Sun Into Taurus 2012: Love And Money

Published: Thu, 04/19/12

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Sun Into Taurus 2012 Edition

Welcome to the Taurus Edition,

     The grounded energy of the zodiac's Bull is here.  It can anchor us into a deep sense of security, help us build our dreams and give us any needed healing.  Nature is of course the greatest elixir, and an awesome reminder of life's innate abundance.  So if you find yourself feeling uncertain or anxious, simply step outdoors and connect with Taurus.  Its energy will comfort and support you.  It will also fill you with the stamina to succeed.  To Taurus friends and readers, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We have a fertile and festive cycle ahead.  I hope everyone enjoys and employs its productive energies!

    At the Hay House Book Club we are appropriately enough reading about our bodies: Taurus is one of astrology's earth signs.  Endocrinologist Dr. Eva Cwynar, M.D. has written a clear, loving guide to helping us restore our vitality.  It is called "The Fatigue Solution" and it will either bring you back to life or increase the zeal you already have.   In this marvelously easy to understand book, she explains the science behind eating, sex, sleep and PMS and menopause and their impact on our health and energy levels.  She has all of the facts and information, yet what comes through most is her sincere desire to help us recover our life force and feel fabulous.  The show airs tomorrow, April 20th, at 11AM PST on Hay House Radio, and we'll be talking live on Facebook during the show.  You are warmly invited to listen in and to join the live discussion!  Now, here's this month's featured article.


Sun Into Taurus 2012: Love And Money


     When the Sun moves into sturdy, dependable Taurus at 9:12 A.M. PST on April 19th, it initiates a cycle abundant in earth sign resources, and one that includes a full Scorpio moon and the beginning of a Venus retrograde in thinking, communicative Gemini.  This cycle is also preparing us for a set of powerful eclipses on May 20th and June 4th, the Venus occultation of June 5-6th and the Uranus Pluto square of June 24th.  As more systemic change approaches planet Earth, the patient, powerful Bull arrives to share its enduring wisdom.  Its ruler Venus is traveling close by and urging us to make love our guiding principle, a choice that will make all the difference.

    Astrology's earth signs are associated with nature, finances, health and the physical realms of reality, and Taurus is renowned for its capacity for construction.  Whether a personal chart is heavily aspected by planets in earth signs or not, the cycle ahead is loaded with ample opportunity to turn thoughts into things.  First and foremost, the new Taurus moon of April 21st. with Its trines to Mars and Pluto in fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn, sextiles with Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and conjunction with expansive Jupiter, now also in Taurus, offers a sound and inspiring foundation for building.  The Sun follows suit and bolsters our enterprises with a Neptune sextile on the 22nd, Mars and Pluto trines on the 23rd and 29th and a Jupiter conjunction on May 13th.  Those harmonious angles to indelible Neptune and healing Chiron in holistic (water sign) Pisces are important.  Taurus's easy going style agrees with Piscean gentleness, and this combination helps us access our creativity and intuition.  On May 8th, our minds also acquiesce to the Bull's calm assurance when Mercury enters centered Taurus.  From there it sextiles Neptune on the 10th and trines Mars the 13th and Pluto on the 14th.  On May 16th Mars and Pluto trine, and on May 18th the Moon returns to Taurus.  The earth sign stamina, solidity and stability available throughout this cycle provide especially fertile ground for seeding our immediate and long-range goals.  They can also instill a sense of security that will prove useful as 2012's larger events (the 99% Spring, earthquakes and changes at the Fed?) unfold.    


May 5, 2012
     To counteract an unhealthy emphasis on the material side of life, every Taurus cycle includes a full Scorpio moon.  Destructive and transformation, Scorpio demands honesty and necessary change.  This year the annual battle between the tangible and impermanent takes place on May 5th, the same day Mercury, still in independent Aries at the time, will oppose unyielding Saturn in arbitrating Libra.  Our Taurus quest for sensual pleasure and gratification is accountable to no less than the truth, and individual desire must be reconciled with communal concerns.  Part of a larger global trend, these aspects remind us that the exploitation of resources via our economic and environmental practices must be brought into line with our values and balanced with our impact on others.

