Sun Into Pisces 2012: Resolve To Evolve

Published: Sun, 02/19/12

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Sun Into Pisces 2012 Edition

Welcome to the Oracle,

     Pisces is dawning and readying us for the new astrological year.  As the annual cycle closes, it is pretty amazing to look back over the past 12 months and recognize how perfectly each step led the way right here.  For this edition of the newsletter, I found lots of Pisces themed material which I hope you will enjoy.  The Oracle message is Carnelian, a crystal known as the artist's stone.  Its correspondence with Pisces creativity is unmistakable and its ability to revitalize our spirit is just what we need to drive out the last of winter's chill.



      In announcements, my site is open for business!  All you need to do is email me for set up a time for your reading and then pay for your session. I call the new system click and call, and I thank you with all of my heart for your support.  Finding the right method, one that is totally secure and easy for you to use, has been a fun and rewarding adventure, and I am ever grateful for your trust.  

     In radio news, Angel Therapy Practitioner, author and radio host Kristy Ayala has released a beautiful new book called "Angels Among Us" which is insightful and a pleasure to read.   She has also graciously invited me to be a guest on her show "Kristy's Connection To the Soul" this coming Wednesday, 2/22 (love the Angel numbers) at 11:00 A.M. PST.  Kristy will be leading a meditation from  Archangel Sandalphon for healing the artist, and I will accompany her live on the harp. We invite you to listen in and to receive the healing and inspiring messages and energies from the Archangel of Musicians. In case you cannot be at your computer at that time, the show will be archived here.

       Over at the Hay House Book Club, we have an old-fashioned who done it mystery as the month's Book Club selection.  It's called "The First Rule Of Ten" and it's part of a new fiction division Hay House is publishing.  Let's face it, there are only so many hours we can spend reading self-help books.  After all of that inner work, a gripping page-turner is most welcome fun.  I can honestly tell you that I had a great time staying up way past my bedtime to find out what happened next to L.A. private detective and former Tibetan monk Tenzing Norbu, and I think you will too.  The show about this book airs on Fridays at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio and you can find other air dates and times in the archive. Now let's delve into sweet, dreamy and gentle Pisces.

Sun Into Pisces 2012: Resolve To Evolve

        Within hours of its arrival into sensitive, otherworldly Pisces, the Sun will merge with oceanic Neptune for an exact conjunction.  Luring us further into the vast, multi-dimensional realms of psychic Pisces will be Mercury and Chiron, the communication planet and healing asteroid, already transiting the mutable water sign.  Completion, integration and wholeness are themes often associated with this the final sign of the zodiac.  Before forging ahead into the next turn of the wheel, holistic Pisces gives us an annual pause for reflection and release.  To make sure that we don't wander too far off into the worlds of fantasy, this year Mars will be opposing all things Pisces from analytical Virgo, Mercury will snap out of the celestial dreamtime for a breath of invigorating Aries air, before turning retrograde, and a cantankerous Cancer moon will stir things up on March 2nd and 3rd.  But none of that should deter us from swimming to the deep end of 2012's Pisces pool.  After all, any upset we perceive is merely some place in our being asking for compassion and closure.  Finally, a Grand Earth Trine coming late in the cycle will fortify the insights, Angelic messages and healing energies emerging during the dreamy and daunting days ahead.

    The voyage begins at 10:18 P.M. PST on February 18th when the Sun moves into boundless, artistic Pisces.  At 12:41 P.M. PST on the 19th, its conjunction with dissolving Neptune will be exact.  Much more than a good time to meditate, this is a stellar invitation to venture far beyond the limits of reason.  It's the chance to wade into the waters of our wildest imagination where nothing is impossible.  We can emerge from their depths with solutions to complex problems, a sincere desire to heal old grievances and inspired strategies for the path ahead.  Even a Mars opposition to thinking Mercury in feeling Pisces on the 23rd will be no match for the exceptional creativity, empathy and sense of Oneness that will abound through the new Pisces moon on the 21st and a Sun Chiron hookup on the 24th.  Like returning from a weekend retreat, early March will bring some aspects that may road test our new found state of Zen.

March 8, 2012
         On March 2nd Mercury abandons spiritual Pisces for spirited Aries, and later that day the moon heads into Cancer where it will form contentious angles to Mercury, Uranus, Venus, Saturn and Pluto through the 3rd.  Also on the 3rd Mars and the Sun will form an opposition as will Venus and Saturn on the 4th.  Mercury, Uranus and Venus in agitating Aries are probably indicating where we need to be more self-advocating and assertive, and that emotional Cancer moon is up to its own form of instigation, say on behalf of our inner needs.  At first glance, this may not seem like the woo woo world of "love and light" espoused by the spiritually inclined.  However, when we view any conflict and discomfort that arise at this time through evolved Pisces, we can see a kind of metaphysical acupuncture at work.  In this scenario, the Aries needles and Cardinal provocations may be precisely the medicine we need to feel and experience for awareness and growth.  After all, that Mars retrograde in Virgo that began in January is also still uncovering old wounds and encouraging healthy expression of our needs.  As the toxins emerge, we can look to the Sun, Neptune and Chiron connections in Pisces for messages of understanding, forgiveness and release.

