Sun Into Gemini 2013: Messages From the Matrix

Published: Mon, 05/20/13

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Sun Into Gemini 2013 Edition
Hello Dear Reader,

    Welcome to the Gemini edition of Elizabeth's Oracle.  This newsletter started with the Sun Into Cancer cycle of 2009, so this edition completes four years of production.  Wow, have we all been through a lot of life since then.  Thank you to those of you who have been here all along and a warm welcome to those of you who have just joined the mailing list.  Appropriately enough for the day of a Pluto Uranus square, I want to let you know that the content and frequency of the newsletter will be changing during the coming year.  I'm not sure what exactly that is going to look like just yet, so please stay tuned for announcements.

    In the meantime, and perfect for outgoing, talkative Gemini, this edition is a busy one.  In it you can find out about the Hay House World Summit, the Gemini Infusion and Infusion sale, the Hay House Book Club and current astrology.  Btw, if you are planning to attend the Hay House World Summit, via either the free or paid versions, please consider registering through the links on my website or in this newsletter.  As a Hay House affiliate, the Hay House products you see here, including Book Club selections, make this newsletter possible. Your support is deeply appreciated, so thank you.  Finally, Happy Birthday to all of our Gemini subscribers, and their twins!  I would so eat 2 kinds of cake if I were a Gem!

    In astrology news, last week I shared a delightful visit with my friend and colleague Kristy Ayala.  We had a blast talking about the coming cycle on her show, "Kristy's Connection to the Soul ", and we covered a lot of the material that is in this month's article.  If you'd like to know more or simply want to hear what's coming in, big stuff btw, you can listen here at your convenience.  In the offing is another visit with my other Kristy, Kristina Walsh, on her show "Surfing the Psychic Waves".  We'll let you know about that closer to the air date.  Thank you for joining us!

     Now, please enjoy this edition of the newsletter.

From The Oracle


You are a visionary who clearly sees the shape of things to come. Completely embrace the innovative force you were born to be.


    You are an original, electrifying presence; and your trend-setting ideas are leading to a breakthrough. Unique, creative, and rule-bending, Aquarius is the fixed air sign that is always ahead of its time . . . and the crowd. This card urges you to buck trends and authority, to embrace change, and to live by your own eccentric and inspiring rules. You are not only on the right path-you are blazing the trail! Follow your futuristic vision.


I see the future clearly, and I am delighted.
Hay House World Summit
June 1st-10th

    The Hay House World Summit will bring together 110 hour-long conversations with world-renowned experts from the personal-growth field to share with you the practical, applicable ways in which they incorporate their teachings in their own lives . . . and how you can do the same! Join us from June 1st through 10th.  Presenters include many of our favorites like Robert Holden, Christian Northrup, Lynn McTaggart and of course Louise Hay,

    Each day Hay House will make content available to everyone who registers for free.  They are also selling three packages based on the content.  If you need some fresh inspiration, you may want to be part of this event. Again, thank you for any purchases or clicks you make from my site and this newsletter.  As some of you are getting lots of email about this, hearing about it on Hay House Radio and seeing it on the social networks, this is the only email you will receive from me about it.  I've always promised to respect your email address and will continue to honor my word, and you!  That being said, I hope to see you out there in attendance.  Some significant figures in the self-help world will be presenting and I know that they have enlightening information to share with all of us.

Special thanks to author Eric Meyers for his permission to quote from his wonderfully provocative book "The Astrology of Awakening " for this month's article.  These days Eric is welcoming the release of his latest work "Transpersonal Astrology", a collection of essays on the new thinking in astrology that Eric edited.with Armand Diaz and Andrew Smith.  Congratulations Eric and all the best to you and everyone involved!  You can sign up for his monthly newsletter or order any of his books through his website Soul Vision Consulting
Gemini Infusion
& Infusion Sale!

    Concentrating in the heart, throat and third eye chakras, the Gemini Infusion opens the heart and mind, clears outmoded thought patterns, supports enlightened, reciprocal communication and prepares inner space for bright, new ideas. This Infusion is recommended when mental focus, versatility and creativity are needed.

     The Infusion package includes an MP3 file featuring original music set to a guided mini-meditation, notes, and a worksheet and glyph for you to work with.  If you would like to hear a sample, the Gemini Infusion is currently uploaded in my free app (in iTunes and Android) or you can listen directly from my site's music page through Memorial Day.  All 3 Infusions, Aries, Taurus and the new Gemini one, are also on sale through Memorial Day.   These are the first in a series that will ultimately include all twelve signs.  The feedback is really good so far and composing them is a pure joy.  So I hope you will check them out.
Hay House Book Club

The Last Laugh

When suicide feels like your best option, you know something has gone horribly wrong-and that's just how Matt Thomson felt. He had lost everything: his wife, his children, his job, all his money, and his front door key. But everything changes when he meets Joey Murphy, ex-Merchant Marine, entrepreneur, teacher, and wild man, an enigmatic mixture of Forrest Gump, Merlin, and a long-lost best friend. Upon hearing Matt's woes, Joey offers Matt a life-changing deal he can't resist:The life you know has been completely predetermined by old habits, both your triumphs and your failures. If you are really at the end of your rope, these habits will drop away, and you will be free . . . I give you ten days, starting today. I will show you all you need to see. It is up to you. And with the deal struck Joey leads Matt on the roller-coaster ride of his life.

    "The Last Laugh" was indeed a fun book to read, and interviewing author Arjuna Ardagh was a pleasure.  What's not to adore about a writer with a Master's degree in Literature from Cambridge who leads you through a transcendental experience at Taco Bell?  That is what I call writing!