    In case anyone misses the memo from the full Scorpio moon, pleasure-seeking Venus turns retrograde on May 15th.  Transiting Gemini, this retrograde will ask us to reflect upon what we value and to speak and act from a loving place.  Lasting through June 27th, this extremely significant retrograde includes the solar and lunar eclipses and occultation.  Long before cherubic depictions of romantic love and Victorian notions of femininity, Venus was a Roman Goddess associated with sex, fertility and military victory, along with her familiar roles in love and beauty.  Similarly, the full scope, power and meaning of the planet Venus has been understated over time.  However, giving us time to review our resources and priorities through alluring Venus is only part of the 2012 mission.  

     Occurring roughly six months prior to the culmination of the Mayan calendar, this Venus retrograde is a proverbial return to love, with self-love as its starting point.  If we enter this retrograde with a willingness to shine the Light of unconditional love onto our shadows first, completely forgiving and embracing all of our being, the healing begins.  Call it Bull medicine.  Call it the Power of Love.  Call it evolution.  The cosmic message is clear; love is the alchemical solution to all that ails us and our planet.  Aligned with its transformative truth, we and the world will shift.  If we do the internal work during this retrograde, by the time Venus goes direct in late June, we will emerge lighter and brighter, with a much greater capacity to give and receive love.  In the meantime, the celestial Bull is here to ground and nourish our dreams.  Happy Birthday Taurus!

     Well, that wraps up the Taurus editon.  Due to the ever-changing nature of code on the web, a new website is getting underway for the Oracle as well as changes to the look of this newsletter.  I thank you always for helping me grow my business and for subscribing.  It is truly a delight to research and write these articles for you.  Have a beautiful run with the Bull.
Love always,



Message from the Oracle

Leadership comes from charity; you win over the hearts and minds of others in this matter by being the bigger person.



    Confident and charismatic, Leo is here to remind you of your magnanimity. When you access your inner lion, you exude enthusiasm, warmth, and generosity. You are being asked to see this situation from a place of effervescent abundance, and to have compassion for others who may be revealing their tendencies toward lack. When you choose to help instead of hurt, everyone wins.

Giving to others brings me joy.
Cosmic Community
 Salmon River Retreat

    With summer just around the corner, you may find yourself starting to think about how you would like to spend your well-earned time off.  For those of us becoming increasingly more aware of and sensitive to energy, conscious travel is emerging as a great option when vacation planning.  So how does six days on a river retreat sound? 

    Angel Therapy Practicioner and colleague Jeanette Dames is leading a one-of-a-kind excursion from July 24-29th from Boise, Idaho.  We all understand the regenerative power of nature.  Add intentional spiritual guidance and support, and wow, the results should be nothing short of life-changing.  If you are ready to experience profound healing in the great outdoors, this voyage along the Salmon River may be your ticket.  Here are Jeanette's contact details:
206-769-9557 or emailAffirming amazing shifts for everyone involved.  Send photos!!! 

Download the new App!

 "This super talented lady has amazing insight, warmth and a generous spirit. She effortlessly gathers information from the various resources she accesses for guidance, and is able to distill it quickly to tell me what I need to know and why. Most importantly, she offers solid, specific steps to help me support myself successfully...and her suggestions have always paid off. She is thorough, personable and a great resource for anyone who truly wants clear guidance to empower themselves."

 Thank you all so much for your support!  

To Buy My Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment


In the Name of the Father

    Born on April 29th, Academy Award winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis is a Taurus.  That gives me the perfect excuse to write about his memorable role as Gerry Conlon in "In the Name of the Father."  This is Irish director Jim Sheridan's hit movie based on the compelling real life story of the Guildford Four and Maquire Seven.  They were four young Irishmen and seven alleged accomplices who were wrongly accused and convicted of the 1974 IRA pub bombings in Guildford, England.  From the enthralling and chaotic opening scenes of Conlon running through the narrow, Republican streets and alleys of Belfast, complete with Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Child" blaring, we are hooked.  We follow this hapless youth to the hippie flat in London where he crashed during the bombings.  He returns to Belfast where he, and his father Patrick Giusepe, are arrested in a disturbing predawn raid.  We see the younger Conlon tortured into confessing to the crime by British police.   These scenes, much like the harrowing ones in "The Wind That Shakes the Barley," are eerie in a post-911 reality.  The remainder of the film takes place in the prison where both Conlons were sent.  In this bleak and violent setting, we watch the abiding love of Conlon's father eventually transform his son from aimless, discouraged drug user to determined, cleaned up champion.  One of the most cinematic and touching scenes is that of inmates burning and dropping paper from their cells after the elder Conlon dies. 
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