Sun into Leo: Here for the Party!

Published: Sat, 07/23/11

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Sun into Leo 2011 Edition



Welcome to the Sun into Leo edition!  Leo is one of those active fire signs.  Can I get a "woot woot" from my Aries and Sag sisters and brothers?  Anyone else ready to replace  moody Cancer energy with some lion-hearted sunshine?  Cancer was a good cycle for  healing and clearing our emotional bodies, but now outgoing, optimistic Leo's in the house.  There's a lot to cover in this edition of the Oracle, so let's jump right in.

Currently at the Hay House Book Club a delectable and interesting read called "Ravenuous" by Yoga Journal's Dayna Macy is the July selection.  Dayna possesses beautiful clarity in her writing, and on the show she will be courageously sharing what she has learned about
food, body image and peace.  Yes, it is possible to put the three together.   I hope that you will tune in on Friday, July 29th at 11:00 A.M. PST when this edition of the "Hay House Book Club" airs on Hay House Radio Remember that all "Book Club" episodes have several rebroadcasts, and you can find the schedule at the Hay House Radio archives.  You are also warmly welcomed to join us on Facebook for the Book Club discussion.  If you would like to win a copy of "Ravenous," just email me the name of one of the many foods we talk about on this show.  Warning: three of the five book clubbers come from Italian families, so eat before you listen!  I'll collect names, foods and emails until August 7th and draw the winner on August 8th.  


The August book club selection is Doreen Virtue's "Angel Therapy Handbook."  Some of you may remember that this was the first book that I reviewed back in March as part of the Hay House bloggers program.  You too can blog for Hay House, btw.  Anyway, I genuinely like this book and consider it an excellent resource for Lightworkers.  Most of you also know how deeply I admire Dr. Virtue's work.  The messages she has brought through from the Angels have helped me through some of my darkest hours and guided many of my readings with so many of you.  So the opportunity to talk with her, in the warm company of my fellow Book Club friends, is especially sweet.   As it worked out, the only day she "happened" to have open to tape the show is August 16th, my birthday!  I'm as grateful as I am astonished.   That edition of the book club will air in late August and I'll post the air date  in the Sun into Virgo edition of this newsletter.

Knowing the reputation we Leos have for boasting makes me want to play all of this down, but I can't.  Another incredible birthday gift has come from another Hay House author, astrologer and 12Listen owner Mark Husson.  He has invited me, and my workmate and birthday sister Laura Lozaono, to be his guests on "The Power Peek Hour" on, uh, you guessed it, August 16th!  Please mark your calendars for 9:00 A.M. PST on August 16th to join magnanimous Mark, Laura and me for the fun and festivities.  Thank you Mark!  Clearly, you know your astrology and exactly what to give a Leo for her birthday. 

While you have your calendar handy, please also add August 23rd to your list of dates for receiving good astrological news.  That is when I will visit gifted astrologer and Power Peek columnist C.A. Brooks on her show "Simple Tales" at 11:00 A.M. PST on 12Radio.   We will be welcoming in the Virgo cycle, and making a big announcement.   I am ever grateful to C.A. for her support, compassion and generosity.  Thank you C.A.! 
OK, now let's read about that lively Leo cycle!


Sun into Leo 2011: Here for the Party!

    Leo, the bright, shiny and charismatic force of cosmic encouragement is poised to host her annual celebration on July 22nd when the Sun enters its home sign at 9:12 P.M. PST.  From the onset, Leo's solar journey is shaping up to be one of 2011's liveliest and most glittering planetary gatherings.  Venus will join the Sun in Leo, Mercury will turn retrograde, Neptune will wander back into Aquarius, and Mars is due for a few contentious battles.  To enjoy the entertainment and festivities, regal Leo has assembled an impressive and stellar guest list.  VIPs chatty Mercury and attractive Venus will be her guests of honor as they accompany the hosting Sun through Leo's glamorous and dramatic domain. Let's mingle.

    That Leo trio will be making electrifying alliances with spontaneous Uranus in instigating Aries. Can you say tequila shots?  Aged sipping tequila is probably the better beverage selection. That's because Venus, Mercury and the Sun are also planning some productive schmoozing with reserved Saturn while he's in agreeable Libra.  Generous Jupiter has of course been invited.  Unfortunately the prized planet of plenty is traveling retrograde through Taurus and thus forming some uncomfortable squares to the Sun and Venus on August 1st and 5th.  But it's nothing that a little royal charm can't smooth over.  After all, both Leo the Lion and Taurus the Bull appreciate life's luxuries and both recognize the value of hard work.  A winning choice for conversation topic would be their latest shopping expeditions.

