Sun Into Scorpio 2012: Eliminate To Generate

Published: Mon, 10/22/12

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Elizabeth's Oracle
Sun Into Scorpio 2012

    Welcome to the Sun Into Scorpio edition.  It is such a pleasure to reconnect with you.  I hope that all is going well for you as autumn settles in here in the Northern hemisphere, and lots of love to our Australian readers who are now welcoming Spring.  As you can see, the tech transition is nearly complete.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  It's nice to see projects reach completion.  It's also nice to see 2012 wind down.

    With endings come bright new beginnings.  To that end I am very pleased to announce two new regular radio appearances coming to the Oracle.  Beginning this month, an audio version of my monthly astrology report will begin running on Align Radio .  Kristina Walsh is "Surfing the Psychic Waves" and directing this enlightening new network.  Next, beginning in January, I will have the blessing and privilege of joining another friend and colleague, Kristy Ayala, on the airwaves.  Her beautiful show "Kristy's Connection to the Soul" airs every Wednesday at 11:00 A.M. PST on Blogtalk radio.  Starting in January I will join her live each third Wednesday of the month to talk about astrology, her specialty the Angels and much more.  But don't wait until then to tune in.  These ladies are doing wonderful work right now, so give them a listen.  These new opportunities are addition to my work at the Hay House Book Club .  This newsletter now includes a special book club section for your reference.  Thank you so much for making the show a success for Hay House.   Enjoy this month's newsletter!
From the Oracle
The wall of unresolved issues and feelings you have built must come down. It is time to fully grieve your loss.

    In a culture addicted to youth and silver linings, we are seldom given permission or space to process life's most devastating blows.
    This message indicates that you are heavy with unprocessed grief and that it is time to accept and mourn your loss. A failed business venture; a love affair that fell apart; or the death of a beloved friend, relative, or pet are all painful experiences. Through loss you can come to understand both the impermanent and eternal nature of your being. Accept what is gone and mourn its passing.

Hay House Book Club
Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST

"Pushing Upward"
Andrea Adler

After consulting the oracle, aspiring actress Sandra Billings places a fateful ad in the Los Angeles Times: Drama Student in Need of Rm and Brd in Exchange for Housekeeping. She encounters outrageous and inappropriate individuals before meeting Emma, a wise and refined 80-year-old woman who becomes Sandra's mentor and who ultimately changes the course of her life. Author Andrea Adler joins the book club to talk about her character Sandra, Hollywood and the iChing on Hay House Radio.

Subscriber Only
Reading Special
     You've been a loyal subscriber, now be rewarded.  5 free minutes, in addition to the 5 free minutes for placing your first order with the new Elizabeth's Oracle, will be added to all Seal Session orders from subscribers throughout the 2012 Sun into Scorpio cycle.  That's a total of 10 Free Minutes when you order a Seal Session reading.

10 Free Minutes with your order!  

     Drawing from the Ancient Wisdom of Seal, Seal Session is a thirty minute reading that gives you the time to more fully explore what matters to you most. Soothing and given with complete support, this reading will give you deeper insight and restore your sense of balance, purpose and direction. And with the bonus minutes this month, you will emerge feeling clear and refreshed.

Elizabeth's Oracle

Sun Into Scorpio 2012: Eliminate To Generate
"Come to the edge," he said.
They said, "We are afraid."
They came.
He pushed them....
They flew.
- Guillaume Apollinaire

    Emotional, fixed Scorpio thrives on intensity and change, and the Sun will dive into its purifying waters at 5:14 P.M. PST on October 22nd.  Material matters will surface courtesy of a full Taurus moon on the 29th and a total solar eclipse conjunct the lunar nodes on November 13th.  A provocative full Cardinal cross will precede the Mercury retrograde that begins on Election Day in the U.S.  Saturn and Pluto will begin strengthening 2013's evolutionary Uranus Pluto squares.  And, Neptune and Chiron, turning direct in reflective Pisces, will connect us more directly with our intrinsic truths.  In the grand scheme of things, new dimensions and higher levels of awareness are opening up to us.  To access them, we must journey through solemn Scorpio's passageway.

     October 29th's full moon in physical, security-oriented Taurus will be opposed by restricting Saturn and the willful Sun in truthful, transforming Scorpio.  This super moon is connected to 2012's Venus occultation, 2013's Uranus Pluto squares and the lunar node placements lasting into early 2014.  It is a call to strike a healthy balance between the our spiritual essence and material needs.  It is also an opportunity to examine and release the financial fears that ironically limit us.  Occurring two days before the Celtic holy day of Samhain, it is a summons to look within, reconcile losses and dedicate ourselves more fully to the spiritual work we came here for.  This meaningful moon will receive a friendly trine from evocative Pluto in industrious Capricorn.  Infused with this lunar wisdom and inspired by practical plans for the future, we enter a Cardinal gateway of Light the first weekend of November.

