Sun Into Gemini 2012: Gentle Release

Published: Sun, 05/20/12

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Sun Into Gemini 2012 Edition



    Welcome to the Gemini edition of the Oracle.  Happy birthday to all of our Gemini subscribers and friends!  Thank you to everyone, as always, for taking this journey with me.  The incoming cycle is a significant one.  It includes the Venus occultation, an event that will not happen again until 2117.  From a cosmic perspective, the occultation, a retrograde Venus passing in front of the Sun, is all about planetary heart healing.  I hope you will embrace the loving essence of Venus and that you will take the opportunity to watch the spectacular phenomenon.  Here is website with more information and live cameras where you can watch the occultation as well as today's eclipse:

    This cycle is also about release and endings.  In my life that has meant the loss of my dad.  Though he put up a strong and courageous fight against kidney cancer, his struggle ended on April 23rd.  I am so deeply grateful for all of the time we had to say goodbye and "I love you" so often during these past three years here in North Carolina.  His cancer was diagnosed only two months after I move here.  Even in my grief, I am so grateful for the guidance that told me to come here without delay.  I thank you for your kindness, understanding and support over these past months and in the coming ones. Death has so much to teach us.

    Serendipitously enough, at the book club we are reading Ken Druck's "The Real Rules of Life: Balancing Life's Terms with Your Own."  Ken's daughter Jenna was killed in a bus accident in India 16 years ago.  In this book he shares what he has learned from his heart-breaking, life-altering experience.  Direct, authentic and healing, this book is an instruction manuel for anyone navigating through loss, grief and any of life's other serious challenges and setbacks.  Ken was a wonderful presence to have on the show and I hope you will tune into Hay House Radio on Friday, May 25th at 11:00 A.M. PST to listen.  You can hear replays of the show at the Hay House Radio archive and you can join us in the discussion on Facebook.  Now please enjoy this month's feature article.

Sun Into Gemini 2012: Gentle Release

    When the Sun enters agile, inquisitive Gemini at 8:16 A.M. PST on May 20th, it will usher in a cycle of review and release.  Venus is already traveling retrograde in the mutable air sign, and preparing for a historic June 5-6th occultation.  Mercury will transit curious, affable Gemini from May 24th through June 7th, and giant Jupiter will enter the domain of astrology's twins on June 11th for a one-year stay.  The eclipses of May 20th and June 4th fall along the Gemini Sagittarius axis, where the moon's South and North nodes are also presently positioned.  Add Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and Mars in Virgo to this major mutable mix, and we can see the cosmos making way for the new through clearing and closure.

    To every thing there is a season, and nature's four seasons end under astrology's four mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.  Adaptable and flexible, the gentle mutable signs teach us how to bend and move with the tides of change.  They also prepare us for the new beginnings represented by astrology's cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries, the signs that start the four seasons.  In 2012, the Gemini prep time is leading us right into the first of seven exact Uranus Pluto squares.  The last time we experienced a series of squares between Uranus and Pluto in cardinal signs was during the Great Depression.  Regarded for their ability to facilitate systemic reform, these alignments, which will take place through the spring of 2015, portend great societal shifts.  Uranus, in instigating, revolutionary Aries, and Pluto, in ambitions, pragmatic Capricorn, will be at a relatively early eight degrees when they collide under a cardinal Cancer Sun, at three degrees.  The seismic force being unleashed by this alignment is about initiation and ignition.  What we bring to life and where we land on this evolving landscape will depend greatly on having and holding a clear, integral vision, for ourselves and the world we live in.  

    Representing what we value, Venus began probing our thoughts under Taurus skies when she began her retrograde on May 15th.  In mental Gemini, her love quest is guiding us on a journey into our hearts.  She is helping us take an emotional inventory of sorts.  Sometimes becoming keenly, if not painfully, aware of what we lack is the key to defining what we want next.  From her review vantage point, Venus may speak to us through the language of yearning and loss.  The longing and desire that emerge may point us in the new directions we need to take.  Some points of inspired illumination ahead include June 1st, when Venus meets up with clever Mercury, June 4th, when the full moon eclipse occurs, and June 5-6th, when Venus crosses the Sun's path.

