Sun into Sagittarius 2011: New Balance

Published: Tue, 11/22/11

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Sun into Sagittarius 2011 Edition



    Welcome to the inspirational Sagittarius cycle.  Sag lifts our spirits to its exalted, magical realms and renews our sense of possibility.  You can read all about it in this month's article below, and you are warmly invited to tune into 12Radio today at 11:00 A.M. PST when I join astrologer C.A. Brooks to talk about the happy, encouraging energies ahead.

    This edition reminds me that 2011 is winding down and that we are being prepared for the year with all of the advance press, 2012.  Indeed it is going to be an important time, but there's still lots to celebrate right here in 2011.  To that end, on December 1st, my annual 12 Days of Giving promo begins on 12Listen.  When you have a reading of five paid minutes or more with me on any of the 12 Days, you will be entered into the daily drawing for some fabulous prizes.  I'll be announcing those on twitter, fb and Reverbnation, at my blog and through my app, so be on the lookout for the goodies!  Tis the season and one of the many ways I want to say thank you.

    When I look back on 2011, certainly my first app and the Hay House Book Club are two of its biggest highlights and personal accomplishments.  There is incredible joy in imagining something good in your head, working enthusiastically to create it and watching it manifest.  The app and Book Club were those kinds of opportunities, and I am deeply and eternally grateful for your support of both endeavors.  Over at the Book Club, we are producing a rewind show for December to recap this inaugural year's selections.  People like Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson and Robert Holden have graced the show with their presence and wisdom, and I hope you are enjoying the teaching of these sages and the fun company of my Club companions Diane Ray and Donna Abate from Hay House.  Thank you for listening in and reading along with us.




    2011's final item on the list of personal quests and euphoric experiences is the Marine Corps Marathon.  On October 30th I ran 10K, raised $550 as a member of Team USO and had an amazing time doing so.  I was one of 50,000 runners who descended on Washington DC for the weekend.  We had a blast!  This year's winner broke a record by completing the 10K run in 30 minutes and 37 seconds, wow.  It took me three months of regular training to be able to even run 10k (6.2 miles), I wasn't always feeling motivated at practice times and life threw in its own curve balls and challenges.  Pushing beyond the barriers, adapting when necessary and summoning my determination made all the difference and my success that much sweeter. 

    In the freezing, predawn hours of race day, we assembled beneath the statue of Iwo Jima, one of the most iconic tributes to personal endurance.  The sun made its way up into a crisp, clear sky and we were off.  Uniformed Marines cheered us on from the 10K start at the Smithsonian Institution, past the Washington Monument, over an icy Georgetown Bridge, and on to the race's conclusion near Arlington Cemetery.  The runner's high continued throughout the morning as the marathon runners completed their journey.  This event was one of the most worthwhile adventures I've had in ages.  As you begin to think about 2012's possibilities for you, I hope this post will encourage you to dream, aspire and achieve.


Sun into Sagittarius 2011: New Balance

  The Sun's entrance into spirited, optimistic Sagittarius usually signals a welcomed atmospheric shift from Scorpio's dark, plutonian intensity to the bright, buoyant lift of astrology's Archer.  At 8:08 A.M. PST on November 22nd the Sun will move into Jupiter-ruled, affable Sag, but don't expect the transformational energies to subside just yet.  Sagittarius is one of the zodiac's four mutable signs.  These signs end their respective seasons and represent culmination and closure.  In 2011, the completion theme will be amplified by aggressive Mars traveling through mutable Virgo.  His assertive force will clash with Solar and Lunar eclipses in Sagittarius and (mutable) Gemini, as well as the moon's Nodes which are presently on the Gemini Sagittarius axis.  Simultaneously, vivacious Venus will make her way through materialistic Capricorn where she will fortify a Grand earth trine and activate those initiating cardinal signs.  Throw in a Mercury retrograde in fiery Sag, which will also be at odds with feisty Mars, and destructive and regenerative Scorpio would feel right at home.  But the zodiac stipulates that we emerge from the Underworld into enthusiastic Sag's imaginative realms and embrace the happy changes Zeus's favorites are intent on ushering in.

    To that end, the action gets underway right at the start of this cycle.  Mercury turns retrograde late on November 23rd, November 24th sees a new Sagittarius moon and Solar eclipse, and Venus enters Capricorn on November 26th, where she immediately squares erratic Uranus in provocative Aries.  Clearly the Cosmos is committed to shaking things up and unearthing the obstacles and impediments to progress in our lives.  If resistance is futile, then rigidity is insane.  Flexible, friendly Sag instead champions inspiration as direction.  For instance, its Mercury retrograde, which lasts until December 13th, offers us the chance to reconnect with the innocence of our unconditioned selves and to create each day from a Sagittarius sense of positive possibility.  That new Sag moon and Solar eclipse further encourage us to see life as an adventure, believe in magic and take gigantic leaps of faith.  If that sounds like a precarious way to pay the rent or to get results in the "real" world, Sag's benevolent ruler Jupiter is beaming exuberant and practical rays our way.

