Sun Into Aries 2013: Breath Of Fire

Published: Wed, 03/20/13

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Sun Into Aries 2013 Edition

      Happy Spring Equinox to everyone on the north side of the globe and Happy Autumn Equinox to our friends down under and in other parts of the Southern Hemisphere.  Happy Birthday Aries subscribers!!  That should cover everyone.  The Sun has moved into emphatic, unabashed Aries.  This is the sign that starts the astrological new year and its instigating, inspiring fire will be blazing more brightly than usual this year, mainly due to a Mars homecoming to Aries.  In short, it's time to get moving.  There is lots going on at the Oracle and I want to start by inviting you to tune in to "Kristy's Connection To The Soul " today at 11:00 A.M. PST.  We will be talking about the upcoming Aries cycle.  In case you can't get to your computer then, the show is always archived.  Kristy has lots of interesting and fun people on, so be sure to browse that archive.  I think you'll really enjoy it.  Thank you for listening.

     Next, I am proud and pleased to introduce you to my latest product, the Aries Infusion .  Presently I am fulfilling a lifelong dream by attending music school.  The dream is coming true one quarter and one course at a time, and it's already an ecstatic, challenging and rewarding endeavor.  It's also just how I want to spend my Saturn through Scorpio transit.  At nearly 50 year of age, I also hope it inspires any and everyone of you who has ever been told that you are too "insert the word" to live your dream.  Aries teaches us to live courageously.  Because many of you need that fiery, Cardinal push, to leave a bad situation, to do what you truly want to do in life or to stay motivated, I have created the Aries Infusion .  It is music, mantra, mini-mediation and affirmation distilled into a 4-minute energy transmission.  You can find out more about it here.  Thank you in advance to those of you who download it.  Your purchase helps make all of this possible and is deeply and sincerely appreciated.  Now let's get to that article about invincible, indelible Aries.  Fire ppl woot, woot!!!! 

From the Oracle


It is necessary for you to relate to how others view this situation, with an eye toward cooperation, fairness, and harmony.

(I guess the Oracle wanted us to temper that Aries fire and independence with its opposite sign)


    Libra is the sign of partnerships and justice; and this message is encouraging you to take the views, feelings, and needs of others into consideration. Once you have carefully weighed these factors against your own truth in this matter, your decision will be an easy one to make. Tact and grace are also hallmarks of this initiating Cardinal sign, so exercising diplomacy with your actions will benefit you greatly.


Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Hay House Book Club

Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio

All Is Well

     If you are already familiar with Louise Hay's little blue book, "Heal Your Body," "All Is Well" will be a welcome refreshment.  For those of you who have never looked up a physical ailment, its cause and the affirmation to help heal it from Louise's sentinel work, you're in luck.  Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz, M.D. and Ph.D. has brought her warm style, along with current medical science, to this new Hay House release.  In it these powerful women update the old material with new information and insights.
On Friday you can tune in to hear Dr. Schultz when she visits me and the rest of the Hay House Book Club.

  The Book Club airs Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio.

Aries Infusion

        This is an energy transmission designed to restore drive and maintain dynamism. Its channeled guidance and original music work to dispel lethargy and blockages, activate a sense of passion and enliven the being of those who experience it.  It is recommended for anyone feeling lost or unfocused and those wanting the strength to make positive changes.  Its revitalizing force will awaken the spirit to a state of clarity and sustainable enthusiasm.  A four-minute mini-meditation, affirmation sound collage, Aries Infusion is for anyone ready to be motivated.
     If you have a copy of my free app, you can listen to the Infusion for free until March 31st.   The app is available for Android and iPhone and you can download it via those links.  And thank you to those of you who have so sweetly left nice reviews of the app on the Android and Apple sites!   You're the best!!!

