Sun Into Aquarius 2013: Calling All Visionaries

Published: Sat, 01/19/13

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Elizabeth's Oracle
Sun Into Aquarius 2013 Edition
Happy Birthday Aquarius!

    And a warm 2013 welcome to everyone.  I hope that your new year is off to an amazing start.  The Sun has made it into the wide open spaces of inventive, effervescent Aquarius.  From this progressive vantage point we can look ahead into the new year and far beyond.  The dawning cycle is an exciting one, and I hope that you soak up its uplifting, progressive rays.  As I glance into the immediate future, here's what's on tap.

    The 2013 season of the Hay House Book Club is underway!  We have lots planned for this year, and we hope that you are enjoying the selections and the shows.  Speaking of the Book Club, author, intuitive and teacher Tara Taylor has contributed a lovely piece to this newsletter.  It's just below the feature article along with information about Tara and her wonderful work.  Angel expert Kristy Ayala and I caught up earlier this week on her show, "Kristy's Connection To The Soul."  You can listen to the replay here .  Our next visit will be on February 20th when we'll be talking about the solar journey through Pisces.  In the meantime, metaphysical maven Kristina Walsh has posted some of my new music and astrology coverage on Soundcloud, her fab new platform. Electronica artist extraordinaire Moby is also on Soundcloud, so we're all thrilled to be part of this new endeavor.  Now, without further adieu, as they say, here is this month's newsletter.

From the Oracle


Golden amber is here to dispel fear, negativity, and darkness. Like rays of sunshine, amber's Light is restoring optimism now.

    The life-giving force of the sun is always shining, even behind banks of the darkest clouds. Golden amber resonates with similar brilliant and revitalizing energy. Whether you are doubting yourself, receiving negativity from someone, or facing a moment of uncertainty, this message reminds you that no matter the illusion, you are always connected to an eternal Source of pure radiance. To dispel depression and dark energies, work with amber's healing rays. They will reinvigorate your mind, body, and spirit with vibrance and enthusiasm.

I am pure, radiant Light.
Hay House Book Club

Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio

The Second Rule of Ten

We are so excited about this one!  Last year we read "The First Rule of Ten" by Gay Hendricks and Tinker Linsdsay.  In it Tibetan monk turned P.I. Tenzing Norbu lead us through the edgy side of life in Tinsel Town while teaching us about Buddhism.  He's back and we're turning the pages just as briskly in the 'Second Rule of Ten " as we did in the first.  Join us Friday at 11:00 A.M. PST for this new edition of the Hay House Book Club when we talk to Gay and Lindsay.

Free Minute Fridays at Elizabeth's Oracle

     The old saying says, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  Your response to this one has been so wonderful that I see no reason to "fix" it.  Thank you so much for your participation.  This is just another reason to LOVE Fridays. On Free Minute Fridays, 5 free minutes are added to any reading package purchased on Fridays.  You only need to order on Free Minute Fridays: you can have the reading anytime during regular Oracle hours, on any day of the week.  But wait- there's more!  if you'd like to give a reading session as a gift, I'd be honored and I'll add 5 minutes to all gift orders placed on Free Minute Fridays.  Fridays are for Following, Friending and now having Free Minutes with your reading.  TGIF! 
Sun Into Aquarius 2013: Calling All Visionaries
    Mental Mercury and the Sun move into ingenious Aquarius on January 19th.  There they'll be set to rub elbows with trend-setting, rule-bending Uranus and expansive Jupiter.  Crackling with evanescence, 2013's Aquarius cycle will host a full Leo moon and see Jupiter turn direct.  Though Mars and Mercury will head into mellow Pisces in early February, vivacious Venus will keep the electricity flowing when she enters exciting Aquarius at the same time.  Quirky, colorful and always original, Aquarius insists on marching to the beat of a different drummer.  Truth be told, the fixed air sign of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart prefers to pen entirely new compositions.  Our hearts and ears delight in the ensuing magnificence.  But before any singing along begins, some brazen soul must step forward, willing and eager to explore unfamiliar frontiers.  Fortunately for us, history ultimately celebrates the best of these revolutionaries, and the incoming solar cycle is awash in inspiration and moxie.

    The most courageous waves will be beaming brilliantly from Aquarius's ruling planet Uranus.  It is in pioneering, unabashed Aries and it will make favorable connections with Mercury on January 22nd, the Sun on January 24th and Venus on February 6th.  Those hookups will immediately be followed by bounces from benevolent Jupiter, on the 22nd, 25th and 6th respectively.  The flow of good fortune picks up momentum after January 30th when giant Jupiter awakens from its retrograde slumber and begins its annual forward motion.  The planet of plenty is transiting sociable Gemini until late June, and its current connections with fellow air sign Aquarius will be highly harmonious.
February 2, 2013

    While contemplating the deeper essence of unruly Uranus, a great astrologer once noted, "If you're not pissing more than a few people off, then you're not expressing Uranus correctly."  Ok, I made that up.  But one likely consequence of living life on the Uranian side is what author Howard Sasportas more elegantly describes as unleashing the Furies.  That is to say that Uranus, the first planet located beyond conventional Saturn, represents a break from tradition. When we challenge the status quo, be it in the family, workplace or larger society, we will more than likely uncork, and become the target of, the submerged frustrations of others in our group.  Our ability to pull away confronts them with their own stagnation, and challenges them to grow.  Awakened Uranus sees all involved with compassion and without judgment, completely respectful of everyone's right to be exactly who, where and what they are.  A advocate of the alternative, it lovingly understands and accepts even its dissenters and detractors as part of a unified whole.  Further, Sasportas writes that we will also likely experience internal conflict through the change we attract, consciously or subconsciously, from Uranus.  In provocative, uproarious Aires, the wakeup calls to action are loud and clear.  They will continue ringing throughout the Pluto Uranus square series lasting through 2015.  We can either play victim to "unwelcome" changes that were "forced" upon us, or sit high and proud in the saddle, with the reins firmly in hand, and enthusiastically direct these maverick energies.

