Sun Into Leo 2012: We Have Ignition

Published: Sun, 07/22/12

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Sun Into Leo 2012 Edition

Dear Reader,

    Welcome to the Sun Into Leo edition!  Happy birthday to all of our Leo subscribers.  There's lots to share in this edition, so let's get to those announcements.

    First and foremost, please give a warm, generous Leo welcome to astrology author Eric Meyers, M.A., who is writing this month's column.  As I am working through the loss of my father, I have realized how amazing it is to ask for and receive help from others.  Those of you who have not only lost a parent, but who have had the enormous responsibility of managing an estate, know that path I am walking these days.  So it is with deepest appreciation that I accept Eric's most capable assistance.  And for you, his writing is truly a treat.  His perspective is one of empowerment and evolution, and I think you will be equally grateful to him for sharing his work with us.



    Over at the Hay House Book Club, we read "The Man Who Wanted To Be Happy" by French author Laurent Gounelle.   Set in Bali, his main character meets a master teacher and discovers some of the keys to living a more joyous life.  The Book Club airs on Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio.  And in the interest of full disclosure, I am paid for my work on this endeavor.  A labor of love, I would do it for free, but am sure glad they pay me!  Lots of love to Diane, Donna and Dorcy over that the Club, to the authors who grace us all with their talent and wisdom and especially to you for listening.

    As we move into the season of fixed fiery Leo, the forces in the world intensify.  We are after all in the midst of dramatic evolutionary change and being asked to anchor more Light onto planet Earth.  Leo rules the heart and the spine.  While the brain is the seat of the intellect, stores of infinitely more valuable truth and wisdom reside in the heart.  The Lion reminds us to tune into this knowing and to courageously act from this awareness.  Leo is also the sign of creative expression.  There are always more solutions than problems, and creativity is our direct channel to Divine energy.  Leo is here to guide us through life's challenges and to link us with Light, and its cycle is our annual chance to get out there and shine.  We have returned home again, to the powerful, noble sign aligned with the Sun, our core source energy.  Let your spirit be revitalized and renewed.

Sun Into Leo 2012
Eric Meyers, M.A.
Soul Vision Consulting


    The Sun enters Leo, sign of the Lion, emblematic of the charismatic and creative regality of the Sun itself. The eternal choice that Sun/Leo asks us is: Are we going to claim our specialness as our own, or are we humble enough to see that we can only borrow Spirit's brilliance? Leo can display a puffed-up ego, or we can use the inspiration of our Source energy to create a more enlightened village. Grandiosity or grandeur -- is our choice. For the next month, we are reminded of the energetic abundance of this universe.
    At the start of the Leo passage, the planets Uranus, Pluto and Mars are in a edgy dynamic (T-square) -- and the violence in Syria and at the Batman movie in Colorado are just 2 examples of it. During this month, Mars is applying to, and conjunct, mature and sober Saturn. We are being called to behave responsibly, to direct our intentions and behaviors with greater focus and precision. How can we rise to greater stature as leaders? The Uranus/Pluto square invites revolution and reformation, and it takes the work of individuals to make that happen.
    After 4 months in Gemini (due to the recent retrograde), Venus finally moves to Cancer on 8/7. We can take everything we learned from the busyness and fascination of Gemini and send it through the filtering process of the heart. With this centeredness in the self, we are being invited to connect with others (Venus) from our heart center. Take some time to share how you really feel towards the important people in your life.
    This sharing of the self is supported with Mercury turning direct on 8/8 in expressive Leo. For 3 weeks, we have been gathering all of our ideas together internally, reviewing and reevaluating how our minds work. Now, it's time to share our discoveries and put them into creative expression. Who would you be if you could spontaneously express yourself, your joy, your razzle-dazzle?



