Sun Into Pisces 2013: The Urge to Merge

Published: Mon, 02/18/13

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Sun Into Pisces 2013 Edition

     Welcome to the Sun Into Pisces 2013 edition!  With half of the planets heading through astrology's final sign and Saturn and Mercury turning retrograde in water signs, a cycle abundant with time for review and reflection is at hand.  Pisces, the sign that closes out winter, also gives us a chance to embrace the remaining stillness and quiet of the season.  Where were you one year ago?  What was going on in your life?  What were your intentions for the future?  The Sun's return to the gentle, mutable energy of Pisces signals an opportunity to pause, take stock and ponder the possibilities now before us.

     If you want to learn even more about the upcoming cycle, please join me this Wednesday, February 20th at 11:00 A.M. PST when I visit "Kristy's Connection To The Soul" on Blogtalk Radio.  Host Kristy Ayala is a Pisces, so Happy Birthday to her and all of our Pisces subscribers!!  If you cannot listen live, this show is always archived.  You can also catch my mini audio reports on "Surfing The Psychic Waves " with Kristina Walsh.  Her new outlet has now had over 44,000 hits in a few short months.  That is amazing and congratulations are certainly in order.  Well done Kristina!!  Again, thank you to both of these ladies for your generosity and support.  Thank you, dear reader, for tuning in.  It is always sincerely appreciated.

From the Oracle


You are on the right path, and success is inevitable. The happy seeds germinating within yield highly rewarding results.


    Your intuition is spot-on in this matter. This energy is exciting and full of promise. Follow it closely, and what you desire will manifest. Remember, when you acknowledge and give thanks for each positive development along the way, more will come. Also, notice any information you receive that confirms your hunch. It will sustain your deep enthusiasm for this endeavor. Success is yours!


I recognize and celebrate my success, and also that of others.
Hay House Book Club

Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio

In The Shadow Of A Badge

We're reading about Angels and September 11th this month at the Hay House Book Club.  On that fateful day FBI agent Lillie Leonardi worked at the crash site of Flight 93 where she saw a legion of Angels.  In her book "In The Shadow Of A Badge" she recounts her life-changing experience.  She was a delight to talk to, so I hope you will tune into this edition.
  The Book Club airs Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio.

Free Minute Fridays at Elizabeth's Oracle

      I've yet to advertise this special outside of the newsletter because my voice tires out from so many readings on Fridays.  Thank you so much for your support.  And remember, you only need to pay for your reading on a Friday to get the free minutes.  You can have your reading anytime during regular Oracle hours.  

     Because many of you will be opening this newsletter on Presidents' Day in the US, I'm running this special on Monday, February 18th.  Five free minutes will be added to your reading with any reading package you purchase on Feb 18th.  If you've been thinking about having a reading , the Pisces energy is extra insightful.  Just email me to schedule a session.
Sun Into Pisces 2013: The Urge To Merge
       As the Sun enters mutable, integrating Pisces on February 18th, 2013, Saturn will be stationing to turn retrograde in emotional and intense Scorpio.  A few days later, on the 23rd, Mercury will follow suit and turn retrograde in Pisces.  But the planet influencing the cycle ahead most will be Pisces' ruler Neptune.  The oceanic planet of dissolution is after all now at home in Pisces.  There it will connect directly with the Sun on the 20th and Venus on the 28th.  Moreover, its considerable, if imperceptible magnitude will resonate throughout this cycle as the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Venus and the new moon of March 11th travel through Piscean realms of creativity, compassion and completion.  

      Concerned with all things esoteric, Neptune imparts a sense of the Oneness.  Under its influence we can easily experience altered states of awareness.  In them, we can feel unconditional love for others and perceive the shapes of things to come.  Notoriously nebulous and deceptive, Neptune is also the planet associated with addictions, religious cults and delusion.  In 2013, escapist tendencies will be kept in check by a full moon in orderly Virgo working in concert with expansive Jupiter is in sharp-witted Gemini.  From there the planet of opportunity will cut through the confusion and challenge unrealistic aspirations and unhealthy diversions when it squares the Sun on the full moon of February 25th, Venus on March 4th and Mercury on the 9th.
March 6, 2013

     Also adding sobriety to the mix will be Saturn and Pluto. These planetary guardians of discipline and truth will be well-aspected during the cycle ahead.  On March 6-7th Venus and Mercury meet at 11 degrees of Pisces where they trine Saturn at 11 degrees of Scorpio and sextile Pluto at 11 degrees of Capricorn.  Neptune is reputed to require a sacrifice.  What is standing between us and our bliss?  Where are we failing to take practical action in order to attain our dreams?  What are we willing to give up to get from here to there?  Saturn's retrograde through fixed Scorpio, occurring under a simultaneous Mercury retrograde, is asking us to take an honest inventory.  Transformational Pluto in austere, structuring Capricorn is echoing the Piscean call to release that which is no longer serving us.  The purging and assimilation are preparing us for the new astrological year ahead and the Lightwork we came to do in 2013.

     While the Sun doesn't enter endeavoring Aries until March 20th, the new moon of March 11th will give us a glimpse of what's in store.  On that day, bold, decisive Mars emerges from the Pisces fog and makes its homecoming to Aries.   The planet of courage and audacity takes two years to orbit the zodiac, so its return to initiating Aries is auspicious and enlivening.  But before we move into the fiery domain of the Ram, it's time to pay homage to Neptune.  In this year of the coming Grand Water trine and the further seeding of the Divine Feminine on planet Earth, the planets are gathering in the reflective and regenerative waters of Pisces.  As we embody their waves of forgiveness, release and peace, we merge with the Oneness.

     Well, I knew those hours would change up a bit and I cannot say that my brain doesn't get a little fuzzy converting EST, CST and PST into MST, but I'm having a great time.   Years ago and shortly after I moved from my native Florida to Los Angeles, to work in the glamorous music business, an especially good psychic told me with great certainty that I would wind up in Colorado.  Newly settled in Tinsel Town and gainfully employed at one of the top PR firms, where I worked with major celebrities, I completely dismissed her read.  Those snowy evergreens sounded gorgeous to be sure and she was a sweet little old lady, but I did not know a soul in the Rockies.  Lately I've thought about that dear woman and her clear prediction from 20 years ago, and laughed.  Indeed she knew. 

     The snow is as powdery and dry as they say, the sun shines often and is especially bright and warm a mile up from the earth, people are friendly and into good health, and something in me, perhaps my Norwegian lineage, has swung right into action.  I heartily embrace the cold mornings and vigorously walk up snowy hillsides.  I'm still homesick for the ancient oaks, leafy magnolias and sprawling, green land of North Carolina.   And so many little things remind me of my dad and how much I miss him.  But I'm getting through and settling into my next chapter.  Opening the box of astrology books that I refer to each month for these articles brought me a sense of familiarity and joy.  Thank you so very much for subscribing.  It is always my pleasure to travel through the cosmos and life with you.  I hope that your Pisces cycle is restful, restorative and brimming with sweetness and inspiration.

With love,