Sun Into Cancer 2012: Momentous Times

Published: Wed, 06/20/12

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Sun Into Cancer 2012 Edition


    Welcome to the Summer of 2012 and the 3rd Anniversary edition of Elizabeth's Oracle, and Happy Birthday to our Cancer subscribers!  Thank you so much for being part of the continued publication of this newsletter.  Throughout life's many changes, there's something reassuring about connecting with you through it all each month when the Sun changes signs.  Please know how much I appreciate your subscription. 
    Bob Dylan wrote "The Times They Are A Changing," and he was right.  Whether the conversation is about politics or personal issues, a tremendous shift is afoot.  I am sure all of you are experiencing these energies in one form or another.  The Guidance I've been receiving lately is strongly emphasizing a healthy diet and exceptional self-care.  I hope that you are making time to take extra good care of yourself.  


        In announcements, I'll be on two radio shows during the Cancer cycle.  The first is this Friday's edition of the Hay House Book Club.  We got to talk to Canadian musician Dave Carroll about his book "United Breaks Guitars."  His video, of the same title, spawned a global conversation about customer service and the impact of social media.  His original and creative tact also shows us how to positively and constructively channel valid consumer frustration.   I hope you will tune in for this light-hearted edition of the Book Club this Friday at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio.  Thank you also to everyone at Hay House for the opportunity to be part of the Book Club.  It's an honor and lots of fun.  Happy Birthday to Hay Hay House Radio Manager and Book Club cohort Diane Ray.  Next, on July 10th, I will be visiting with a very dear soul and talented musician Vanda Guzman on her show.  It's called "Life Is So Beautiful" and it airs on Blogtalk Radio at noon PST (3:00 P.M. EST).  You can listen anytime by clicking this link.  Thank you Vanda for your gracious invitation and healing spirit.  Thank you Universe for these opportunities to do shows with fellow musicians. 
     Also on the artistic front, I recently attended the Hay House Writer's Conference which came all the way out here to Asheville, NC.  Novelist Lisa Fugard was amazing!  The conference inspired me to begin a new column called "The Creative Corner."  It is meant to encourage and strengthen your creative abilities.  It is my core belief that music, writing and the arts are some of life's most beautiful expression of the Divine.  So I hope you will enjoy this new feature and try some if not all of the exercises in it. 



    Finally, the spring of 2012, with its emphasis on closure and release, had one more loss for me.  At age 17, my furry little Angel Nicholas succumbed to cancer.   I truly believe that he stayed long enough to comfort me throughout my father's passing and to often remind me of unconditional love.  His immense and immeasurable spirit will be with me and those whose lives he touched always.  His exit was sudden and unplanned, so if you would kindly send him Light for his journey, I would deeply appreciate it.  Special thanks to reader Teresa in Los Angeles.  She met 6-week-old Boris and Nicholas, who were living in a box in the parking lot of a pet store in early December 1994, and somehow knew what amazing companions and teachers they'd become.  She's just intuitive like that.
Sun Into Cancer 2012: Momentous Times 

    If the first half of 2012, with its unusual and lengthy Mars retrograde in detailed Virgo, felt like getting stuck on a major freeway during rush hour, with travel reduced to one lane, then the Sun's entrance into initiating Cancer at 4:09 P.M. PST on June 20th heralds the end of the cosmic traffic jam.  Occurring within three days of an historic Uranus Pluto square, the celestial crab season will also see Mercury turn retrograde in fiery Leo and feisty Mars move into Libra on a full Cardinal Cross moon.  At the height of the bottleneck in early June, we moved through six of astrology's ten planets in the completing Mutable signs simultaneously.  By the full moon of the dawning cycle, we will experience six planets in the instigating Cardinal signs.  The contrast from endings to beginnings is clear, and the Divine Wisdom of preparation for the new through purging of the old is equally obvious.  As lanes open, Intuitive, caring Cancer arrives to nurture and prod us, and its 2012 luminary companions are poised to push us far beyond our previous limitations.  It's time to step on the accelerator.

    In astrology much psychological and cultural significance is attributed to the discovery of a planet.  The idea is that such findings deeply impact the human psyche and the course of collective evolution.  For example, destabilizing, innovative Uranus was discovered in 1781, the time of the American and French Revolutions and the beginning of the Industrial Age.  Pluto, associated with death, destruction and the underworld, was discovered in 1930.  That decade saw the splitting of the atom, the rise of Hitler and the proliferation of organized crime.  On June 24th, Uranus and Pluto will form an exact square, the first of a series that will last until the spring of 2015.  Revolutionary Uranus is in provocative, independent Aries, and evolutionary Pluto is in institutional, pragmatic Capricorn.  From demonstrators challenging the authority of their rulers in Moscow, Damascus and Cairo, to the battle lines being drawn during an election year in the United States, to continued opposition to austerity measures in the European Union, one need only scan the headlines to see the reforming forces of the Uranus Pluto clash at work.  In an increasingly transparent world, we also see Uranian humanitarian beliefs challenging Plutonian deception and despotism at every turn.  What if instead of viewing the seven coming squares between these colossal powers from a dualistic perspective, old versus new, right opposing left, or conservative against liberal, we choose to dedicate ourselves to the triumph of Universal Truth?

    In this paradigm, Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi's recent tour of European capitols would serve as a model for harnessing the Uranian Plutonian dynamic in service of human evolution.  She challenged the political status quo (Uranus) and consequently lived under house arrest for 15 years, a sentence that would ultimately make her more powerful (Pluto).  Only 19 months after being released, Suu Kyi is now traveling abroad to lobby for economic investment and development in Myanmar, and strengthening a government that once repressed her.  Suu Kyi's extraordinary path can be as instructive as it is inspirational. 

