and I succeed.

Editor's Note: How perfect is this message for the 5th and next Pluto (in Capricorn) Uranus (in Aries) square?  The Cosmos is advising us to temper that Aries impulse with Capricorn pragmatism.  When you put these two powerful elements together, WOW!  Your endeavors will be inspired and successful. 

Aries Infusion

     Aries Infusion - is an energy transmission designed to restore drive and maintain dynamism. Its channeled guidance and original music work to dispel lethargy and blockages, activate a sense of passion and enliven the being of those who experience it.  It is recommended for anyone feeling lost or unfocused and those wanting the strength to make positive changes.  The revitalizing force distilled in this MP3 file will awaken the spirit to a state of clarity and sustainable enthusiasm.  A four-minute mini-meditation, affirmation sound collage, Aries Infusion is for anyone ready to be motivated.

     The Infusion package includes an MP3 file featuring original music set to a guided mini-meditation, instructional notes and a worksheet and glyph for you to work with. Click here to hear a sample of this infusion. 
Hay House and Mile Hi Church are ecstatic to join together to bring you I Can Do It! Denver. 2014 is the first year the I Can Do It! conference will be visiting this beautiful city. Join Hay House at the Colorado Convention Center March 28-30 for an enlightening and entertaining experience. Learn from your favorite Hay House authors and experts as they share practical and inspiring instructions on how to live your best life - the life that you deserve. If you're interested in turning obstacles into learning experiences, developing healthy habits, fostering loving relationships, or exploring spirituality, then this is the conference for you! There is no better time to start making your life what you truly want it to be.
  Sun Into Aries 2014: Playing With Fire

     As 2014's Grand Cardinal Cross takes shape, perceptible tensions build.  In part this is due to the contentious nature of crosses, a configuration that is made up of oppositions and squares.  Another contributing factor is the planets that constitute the cross.  In this case, they include Mars, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter.  Lastly, the modality of the signs that form the cross must be taken into consideration.  In 2014, that means understanding the provocative and instigating nature of cardinal signs.  Taking a broad look at the astrology of 2014, and of this spring in particular, can help us put the Cross, which includes the 5th Pluto Uranus square, into perspective.  Clearly attuned to and firmly aligned with a greater purpose, we can harness and apply the initiating and fiery energies before us.  To set the stage for the April 20-24 Grand Cardinal Cross, the Sun moves into invigorating, instigating Aries on March 20th at 10:57 A.M. MST. 

    Bold and brash, Aries casts off the cold and gray of winter as it ushers in the season of renewal and revitalization.  Accordingly, this Mars-ruled sign drives, pushes and motivates.  On its journey through unflappable, activating Aries, the Sun will hit all four of the Grand Cardinal Cross points. On April 1st it squares Jupiter in Cancer, on the 2nd it conjoins Uranus in Aries, on the 3rd it squares Pluto and on the 8th it opposes Mars in Libra.  Also, Mercury enters Aries on the 7th.  So note what shows up during the first week of April because these issues and opportunities are part and parcel of the Grand Cross.  Another key period begins on April 14th when Mercury conjoins Uranus and squares Jupiter and Pluto, Pluto stations to go retrograde and the moon arrives in Libra to prepare for the total lunar eclipse on April 15th.  

    The first of 2014's eclipses, this one will be visible in North America, and it involves the lunar nodes now positioned along the Aries (South Node) Libra (North Node) axis.  The nodes describe our history and future.  In this context, they not only add to the mounting pressure of the Grand Cardinal Cross, they also compel us to integrate personal desires with collective needs.  How do we share our unique talents and gifts with others?  How do singular actions impact the whole?  This is also a cosmic challenge to match beliefs (Jupiter) with actions (Mars).  The other noteworthy aspect about this eclipse and the total solar eclipse of April 28-29 is that they bookend the Cross.
     So, as the Sun transits from peaceful, Pisces to audacious Aries we will feel the unfolding friction and can begin putting passion into practice.  The changes don't have to be harsh or abrupt.  Mercury will occupy poetic Pisces until April 7th, and two days earlier Venus enters the holistic sign for a month-long stay.  From there, the two will blend with Neptune and Chiron also in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio.  Their harmonious water trines will offer intuitive insight as the conflicts created by the coming squares arise and intensify.  Can you say guided action?  Further, we are all descendants of the original fire or Big Bang.  We have made deliberate choices on a soul level as to why we came to planet Earth at this time.  The Aries fire being lit now can reacquaint us with our core essence and individual missions.  That fire will be stoked by Jupiter's year-long transit through fixed fire sign Leo, starting in July, and Saturn's  three-year journey through mutable fire sign Sagittarius, beginning in December.  Those of you who follow astrology closely will recognize July as the point during 2014 when we emerge from the extended period of personal planet retrogradation.  So as the cosmic breaks come off, the creative fires will be fanned further.  It all starts this Equinox.  This Aries Sun asks us to look out onto the horizon, to feel the excitement of new possibilities before us and to courageously step into them.


If you would like to know more about current planetary trends and how the Grand Cardinal Cross is  impacting your chart, please email me to set up a reading.  I'd love to take a look and help you make the most of the incredible energy coming in.  Thank you as always for subscribing.  It is a joy to research and write for you each month.  My four planets in Virgo just can't help themselves, and my Leo Sun loves an audience.  As I close out this edition, I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to the staff, presenters and everyone traveling to Denver for "I Can Do It".   I am so excited that this inspiring event is taking place here in my new backyard and home.  I look forward to attending and wish everyone a great time.  I'll see the rest of you when the Sun heads into grounded, earthy Taurus.

With love and gratitude always,