New Moon August 17, 2012

    On 8/17, there's a Leo New Moon -- another chance to renew our grandeur. Though the Sun will move to Virgo soon after the 17th, this cycle begins with the roar of the Lion. The next task is to earth the creative impulses into form, to make projects which reflect its majesty. Take a moment on the New Moon to declare how you wish to partner with the universe, and watch the seeds mature and grow. We do live in interesting and destabilizing times. The astrology this month asks us to get in touch with our essential humanness and participate in the world even if it appears challenging...especially so.




Eric Meyers, M.A. is the author of "The Astrology of Awakening" and "Elements & Evolution" and a full-time astrologer.  To buy Eric's books or to reach him for a private consultation, visit his website

     In closing, I saw the first draft of the new website and am getting excited.  This nice extended stay of Mercury in Leo is providing ample time for playing with the design, colors and functions of this work in progress.  Before long you will see a totally new look to the site and this newsletter.  The site will also have a much cleaner interface for you to visit, navigate and order readings from.  The code in this newsletter is also getting outdated.  I apologize to any of you seeing dark-colored links.  The ever changing nature of the internet requires constant updating, so thank you for your understanding.   Like an expectant mom, I can't wait to show you the new look.  All in due time as they say.  In the meantime, thank you so much for your support of my work through a year that has brought so many transitions.  The site makeover is one of the happy ones, so thank you for your patience and patronage.
     Thank you also and as always for subscribing.  I hope you are having a nice summer and that even in the chaos you are taking the time to soak up the sun.
With love,
Message from the Oracle
Editor's Note: This is really the card, out of 44, that I drew for us this month!
Leadership comes from charity; you win over the hearts and minds of others in this matter by being the bigger person.


    Confident and charismatic, Leo is here to remind you of your magnanimity. When you access your inner lion, you exude enthusiasm, warmth, and generosity. You are being asked to see this situation from a place of effervescent abundance, and to have compassion for others who may be revealing their tendencies toward lack. When you choose to help instead of hurt, everyone wins.


Giving to others makes me happy.

Cosmic Community
 The Rose

 My friends over at Humboldt Herbals recently ran a special on rose products and sent out a wonderful newsletter about the medicinal and culinary uses of roses.   You can sign up for that here.  The information they shared correlates harmoniously with the Venus occultation, the incoming heart-ruling Leo cycle and the guidance I've been receiving about the heart chakra work we are all undergoing now.  The International Herb Association also named the rose its "Herb of the Year" for 2012.  Rose connects us with love.  Something in its essence immediately softens us and awakens our compassion.  As we move through the tremendous shifts of our Age, rose can help us remember the eternal and enduring beauty that is here.  If you feel like your heart needs extra support through these times of transition, consider connecting with roses.


The Creative Corner
Coloring Mandalas
  Leo is the sign of children.  So what better way to travel back to childhood than coloring?  And in these times of immense energy shifts, what better way to relax and restore balance than working with mandalas?   Monique Mandali has created a series of mandala coloring books and also generously offers a free, safe download of a mandala to color through her website.  Let the scent of an old box of crayons waft into your imagination and transport you back to a time of simplicity and innocence.  Play with the colors and create something as beautiful and unique as you!
If any of you send me your colored mandalas, I'll publish them in an upcoming edition.
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 Happy Birthday App!
The last time I checked, there were over 1,200 installations of this app.  Thank you all so very much for your support in its first year and first edition!  More is coming....
"As always, very insightful, accurate and supportive."
To Buy My Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment


The Lion King
    You knew I'd get to this in one of these Sun Into Leo editions.  Nearly 20 years old, "The Lion King" is timeless.  If you haven't watched this in awhile or you feel your heart longing for some of that Disney comfort and inspiration, this movie may sooth all that ails you.  In it we follow Simba on his epic journey from cub to King.  We see him first run away from, then face and ultimately overcome life's most daunting challenges.  The brilliance of this movie works on so many levels, and its ability to engage the hearts and minds of the young and old alike is a remarkable achievement.  If life has presented you with seemingly impossible odds and obstacles, pop this one in the DVD player and remember who you are.
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