July 3, 2012
       From a holistic perspective, the Uranus Pluto squares can function more like cornerstones than collision points, and their truths can reconcile, resonate and reverberate.  We know that tyranny can only be temporary, for it is innately inhuman.  When we heartily accept the inevitability of death, we are awakened.  Realizing how little time we have here, we can live fully and vigorously.  When we embrace the hurt and trauma encompassing our shadows, with the intention to heal, we no longer unconsciously project them.  And when we shed the us against them mindset, our connectivity and collective power increase.  

    If we're going to transform our lives and positively change the world, we'll need a little chutzpah.  Offering lessons in confidence and courage, and ample supplies of enthusiasm and stamina, mental Mercury will move into spirited Leo on June 25th and fearless Mars will enter diplomatic Libra under the full Cardinal Cross moon of July 3rd.  On June 27th Mercury will hit the shadow point of its forthcoming retrograde at 1 degree of Leo.  That is the point it will return to at the end of its July 14th through August 8th retrograde.  June 27th is also the day Venus turns direct.  What we get to practice throughout the shadow and Mercury retrograde is speaking truth to power and saying yes to the new opportunities being presented.  Spontaneous Uranus in unflappable Aries will beam supportive rays to Mercury in a fellow fire sign, and it will be part of the grand Cardinal cross of July 3rd.  That full moon will host six planets in Cardinal signs, with at least one at each of its four Cardinal points.  Early that day lively Mars will charge into Cardinal Libra, energizing the great forward thrust.

     That moon, the start of the seven Uranus Pluto square series and the Cancer cycle now getting underway are a powerful portal into the future.  They are part and parcel of the greater sea change we are experiencing here on Earth.  On one hand domestic Cancer craves emotional intimacy and security.  On the other, emerging from beneath its safe, trusty shell to venture onward is the crab's cosmic imperative.  As brave new worlds are born, we find ourselves in this paradox, wanting to cling and needing to grow.  For guidance, nostalgic Cancer reaches back in time (it keeps exactly one copy of everything for just this purpose you know), to the reassuring wisdom of one of its most eloquent natives, Henry David Thoreau.  In 1854 he offered the following:

    "I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws will be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings."
   Thank you again for the privilege of being able to write for you each month and for your support these past three years.  I wish you the most enjoyable summer yet. 
With love,



Message from the Oracle

Move through this situation with gentleness and an open heart. Inspiration, solutions, and open doors await you.


    You have made healthy choices and changes, and doing so has moved you past a very challenging time in your life. You are seeing the falsehood and counter-productivity of fear-based ideas such as tireless work, competition, and the need to be defensive. The more you see your life from a place of abundance instead of lack, trust rather than fear, and unconditional love rather than resentment, the more peaceful you will feel and the more dramatic the positive shifts will be. New opportunities await, and you will see them more clearly through the practice of softness.

Cosmic Community
 Jeff & Eric

In the process of working through my immediate grief and trying to get my bearings following my father's death, I gave myself lots of time off, energy healing sessions and a couple of astrology readings.  Wow, did these two talented astrologers impress me.  Their styles and interpretations were unique and singular, and their information complimentary and consistent.

    Many of you will recognize Jeff Jawer's name from his annual best-selling Sun sign books with Rick Levine.  Astrology enthusiasts will recognize him as a columnist in the industry trade publication, The Mountain Astrologer.  With those credentials, I was surprised and delighted to find out that he is available, at a very reasonable rate, for readings.   After 32 years of experience, Jeff is so well versed in his material that my chart felt like a piece of sheet music in the hands of a gifted musician.  He picked right up on major themes that no one had pointed out in previous readings, and his interpretations were constructive and supportive.  You can call him to set up an appointment at 425.590.9573.

    Because my four planets in Virgo always like a second opinion or my Sun in Leo is self-indulgent, I also checked in with author Eric Meyers who is making quite a stir in the field with his unconventional ideas.  Eric is challenging old astrological assumptions with a very progressive perspective.  His reading was thorough and thought-provoking, and his dedication to the work he is so bravely pioneering is evident in his conscious-raising interpretations.  It was time and money well spent, and you can reach Eric and find out more about his books through his website, Soul Vision Consulting

    It's always nice to be reminded of how insightful  astrology really is.  Whether it's done by either of those guys, any of my accomplished former coworkers like Julia, Aleta or CA or any reputable professional astrologer, having a solid chart reading is always worthwhile.  Timing is everything, so gift yourself with a reading.  Note: this column space is never paid for, but simply and sincerely intended to connect, support and share. 


The Creative Corner
Writing Prompt
     Ok, writing prompts are exercises, preferably done with a timer, in which the object is to keep the writing instrument moving.  That's right, no editing or trying to "think" of something brilliant, just pure passion.  In this example, when you finish one thought, you will go back to the prompt and start a new sentence or thought series with the prompt.  The timer will keep you moving and help you avoid burnout.  As we're all working through such incredible change on the planet, I find this prompt especially powerful.  It is "I used to..., and now I...."   Ten minutes is a good time frame to work with, but try others to see what works best for you.  On your mark, get set, go!

    Please feel free to let me know if you try these exercises and like the column.
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To Buy My Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment


Shawshank Redemption
    This one was so much fun to watch with Uranus Pluto Square glasses on, kind of like 3D for astrology heads.  The interplay of its themes, institutions, rebellion, authority and freedom is positively mesmerizing.  Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman of course give stellar performances, the plot is completely captivating and the 1994 film shows no signs of aging.  Well worth the re-rent!
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