  The Book Club airs Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio.

Sun Into Gemini 2013: Messages From the Matrix
    The Sun's entrance into curious, affable Gemini, at 2:09 P.M. PST on May 20th, falls into the larger context of the third evolutionary Pluto Uranus square.  While social Gemini's spirit of inquiry and celebrated acumen will be in robust supply,  mainly thanks to Mars, the 2013 cycle will come with a distinct undertow.  That's due to a series of upcoming water transits and trines involving Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Neptune in the immediate forecast, and Jupiter's looming shift from chatty Gemini to sensitive Cancer in late June.  Adding to the intuitive pull inward are the forming Grand Water Trine of July 17-19th and the Grand Sextile of July 29th.  Even Gemini's witty ruler Mercury is in on the liquid conspiracy; the trines and squares the trickster forms next foreshadow the larger tale about to be told by giant Jupiter over the coming year.

    During the upcoming cycle we'll be influenced by two strong motives, Gemini's desire to explore and gather information about our world and Cancer's need to establish emotional security and define our familial role within it.  Rather than a cliche argument between logical Gemini and emotional Cancer; this is a cosmic invitation to identify and decipher the messages our Gem thoughts and Cancer feelings are sending us.  If we are the nerve endings of a larger matrix connecting everything, then inventory and evolution should be our highest priorities.          

     Two of the planets in key points of the grid in the Sun cycle and year ahead are Mercury and Jupiter.  Mental Mercury will be in receptive Cancer from May 31st to August 8th, and its retrograde will last from June 26th through July 20th.   On June 10th, the winged one will cross 13 degrees of Cancer, the shadow point of the retrograde.  As explained in the Gemini 2011 edition of the Oracle, Mercury is the planet that travels closest to the Sun and is therefore the one most closely aligned with our identity or ego.  That is not a bad thing in and of itself.  However, the relationship becomes problematic when we use the mind to mine our environment exclusively in search of the data that supports only our story.  In his ground-breaking book "The Astrology of Awakening " author Eric Meyers keenly observes that we express the planets in their egoic and awakened states.  About Mercury, he shares the following:    

     "It's necessary for us to use the mind to achieve a sense of order, a prime concern of the ego.  We have named and categorized everything according to our limited ideas and frameworks.  The mind has projected itself on the world and we have all believed it to be true.  But few stop to realize how relative this all is.  When we quiet the mind's chatter, we can receive from the matrix. ... Thinking is secondary to being."

        Jupiter is completing its Gemini transit and preparing for a year-long stay in Cancer that begins on June 25th.  Eric offers the following insights on Jupiter's egoic and awakened styles of expression.

    "Jupiter potentially bolsters our self-interests, but can fall prey to the notion that having more (money, popularity, status, adventure) is always preferable to having less.  As a consequence, we might make unwise, possibly detrimental or immoral, decisions to see to this grandiose priority.  ... The more awakened response to Jupiter is to set a course that continues outward, away from self-preoccupation, towards the transpersonal." 

June 8, 2013

    Jupiter conjuncts Mercury May 27th, Venus the 28th, the Moon June 9th and the Sun on the 19th before leaving Gemini on the 25th.  Those of you who follow astrology closely will note that when Mercury and then Jupiter enter Cardinal Cancer, with Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, Cardinal T-Crosses will be established.  Like gateways, the squares and oppositions involving the Cardinal signs signal celestial occasions to move beyond thresholds and live in radically new ways.  As the Gemini cycle dawns we find ourselves at an exact Pluto Uranus square, the third of the seven taking place between 2012 and 2015.  Mercury is poised to wade into the water that Jupiter will occupy through July of 2014.  And while the two form those provocative squares to rebellious Uranus and oppositions to destructive Pluto, the Cancer placement also puts them in positions that form agreeable water trines with Saturn and Neptune.   This indicates a cycle that will mix inquiry with innovation.

     Some key inquiry dates in the immediate forecast include June 3rd when Mercury trines Saturn and Neptune,  June 7th when Venus trines Saturn and Neptune and June 11th when Saturn and Neptune trine.  Cardinal pops, offering opportunities to try on new perspectives and try out new strategies, include June 7th and 8th when Mercury opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, June 11th and 12th when Venus opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, and June 20th when Mercury and Venus are conjunct and the Sun heads into Cancer.  Into this lively setting, Gemini's adaptable nature, and seasonal mandate for closure, will support our ability to release and change.  Making the messages from the matrix crystal clear,  aggressive Mars will transit the mutable air sign from May 31st to July 13th.  From there, it and the Sun will form contentious squares to Neptune, giving further insight into what is no longer needed.  Characteristically, in Gemini the planets are talking.  The degree to which we are willing to listen and let go is the degree to which we will successfully navigate the tidal waves on the horizon.  With water comprising 60% of our body weight and covering 71% of our planet, it's time to dive in.

    It's finally spring here!  As some of you have written to let me know that you enjoy seeing pictures, I've included a photo of some of our local lovelies.  Though I've put the summer clothes in my drawers and winter clothes in the closet, I'm keeping a heavy jacket and a few pairs of lounge pants handy.  It snowed May 1st.  That being said, the warm days and blooming trees and flowers are wondrous, and I am looking forward to laying back underneath summer skies and counting the stars very soon.  I hope that all is just as beautiful where you are.  Thank you again for sharing the journey.  Have a great Gem cycle. Until next time, be your bliss.

With love,