June 4, 2012
     The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in the sign of travel, communication and technology support dialog, open-mindedness and the exchange of ideas.  These transits encourage us to think about and express what we want individually and globally.  As our visions become clearer, what we need to release also becomes evident.  Several contentious points, especially amongst the planets in mutable signs, arise during the forthcoming cycle.  Neptune and Chiron are transiting holistic Pisces, and Mars is gaining momentum opposite them in meticulous, detailed Virgo.  While they engage in an argument about the nebulous and the intuitive and the precise and analytical, they will form squares to the planets transiting Gemini and to the full Sagittarius moon.  That full moon itself presents a challenge.  Gemini loves to meet, mingle and learn.  Sagittarius needs to find the deeper meaning behind all of that information.  The South lunar node in Gemini and North node in Sagittarius intensify this struggle, and the June 4th eclipse is the final one taking place with the nodes along this axis.  We are being asked to strike a balance between frivolity and taking life too seriously.  Mercury squares Neptune on May 25th and Mars on the 30th, the Sun squares Neptune on May 23rd and Mars on June 7th, and Venus quarrels with Mars on the full moon.  If we look at the issues that surface on these occasions as matters asking for peaceful resolution, then we will see how to bridge divides or completely let go of unproductive situations and patterns.  

    The Gemini cycle of course concludes when  the Sun moves into aggressive Cancer.  What immediately follows this year is that Pluto Uranus square on June 24th and Saturn and Venus turning direct on the 25th and 27th.  This is a cosmic thrust forward, one intent on progress.  We get to chose its application.  To decipher what's ahead and what to shed, we need look no further than the evening sky.  There resplendent Venus will be shining like a beacon.  If we bathe our spirits in her intrinsic beauty, attune our ears to her celestial songs and behold her gracious majesty, friendly, brilliant Gemini will mapquest us our directions.
     Well, that wraps up another edition.  Work on the new website and newsletter template are just getting underway.  The motif is something I saw a couple of years ago, and I am excited about finally having the time to visually translate it.  I make no promises on when it will be rolled out.  Tech has a mind of its own, and changing websites can be very similar to moving.  No one relishes the thought of going through and packing up all of that stuff, or worse, unpacking it all.  But once we're settled in, we know it was worth it.  I thank you in advance for your patience.  Next month we celebrate the third anniversary of this newsletter.  If there are any changes you would like to see or ideas you would like to share, please feel free to email me.  Thank you so much for subscribing! 
Love always,



Message from the Oracle

Holding on to old resentment is blocking your forward progress. When you forgive, healing begins and new opportunities arrive.


    Your energy field is ready to open you up to new channels of Light, joy, and radiance, but old blockages are in the way.  It is important that you practice forgiveness to clear the way to a new and better life. Forgiveness does not mean approving of or condoning the past words or deeds of another or yourself. It means accepting what has happened and releasing your negative feelings about it. Doing so initiates a healing process. Through forgiveness, you will experience more joy, and your energy field will become lighter and brighter. Your improved state and higher vibrational frequencies will attract better people and situations to your life.

Cosmic Community
 Amma Returns

    I know I write about her often, but the inspiration to do so comes easily.  Amma has hugged over 25 million people, and her work continues to feed the hungry, fund orphanages and bring healthcare to the developing world.  Her next North American tour begins on May 31st in Seattle and winds down on July 22nd in Toronto.  If you would like to find out more about this extraordinary presence or perhaps see her in person, please visit her website

Download the new App!
It's free!
"I am so glad Elizabeth is my supportive advisor.  She always tells it like it is, in a compassionate way.  I am grateful to have such a strong link to the astral energies and wisdom to assist in my life path.  Thank you Elizabeth!"
To Buy My Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment


    Originally released way back in 1980, "Cosmos" is an extraordinary and ageless representation of its subject.  This is the 13-part series about the Universe and our place in it by visionary scientist Carl Sagan.  From the beginning of our existence some 15 billion years ago, to the Voyager mission that is still venturing beyond our solar system, this documentary covers it.  With Sagan at the helm, we visit the ancient library in Alexandria, Egypt, the Heike Samurai of 12th Century Japan, the staff of the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena and extraterrestrial worlds well beyond our galaxy.  The hairdos of the late 70's JPL crew are amongst the few dated items in this remarkable production.  In 2012 it is still visually stunning, and its original music is equally captivating.  Sagan's intriguing narration, talent as a teacher and pure brilliance make the science accessible and spiritual, and (the) Cosmos wondrous.  Under the current Venus retrograde and occultation, the mind contemplates the magnificence and meaning of the celestial world.  It could have no finer exploration vessel than Sagan's "Spaceship of the Imagination."  Bon voyage.
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