Sun Into Aries 2013: Breath Of Fire
         After tripping through dreamy, contemplative Pisces for the past month, the planets are shifting gears.  At 4:02 A.M. PST on March 20th we will be roused from the cosmic slumber when the Sun joins feisty Mars and unpredictable Uranus in adventurous Aries.  The very next day alluring Venus echoes the celestial wakeup call when she also enters the domain of astrology's Cardinal fire sign.  With Mercury newly emerged from its retrograde and heading into Aries, Jupiter fanning passionate Aries flames from airy Gemini and some intense Cardinal confrontations on tap, the dawning cycle promises to be a lively and enlivening one.  Driven, fearless and unflappable, Aries instigates the astrological new year and gives us the guts to take bold, decisive action.  2013's Sun cycle is packing an extra punch courtesy of a Mars homecoming, and how and where we apply its force will make all the difference.  What is certain is the planetary mandate to get moving.

    What is standing between us and the lives of our dreams?  Mercury, still traveling through psychic Pisces until April 13th, will offer a few more insights.  But it's assertive Mars who will push us past our limiting beliefs and champion our noble endeavors.  Like the Arthurian Sword of Light, Mars dispels illusions and shines light into darkness.  Its energy is direct and intent on conquest, and its presence will give us the power to slay dragons, real and imagined, for good and to live courageously.  The planet of action takes 687 to make it all the way around the zodiac, and its standing-room-only engagement with exhilarating Aries lasts only through April 20th.  It will meet up with unruly Uranus on March 22nd, charismatic Venus on April 6th and the revitalizing Sun on the April 17th.  These are the days to face and fully feel our greatest fears, and "just do it" anyway.
March 28, 2013

     Adding an expansive aspect to the initiatives we undertake during this time will be optimistic Jupiter.  The plentiful planet is transiting broadcasting Gemini.  From there it will make harmonious hookups with Mars on March 26th, Venus on the 31st and the Sun on April 1st.  Jupiter will also lend an enthusiastic lift to the new Aries moon on April 10th.  These alignments encourage us to freshen up our image, step out beyond our comfort zone and extend our message to new audiences.  They favor website upgrades, profile makeovers, product launches and new social media opportunities, and their energies apply to professional and personal pursuits.  And while no other sign would like to strike it rich quickly as much as impetuous Aries, some serious Cardinal congestion suggests a more tempered approach to progress.

    Namely, honest, unyielding Pluto has settled into sober, austere Capricorn.  From this pragmatic place, the Lord of the Underworld will square Mars on March 26th, the full Libra moon on the 27th and Venus and the Sun on the 31st, before turning retrograde on April 12th.  All of that stands in the shadow of its next battle with Uranus on May 20th.  Pluto's presence isn't meant to dampen spirits as much as it is to instill substance.  If we have a solid, realistic plan and are willing to consistently work toward its fulfillment, 2013's harvest (Pluto goes direct on September 20th) promises a bounty.  Cautious Capricorn enjoys earning its rewards, and audacious Aries loves to explore and improvise.  If we learn to draw upon their strengths, we can find a healthy balance, and have a lot of fun, along the way.  To set us in motion, the Sun has arrived in confident, sassy and irrepressible Aries.  From this point of pure, provocative inspiration, It's time to hit the trail we want to blaze the most.

       Well, the days are lighter and longer, so I'm guessing that like me you don't want to stay inside reading for too long this month.  But before I close this edition, I have to thank you.  During a recent marketing seminar, Hay House CEO Reid Tracy revealed the average open rate of Hay House email.  He was explaining that having an active, loyal audience is preferable to having a large, indifferent one.  Personally I strive to just do the work I love and to avoid the numbers validation trap.  After working in Hollywood for 20 years, I know that everything comes and goes.  There will be times when you're on top and times when you regroup and rebuild.  What matters to me is staying grounded and finding peace and happiness through it all.  That having been said, you guys open these emails three times more than Hay House email readers!  Your appreciation of my work is humbling and gratifying.  I know I say it in every edition, but it is heartfelt.  Thank you!  See you under abundant, earthy Taurus skies.

With love and gratitude,

Ps: I'm playing a lot more on Twitter these days, so please feel free to tweet me and let me know that you're on there.  I'll follow you.