December 10,  2011

   The giver of gifts and largest planet in the sky is flexing its expansive muscles in sensuous, constructive Taurus, and has formed solid alliances with the planets in fellow earth signs.  Together Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn comprise a Grand earth trine.  This is some of astrology's must fertile ground for seeding, growing and manifesting our intentions.  It blesses principled endeavors and hard work and showers us with patience and endurance.  On December 1st, Venus joins Pluto in industrious Capricorn presenting us with even more opportunity and abundance.  There is plenty to go around, and no need for greed.  In fact, those bent on attaining fame and fortune at the expense of others will continue falling from grace, favor and power.  In part that's because Venus, one of the money planets, is not only aligning with the productive earth signs, but also stimulating the Cardinal Cross.
Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!

        Since Pluto entered austere Capricorn in December of 2008, we've seen one corrupt leader or institution after the next come tumbling down.  Next, stern Saturn entered fair-minded Libra in October 2009 where it has been on the same page as purifying Pluto.  Finally, earlier this year, unpredictable Uranus joined the cardinal call to initiate systemic reform.  Venus moving through ambitious Capricorn will revitalize these seismic forces.  Add mischievous Mercury in review mode and the inherent revelations of eclipses, and something or someone is bound to go viral.  That and the mutable and cardinal crosses occurring throughout this cycle are simply exposing what needs to be healed or released.  Spontaneous, philosophical Sag is here to point the way to our new dreams and visions and to help us adapt to these changes.  Its lucky, irrepressible essence invites us to renew our faith, dream big and make a wish.
Subscriber-Only Cosmic Note: The Fireworks of December 10th
     Have the past two full moons felt especially strong to you?  The celestial energies will crest again on the next full moon of December 10th.  That's because a Lunar Eclipse is occurring within hours of excitable Uranus turning direct in instigating Aries.  This cycle's theme of culmination and new beginnings will play out in lively form as the Sun's Sagittarius fire mingles with the impulsive fuel of fellow fire sign Aries.  Think about the new trails you want to blaze and embrace these powerful energies of release and renewal. Interestingly enough I drew the Aries card from the Oracle for this month's message.  Clearly some fabulous new opportunities are on hand.
     Thank you so much for being such a special part of 2011.  I really enjoy writing and wish you all of the best in 2012.  There will be a Sun into Capricorn edition of the newsletter on December 21st, but 12Radio is taking a break so there will not be a Sun into Cap radio show.  With the busy holidays starting this week,  I wanted to begin reflecting on this closing year and thinking about the times ahead.  I very much look forward to continuing the celestial sojourn with you.  Enjoy the Sag magic!  
With love,

Message from the Oracle

It is time to act. The initiating energies of bold and dynamic change are at hand, and they are urging you to take action now.


    The Cardinal fire sign of Aries sets the annual astrological year in motion, and its appearance indicates that you are ready to blaze a new trail. Fearless, audacious, and decisive, Aries energies are here to embolden your spirit with fervor and courage. Singular and independent, Aries also prompts you to be honest about your needs in this situation. It is time to set your terms and to act accordingly.

I am fearless and filled with vitality.

Cosmic Community
Dogs of War

         Back in September a blogging acquaintance sent a request for help finding homes for four bomb sniffing dogs who were being retired from their work in Afghanistan.  The Air Force officers who issued the call to action stated that the dogs would be put to sleep if homes were not found.  The distressing message sent me searching for both the truth and a policy change. 
     Fortunately I discovered that a law was passed in 2000 and it makes it illegal for the military to kill these dogs.  I am so grateful to all of the Americans who got involved and lobbied Congress for the passage of the Robby Law.  Unfortunately, private contractors working for the military are exempt from it.  My best guess is that the dogs those Air Force guys were trying to find adoptees for were contractor dogs.  While I'm not happy about the exemption, thankfully I was referred to a woman who is doing something to help retiring contractor dogs.  Here is her website.  If you know of someone looking to adopt a dog, please let him/her know about this and the official military site for dog adoption.  We can change the world, one pooch at a time!

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The Grapes of Wrath


  "Whenever they's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Whenever they's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there... I'll be in the way guys yell when they're mad an'-I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry an' they know supper's ready. An' when our folks eat the stuff they raise an' live in the houses they build-why, I'll be there."

    Those are of course the words of John Steinbeck's legendary character Tom Joad from the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel "The Grapes of Wrath."  In 1939 the book stirred the soul of America and ignited a national conversation that lasted well past the release of the book's film adaptation in 1940.  In 2011 the relevance of Steinbeck's sentinel work is unmistakable. 

     Directed by John Ford and starring Henry Fonda as Joad, "The Grapes of Wrath" takes us back to Depression Era America.  A family of sharecroppers moves from dust bowl Oklahoma to California in search of work.  Their struggle against exploitation and repression resonates with today's protests for social equality and justice.  Tom Joad's courage and willingness to take back his power will also feel very familiar 70 years on.  Added to the National Film Registry in 1989, the movie is a wonderful reminder from the past of what is possible for the present and future. 

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November 2011
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