Sun into Scorpio 2011: Truth and Transcendence

Published: Sun, 10/23/11

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Sun into Scorpio 2011 Edition



    Welcome to the Scorpio edition of the Oracle.  While this is a time of endings and release, it is also a time of regeneration.  In her Power Peek column this past week, my wonderful and gifted colleague C.A. Brooks used what has become my favorite Scorpio word, Shamanistic.  When we can view all that is happening through the prism of sacred healing, then no loss is impossible to endure.

    As many of you may have heard on Hay House or read in the Power Peek, my dad is terminally ill.  Even though seeing him prepare to transition from this world is painful, I am so often reminded of life's many blessings.  We are getting the chance to say I love you and good-bye, I am able to forgive and I get to witness the kindness and compassion of family members, workmates, clients, neighbors and friends.  Thank you.  Another Lightworker friend, ATP Kristy Ayala, posted another word that has landed deeply as I walk through this autumn.  It is gentleness.  

    All of this has put most of my work on the full Oracle app on hold.  But I'm sitting with the 44 messages, editing as guided to and allowing.  I know that all is working out in perfect time, and  I hope to
have a working divination Oracle available for you in 2012.  Thank you for your patience and understanding. In the meantime, I had the esteemed privilege and honor of speaking with Louise Hay. 
  Sagacious, psychic and sincere are but a few of the words I can use to describe this extraordinary woman.  She launched the most successful self-help publishing company in America some 30 years ago, celebrated her 85th birthday earlier this month and spent some time with the Book Club talking about her newest book and her life's work.  Cheryl Richardson co-authored the book and also joined us for the taping.  Please join us for this very special edition which airs on Hay House Radio.  Here is a link to the broadcast schedule so that you can listen to one of the many broadcast's of this show.  Now here is this month's featured article.


Sun into Scorpio 2011: Truth and Transcendence

          Pluto-ruled, emotional Scorpio is typically associated deep-seeded change.  The conventional wisdom has been that Scorpio reveals our true feelings, and they in turn send us soul searching.  We recognize what we no longer need and what we desire next.  Then Scorpio's transformative power goes to work.  In 2011, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and a new moon will issue the annual ticket to journey beneath the surface of what's happening in our lives.  But this year's voyage to the underworld will urge us to delve much deeper than usual.  It wants us to uncover and begin repairing the programming, filters and perceptions operating beneath our emotions.  Chiron and Neptune turn direct on November 9th, the day before a full Taurus moon that will see Mars move into analytical Virgo. If the Higher Self always knows the path back to our innate perfection, then purifying Scorpio is here to clear away the emotional roadblocks we've constructed.

    When the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd at 11:30 A.M. PST it will meet up with Venus and Mercury who are already traveling through the fixed water sign.  The new Scorpio moon of October 26th is an ideal time to pause and listen to our internal voicemail.  Venus will be squared by Mars on that day and Mercury by Mars on the 28th, a day when the Sun and Jupiter will also be at odds.  Mars will square Neptune on the 31st and Mercury will square Neptune on November 1st.  Paying careful attention to what disturbs or distresses us during this time can ultimately prove as enlightening as reflecting on what delights us.  After all, discomfort often signals needed changes.  The critical distinction to make here is this.  Are these messages coming from a habitual story of unhappiness or have people and situations in our lives served their evolutionary purpose?  Scorpio, the zodiac's most adept detective, is on the case and intent on getting to the bottom of things. Can we handle the truth? 

November 10,  2011

    On November 2nd Venus and Mercury bid heavy Scorpio adieu and head into optimistic Sagittarius. Uranus in fearless Aries and Mars in lionhearted Leo strengthen and encourage Sag's enthusiasm.  The general fire sign trine these four planets form offers the alchemy that can turn insight into inspiration.  Are you ready to sing your heart song?  Providing rich celestial soil for seeding our renewed sense of possibility will be the full Taurus moon of November 10th.  Healing Chiron and metaphysical Neptune station on November 9th, thus bringing their forward momentum to the full moon.
Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!

            Fixed earth sign Taurus represents stability, peace and fertility.  Expansive Jupiter is already in the sign of the Bull where it is in harmonious accord with regenerative Pluto in industrious Capricorn.  Adding the third and final earth element will be Mars entrance into Virgo on the full moon.  Jupiter, Pluto and Mars form a supportive earth sign trine that will hold through June of 2012 when Jupiter moves on to Gemini.  The full moon marks the end of our lunar elemental journey from intuition, to inspiration to implementation or water, fire and earth.  True to its phoenix form, the full moon of the Scorpio cycle is of course really only a beginning.  