    Though she can clearly spot his mounting oppositions to her and her friends from across any room. magnanimous Leo will also warmly welcome spacey Neptune to her soiree.  He's always good for getting the guests intoxicated.  Then there's her personally favored attendee, bad-boy Mars.  The tension is already building for his August 3rd entrance into Cancer where his August 9th bout with Uranus and August 11th run-in with Pluto are inevitable.  Lively Leo positively adores passion, and we all know how she feels about an audience.  So, if an anticipated Mars skirmish or two draws a crowd, all the better.  Leo would rather die than be accused of throwing a dull party, or God forbid, one that is under-attended.  If her tattooed love boy becomes too unruly, Leo can always count on Pluto in conservative Capricorn to play bouncer.
August 3, 2011

     Helping Leo slow down long enough to graciously listen to her guests, and to think, reason and converse clearly with them will be Mercury's retrograde from August 2nd through 26th.  While he will have just crossed into calm, analytical Virgo at the start of this retrograde, the Messenger of the Gods will traverse all the way back to 18 degrees of Leo by the time he stations.  That means that most of this retrograde will be spent in those incendiary later degrees of fixed, fiery and ferocious Leo.  Some party-goers could get a little loud under these conditions.  Mercury's backward motion is cautioning them and us to consciously express ourselves and give others their due consideration.  Another cosmic call for graceful exchange will sound from distant, dreamy Neptune.
Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!
        Also in retrograde motion, Neptune will arrive back in rebellious and innovative Aquarius on August 4th.  Because Neptune is one of the slower moving outer planets, its influence is subtle and in effect over an extended period of time.  Its opposition to the Sun, though exact on August 22nd, will be felt throughout the Leo cycle.  Its presence is likely to heat up much of the cocktail chatter, especially if the subject of politics arises.  Personal responsibility versus institutional responsibility, independence versus interdependence and the individual versus the collective are predictable themes when an opposition between the sign representing the individual will, Leo, and the sign representing groups and community occurs.  Moreover, the Sun is the celestial force associated with the sign of Leo, and the astrological symbol for the Sun is a single dot in the center of a circle.  The dot symbolizes the individual and the circle infinity.  Astrologers Douglas Bloch and Demetra George describe Neptune as representing the ability of the finite self to experience transcendence through unity with a greater whole.  Thus, we are presented with an axis that at one extreme asks the ego to dissolve into a greater whole and at the other to maintain its unique identity.  Ultimately, Lion-hearted Leo was born to lead, to dance, to sing and to play.  Through her effervescent expression, she inspires us to do the same.  So while her encounter with intriguing Neptune will deeper her compassion and spirituality, she's here for the party, and so are we!
Subscriber-Only Cosmic Note
Mars Watch: August 9th and 11th
Anger is probably one of the most challenging emotions we experience, and Mars is the planet that puts us squarely in touch with it.  For those of us trying to believe that we are on a "spiritual" path, anger can be a very uncomfortable bump on the road to Enlightenment.   If the goal is peace and Oneness, how do we reconcile our seething?   I say we stop denying it and invite it over for a long talk.  Mars will enter emotional Cancer on August 3rd, the day after Mercury goes retrograde, and then it will square Uranus in Aries on the 9th and Pluto in Capricorn on the 11th.  These aspects are likely to bring many of our messiest feelings, and perhaps our most destructive tendencies,  to the surface.  Allow Mars to show you where you are angry and at what.  If you listen, you will hear the message of change he is sending you.  After all, in its healthy expression, Mars represents our passion and drive.   With some honesty, this force of invigoration will help us to be our most powerful expressions of the Oneness.
     Thank you as always, for giving me the privilege to write this newsletter and to read for you.  I am ever grateful.  Happy Birthday Leo!!
With love,

Message from the Oracle
Inner Guidance


Your intuition is perfectly clear.  Follow the deep clarity within and you will avoid costly mistakes and enjoy greater peace.

Cosmic Community
Amma in Japan


 The intention of the Cosmic Community is to share supportive tools and information, so usually I reserve this space to tell you about the spiritual resources that I discover and find helpful. This time I'd like to ask you to join me in sending love and Light to the Japanese people and Amma as she travels to Tokyo and Osaka from July 22nd-27th.  My sense is that the energy in Japan is still strained from the March 11th earthquake and tsunami.  Amma is an extraordinary presence and her mission is one of profound caring, kindness and healing.  She is a much needed force of Light there.  Please visit her site to find out more.
To Buy My Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment


Mae West
  Lines like "It's not the men in your life that count. It's the life in your men." and "A hard man is good to find." give us a tiny glimpse of the wit, moxie and sexual power possessed by Hollywood legend Mae West.  Born on August 17, 1892 and jailed and censored in the 20's for her provocative boundary breaking, West made her film debut at age 40 in "Night After Night."  The film broke box office records and launched her career into the stratosphere. She wrote much of her material and was the highest paid female film star of her era, and her success is credited with saving an entire film studio from bankruptcy, during the Depression.  Can you say LEO????? 

Eight decades later, one only has to watch her sing, strut and capture the camera in films like "She Done Him Wrong" to appreciate her brilliance and iconic status.  In "I'm No Angel" she plays a lion tamer, complete with a whip in one hand and a pistol in the other, keeps her horoscope handy and dresses like a million dollars in nearly every scene.  What is not to ADORE about this woman?  She owns her power, makes no apologies for fully expressing it and is simply the embodiment of all things Leo.  Happy Birthday Mae!  I'm sure you are throwing the ultimate after party.

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"Elizabeth fills her readings with love, grace, and integrity. Her insight is amazing - and always spot on. I always look forward to getting a reading from her - and it never disappoints."

 July 2011

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