    The false and fear-mongering are in for a rough ride though; this is the terrain of real revolution.  These wild and unknowable realms will take those pursuing purely self-serving agendas to task.  This is transparent and transpersonal territory, and altruistic Aquarius puts the welfare of the collective above individual comfort and self-interest.  Its privileged pantheon includes Thomas Paine, Susan B. Anthony, Jackie Robinson, Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Marlowe and Galileo Galilei.  All took immense risks, endured alienation and made substantial personal sacrifices when their ages required progressive leadership.  Our times are no less trying.  The day to pay homage to and to further the work of the bright Ones who bravely blazed before us has dawned.  As the Sun arrives in inventive, innovating Aquarius. we are reminded of our ability to counter crisis with nobility.  As our daily practices reach our lofty ideals, the common good advances and heaven flowers here on earth. 
Elizabeth's Oracle

North Country

        "North Country" is all about finding courage, awakening consciousness and paying tribute to those who have bravely paved the way.  In the "real world" Lois Jensen filed a landmark sexual harassment lawsuit against, EVTAC, a Minnesota mining company.  The case inspired a book that the screenplay was based on.  In the movie, Charlize Theron, Frances McDormand and Sissy Spacek play the female miners who endured treatment that is utterly shocking by today's standards.  The brutality and dehumanization in some scenes make them difficult to watch.  But the film's impact is worth the effort.  

     The economic freedom that we all too often take for granted today was earned by Jensen's generation, and they paid for it dearly.  A few of the reasons your present boss is no longer permitted to grab your intimate body parts, force himself upon you or verbally denigrate you are right here in this movie.  While full global attainment of human rights still has a way to go, "North Country" reminds us of the power of one and of our responsibility to speak up when we know something is wrong.  Its transformational message resonates far beyond gender issues.  That being said, hats off to the male screenwriter, actors and studio execs who collaborated in the making of this challenging movie.  To any of my female subscribers who went into the workplace during the Women's Lib wave of the early 70's, thank you.  I am in your debt.
Tara Taylor

     I had the opportunity to meet teacher and author Tara Taylor last year when she visited the Book Club to talk about "Through Indigo's Eyes" and I instantly admired her.  It may have been because she is also a full-time Lightworker, but it was probably due to the genuine sweetness of her energy. That she helps so many others understand, ground and harness their extrasensory abilities is an added bonus.  Tara will be speaking at Hay House's live Ignite event in San Jose in March and she has generously shared the following with us. 

     "As we come into this new era we (all souls) are all being called to truly live in our "real truths" which is we are all divine light here to be love, unite and help each other learn and grow in our soul's progressions here on earth. We are spiritual warriors and have been called to light the way so that we can inspire and encourage others to feel safe to shine their lights. You will find that 2012 we struggled with competitiveness and never understood why we all just cannot live in peace and love each other for who we all are so this era is about standing together and sharing the lime light as a global team and to teach that we are all connected to the divine and that we as humans need to stop fighting about who is right and who is wrong and to be done with anything in this earth world that separates us from one another. We live in a world with many truths, not just one truth. We need to share with the world that it is safe to talk over the fence and not have to rip it down. I always say that we need to run toward anything that unites us and be weary of anything that singles us out as being less than or more than someone else. Love, be love and unite!"

Tara Taylor -- Intuitive Counselor, Hay House  Author and Advocate of Love!

     Well, as this newsletter heads out, I'm getting settled into my new Rocky Mountain abode.  By the Pisces edition, with its longer days, etc., the Oracle hours will likely change a bit.  You can email me for a reading and we'll work out the time zones.

    In closing, there's just something that I LOVE about the Aquarius cycle.  It's a sign that rattles cages, stirs pots and shakes us right out of rigidity.  Thank goodness!  Those first nights of Aquarius also tend to be when I first notice the daylight staying up past the crack of 6:00 P.M., proof positive that sunny days are indeed on their way back.  The returning light makes me feel happy and hopeful.  Yes, we are living in challenging times, and there is no problem that human kind has created that we cannot solve.  I hope that what the mass media defines as "the news" is only a small part of how you are experiencing reality.  Many remarkable things are happening here on planet earth right now, like the probable discovery of the Higgs Boson and the safe landing of the rover Curiosity on Mars.  Aquarius reminds us to step out of the mold and away from the herd long enough to see life from an exalted, unorthodox perspective.  From there, we can begin to see the shapes of what comes next.  Have a lovely solar cycle and then I'll see you again in a Pisces dream.

With love,