    This cycle's insights and evolutionary intentions can only be fully realized through practice.  After all, we didn't grow those negative neural pathways overnight, and the genetically downloaded ones have been with us throughout this incarnation.  For the next eight months aggressive Mars will be our self-help personal trainer and lead thought analyst as it transits astrology's top thought editor, Virgo.  Is our thinking undercutting or serving our growth?  When we find ourselves believing anything other than that life loves us, uncompromising Mars will tell us so and go to work on our neural plasticity.  We are talking about an actual physical metamorphosis as Mars works with its earth sign inhabiting counterparts.  Lastly, Louise Hay says that it is better to dissolve a habit rather than to try to break it.   Traveling together, Neptune and Chiron are the best cosmic forces for dissolving problematic patterns, and they will be doing their finest work beginning in late February when they re-enter gentle, compassionate Pisces.  For now, intense, complex Scorpio is asking one simple question: Are we really ready to let go and let God?
Subscriber-Only Cosmic Note: The Shadow of the Mercury Retrograde
     The next Mercury retrograde will begin on November 24th, just in time for holiday shopping, right?  Most of you are already familiar the tech and travel trouble the zodiac's trickster can cause during his retrogrades.  We also recognize the opportunity he presents for review and revision.  This retrograde will take place from November 24th through December 14th.  But what is the shadow? 

    On November 2nd, Mercury moves into Sagittarius, which like all signs, runs from zero to 29 degrees, and by the 5th it will be at three degrees.  By November 24th when he stops moving forward, he will have made it all the way to 20 degrees of Sag.  The backward motion from November 24th through December 14th will take Mercury all the way back to three degrees, where it was on November 5th.  Thus, we call the period that starts on November 5th the shadow of the retrograde.  It is just the degree point to which Mercury returns during the actual retrograde.  If I have not explained this clearly and you are confused, blame Mercury!! He can take it.  After all he gets blamed for everything else.
Subscriber Bonus!
     To celebrate the Sun's arrival into Scorpio, readings will be on sale at 12Listen from 11:30 A.M. - 4 P.M. PST on  Sunday, October 23rd for $3.99/minute.  To receive three free minutes toward your reading, email me the word "Shaman" via your Click4Advisor account and I'll add the minutes to your account.  This offer is valid through October 31, 2011.  Thank you for subscribing!!
     Ok, there you have it, another edition of the Oracle.  Thank you as always for your support.  It is deeply appreciated.  We'll see you in sunny Sagittarius. 
With love,

Message from the Oracle

You are on the right path, and your desire is manifesting. Embrace joy, knowing that the best possible outcome is now unfolding.

THE MEANING BEHIND THE MESSAGE    Start celebrating! All that you have worked, hoped, and wished for is now coming to fruition. An infinite source of Light has been guiding you throughout your long and sometimes arduous journey. That Divine Force has also been helping you heal and release blockages, and it has been putting you into contact with precisely the right people and information.
    This joyous moment is ushering in a time of great happiness in your life. Drink in the sweetness of this occasion, and give thanks for life's goodness and your immeasurable bounty. Bless it all, for it was, is, and always will be . . . perfect!

I say yes to life!

Cosmic Community
Running With Marines on October 30th!
     Next Sunday I will be in Washington to run 10K in the Marine Corps Marathon as a fund-raiser for the USO.  I am "running" this announcement again, pun intended, for those of you who would like to sponsor me by donating to the USO. 

     The event has also given me the very special opportunity to record a song that I found stunningly poignant when I discovered it earlier this year.  It is called "Let Them In - Prayer For St. Peter."  The lyrics were originally written on the side of a hospital wall in the Philippines during World War II.  Folk musician John Gorka put music to those moving words, and his publishing company generously granted me permission to release my recording of the song as a YouTube video.  It's as homespun as it gets, but I hope you will enjoy it, and remember those who serve.  

Thank you for supporting my Team USO run.

Download the new App!
To Buy My Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment


The Right Stuff


    In an age of skepticism and uncertainty, "The Right Stuff" is a wonderful reminder of the immortal power of humankind to face challenges, to surmount obstacles and to emerge triumphant.   Based on the Tom Wolfe book, the story chronicle's American aviation history from the breaking of the sound barrier in 1947 to NASA's Mercury rocket program of the 1960's.  In it we are introduced to the nation's first seven astronauts and given a glimpse into their remarkable lives.  One of them was in fact Marine, astronaut and (later) Ohio Senator John Glenn.  The courage, dedication and sacrifice of these men give resonance to the word hero, and Glenn's marriage to speech impaired, high-school sweetheart Anne is a moving tribute to compassion.  Much of the three-hour movie's action takes place thousands of feet above planet earth.  The effect is exhilarating and inspiring.  The next time your spirit needs, uh, a lift, you may want to ascend on the wings of "The Right Stuff."  It is a lovely reminder of what is possible.   

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"I always feel much more calm and centered after talking to you Elizabeth. Thank you again for another great reading."

October 2011
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