    On March 5th Venus moves home to grounded Taurus, heralding the way to a Grand Earth Trine.  Whether the goal is physical or financial, medicinal or material, earthly abundance arrives between the 12th and 16th.  On the 12th, powerhouse planets Jupiter in fertile Taurus and Pluto in industrious Capricorn form a constructive trine, the final one of a series of three that began last July.  The earth sign support continues on the 13th when Venus trines Pluto and lines up with Jupiter.  On the 14th Venus trines audacious Mars in fellow earth sign Virgo, and then Mars trines Jupiter and Pluto.  Finally, the moon moves into hardworking, ambitious Capricorn on the 15th to close out this highly productive week. 

    The Mercury retrograde that begins on the 12th, amongst this confluence of planets in earth signs, signals new opportunities to showcase the gifts we already possess.  So often we believe that happiness is something to seek out there.  This retrograde is a celestial reminder of the gold within.  In our most excruciating pain, lies our most profound healing, in our greatest adversity, our greatest strength and in our most formidable challenges, our most meaningful lessons.  Under perceptive Pisces care, this retrograde can help us see the hidden treasures buried in our experiences and recognize our talents and resources.  As we clear away old blockages, embrace the good and prepare for the new astrological year that will dawn on March 20th, the path to living more peacefully and creativity will be revealed.  Dream big, and move gently.


    Next, I would be remiss to not write a formal farewell to my 12Life.  The past edition of the Oracle was hitting its publication deadline when I resigned from a post that I held for five years.  I want to thank site owner and Hay House author Mark Husson for the opportunity to work at 12Listen and to write for the Power Peek.  Under his guidance over those many months, I honed much of what I do today.  To my many loving and sincere colleagues who selflessly help others and give so generously, I celebrate you and look forward to your many successes.   With deepest admiration, thank you for everything.   Finally, I want to send a shout out to fellow entrepreneur and Oracle subscriber Lara.  She is part of a website that aims to help us lose weight and detox. The releasing of toxins happening at this time may be quite physical, so please visit her if you'd like support in this area.
     There you go!  Another edition of the Oracle is complete.  I know that I write it every month, but I hope that you can feel my appreciation of your support.  The past month has helped me realize even more how grateful I am to do what I do, and that you are the reason.  Wishing you love and many blessings now and always.  See you when lively Aries comes calling, or kicking doors down!
With love,



Message from the Oracle
Carnelian clears negative thought patterns and restores your radiance, vitality, and enthusiasm to their optimal capacity.
    Your spirit is coming back to life, and you are ready to live with great presence. Known for its motivational abilities, carnelian gets your blood flowing, clears mental cobwebs, and infuses your being with natural effervescence. Also known as the artist's stone, carnelian also inspires courage, creativity, and clarity. Coupled with positive affirmations, this crystal restores and builds optimism, opens you up to new levels of awareness and inspiration, and helps you see the many blessings and opportunities that are available to you.

I am enthusiastic about life and look forward to the gifts I receive each day.
Cosmic Community
Winter the Dolphin
       If the watery Pisces season hasn't made you cry yet, Winter the Dolphin will.  When she was only 2-months-old, she became ensnared in a crab trap.  She was rescued by the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, had to have her tail amputated and has gone on to live a life that has touched hearts around the world.  A determined spirit, she taught herself to swim without a tail.  Unfortunately, moving her spine side to side instead of up and down would have eventually killed her.  So, over the years, as she's grown into adulthood, she has been fitted with no less than twenty prosthetic tails.  Last year her heart-warming story was made into a feature film (see "Cinematic" below). 

     Artist Robyn Nola brought Winter to my attention through her work, and is generously donating a portion of all sales of her dolphin nightlights to the aquarium in Florida where Winter lives.  Though it sounds like something out of the movies, in real life Winter's story drew visitors to the nearly financially broke aquarium, saving it.   If you need a reminder of the kindness and compassion in the world, you need look no further than Winter.


Integrated Educations Celebrates 30th Anniversary

    With St. Patrick's Day around the corner, my heart and mind turn to Northern Ireland.  On March 16th the Integrated Education Fund will hold a gala to celebrate 30 year years of establishing schools for Catholic and Protestant pupils.  The vision, courage and dedication of these parents, teachers and students are inspirational.  That they had the will to peace at the height of the Troubles is truly remarkable.  Because of their efforts, we now have generations growing up in relative peace.  I hope you will join me in sending Light, love and appreciation to them.  Happy St. Patrick's Day to you as well!


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Dolphin Tale


         Though the cast includes Morgan Freeman, Harry Connick, Jr., Ashley Judd, Kris Kristofferson, and Winter the Dolphin, the plot of "Dolphin Tale" is driven by young actors Nathan Gamble and Cozi Zuehlsdorff.  They play the boy and girl, Sawyer and Hazel, who befriend Winter and one another.   When all appears hopeless for the aquarium and Winter,  the kids decide to take their cause to the local community and the net.  And the rest, as they say, is history.

     While the full-blown Hollywood treatment is first rate, the most moving footage comes after the credits roll.  It is then that we see real-life video of this incredible animal.  From her rescue at the beach, to her surgeries, through her work with the disabled, the images are profound.  Even though this "family movie" is totally predictable, it will nonetheless stir something deep within your spirit.  There's also a lovely subplot that pays homage to our wounded and recovering military veterans.  5 Fins!

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February 2012

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