    Abundant Venus has two celestial abodes, and she will be residing in her harmonious Libra lair when the moon comes home to its native Cancer from November 3-5th.  With Pluto and Uranus settled into Capricorn and Aries, the cosmic stage is set for initiation.  If the full moon or Samhain/Halloween purging has worked its magic, then new offers and opportunities will begin materializing in early November.  Discouraging unwisely impulsive decisions, clever Mercury will turn retrograde on November 6th.  Lasting until November 26th, this transit will provide ample time for studying details and carefully reviewing facts and figures before moving ahead.  And with the Messenger traveling all the way back to 18 degrees of probing Scorpio, deceit, abuse and deception will be exposed.  Mercury, Saturn and the Sun are intent on clearing corruption and instituting the honesty and integrity now critical for planetary evolution.  
FUll Taurus Moon
29 October 2012

   Mercury re-enters sacred Scorpio on November 13th, the day of a total solar eclipse.  This new moon eclipse in Scorpio is conjunct the lunar North node.  In general terms, the moon's South node describes the past and its North points the way forward.  The Taurus Scorpio opposition created here concerns resources and power.  In late August the Nodes shifted into Taurus and Scorpio, where they will be in influence until February 2014.  Here they will intensify the current Scorpio directive to fully integrate our spiritual beliefs with our economic practices and the care we give to our physical bodies.  

    The "let go to grow" mantra being sounding now will be booming by the time we reach 2013's Pluto Uranus squares.  They will take place on May 20th, the final day of the Taurus Sun cycle, and on November 1st, in the midst of next year's Scorpio solar sojourn.  By then stern, structuring Saturn will be adding more of its considerable weight to the equation.  The ringed-planet is after all Capricorn's ruler, so it supports Pluto's presence in the sign of pragmatic progress.  Reciprocally, Pluto respects Saturn's disciplined prowess in its home sign of destructive Scorpio.  In short, Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio understand and mirror each other.  In these placements, their energies are complementary and mutually fortifying.  Mars will amplify their power when it moves through ambitious Capricorn from November 16th through December 25th.  This is the fuel for setting and ultimately reaching conscious goals.  The Sun's coming placements in Taurus and Scorpio on the exact days of the next Pluto Uranus squares will reinforce the work we undertake now.

    Scorpion change is often dramatic, turbulent and obvious.  By contrast, fellow water sign Pisces works more like waves upon rocks.  It dissolves so subtly and gently that its influence is usually only recognizable over time.  The planet it rules, Neptune will turn direct on November 10th as will healing asteroid Chiron on the 14th.  Both are in holistic, integrating Pisces, the sign that also completes the zodiac.  Thus the planets in these collaborating water signs are on message: release to regenerate.  The Neptunian element here assures us that even in the midst of great upheaval, peace is always available.  The boundless, artistic planet instructs us to turn inward.  There we can center ourselves.  From the void of a quiet mind, inspiration emerges.  Aligned with its clarity, we know precisely which steps to take next.

"And now I see with eye serene,
the very pulse of the machine
A being breathing thoughtful breath
A traveler between life and death"
William Wordsworth

Elizabeth's Oracle

"Revolution In Cairo"

    It turns out that jazz poet Gil Scott- Heron was wrong; the revolution is being televised.  It is being captured on cell phones and its harrowing and triumphant images are beaming around the globe.  The modern revolutionaries are using Facebook to organize and ignite activism, and their Tweets from the streets are changing the world.  This Frontline documentary from early 2011 zooms right in.  In it we meet members of "April 6th," a group of social-media savvy political dissidents whose work helped pave the way for the historic ousting of President Mubarak.  As these extraordinary events unfolded before the planet, Frontline followed this group as it huddled, strategized, regrouped in the face of repression and led Egypt's youth.  Once you throw the rascals out, with what do you replace them? 

"Revolution In Cairo" goes on to consider the options and possibilities in a post-Mubarak nation.  If you've been following current events, this will give you some interesting insight.  If you find yourself struggling to keep up with the many faces and phases of the Arab Spring, this documentary is a good starting point.  In fairness, Scott-Heron died last May.  One can only hope that he got to see the brave, brutal and beautiful images of change.
Creative Corner

Make Your Bucket List!

    No one gets out of here alive, and no sign loves making us come to terms with our mortality more than Scorpio.  The Halloween skulls, skeletons and ghosts can be a little scary and unsettling, and Veteran's Day is a poignant reminder of loss.  Scorpio energy invites us to think about death and what's important in the lives we still have.  

    A bucket list is a collection of the things that we'd like to do before we die.  We can usually rattle off a list of them effortlessly.  Hiking the Himalayas, seeing a Shakespeare play in England or returning to school to study a beloved subject are all favorites, things we'll do one day, some day, in the vague and distant future.  How many of us make concrete plans to fulfill bucket list wishes?  Saturn's recent entrance into clarifying Scorpio is an excellent cosmic resource.  Utterly realistic, it can help with budgets, schedules and other practicalities.  Its discipline is a hefty asset for keeping us on target once we set an intention.  Finally, its association with time, coupled with Scorpio's familiarity with death, is another reminder to seize the days we have.

Thank you as always for subscribing and thanks also to the friends and colleagues in radio.  I have to say, no one gets more upset when there are tech glitches with this newsletter than I do, 4 planets in Virgo will do that lol.  Thank you for hanging in there through a few email misfires this summer as I finished up the site and tinkered with this new email template.  That you guys are so kind and understanding is a profound reminder of compassion.  It is a blessing to write for you.  We'll see you when the Sun comes to Sagittarius.

With love and gratitude,