Sun into Virgo 2011: Keys to the Matrix

Published: Tue, 08/23/11

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Sun into Virgo 2011 Edition



      Thank you so much, as always, for being with me on this journey.   Thank you also for all of the birthday wishes and for your tremendous show of support on "Mark's Power Peek Hour" on Hay House Radio.  That show was lots of fun to do and your amazing love and energy made the experience spectacular.  Today we leave the fiery and ferocious energies of Leo and head into the calm, even-keeled terrain of mutable Virgo.  The intensity of the past few weeks is now giving way to grounded and grounding forces, and a welcomed sense of relief.  This year the earthy, productive qualities of Virgo will be enhanced through a Grand Earth Trine.  You can read about that in the article below.  But first, here are this month's announcements.
     I am Leo-proud to announce the first edition of my new app.  While there is much more in store for it in the years to come, this little device is already home to music, videos, metaphysical news, a calender for the Book Club and my other media appearances, and so much more.  There are versions for both Apple and Android platforms and it is totally free.  You can download it now.  If you leave a kind review of the app on either platform, please email me for a special gift.

       Today, the 23rd, I'll be joining my friend and astrological cohort C.A. Brooks on her magnificent show "Simple Tales" at 11:00 A.M. PST on 12Radio.  We'll be indulging those planetary trends and talking about the cycle ahead in detail.  If you can't catch the show live, it will be archived at 12Radio and on the media page of my website.  You can also find back issues of this newsletter there.
     On Friday, the 26th, the latest edition of the Hay House Book Club debuts.  Our very special guest is author Dr. Doreen Virtue.  You are probably already very familiar with her many decks of Angels cards and her teachings about the Angels.  On this edition of the Book Club, you'll get the rare opportunity to hear her talk about establishing and running a spiritual business.  This month's selection is her "Angel Therapy Handbook" and I could not recommend this book more highly to anyone wanting ideas on how to set up a professional reading practice or for those looking for ways to improve their existing business.  The book is also a great primer on the basics of Angels and Angel Therapy.  In fact, Angel Therapy Practitioner Kristy Ayala will join book clubbers Diane Ray, Donna Abate and me for this insightful edition. 

    Btw, I've been given a glimpse of the upcoming selections and can promise you that Book Club has an enlightening and inspiring autumn on tap.  You are warmly invited to read along with us.  The Hay House Book Club airs every Friday at 11:00 A.M. PST on Hay House Radio, has multiple airings and can also be found in the Hay House Radio archives.


Sun into Virgo 2011: Keys to the Matrix

      Way back in 1984 Louise Hay published "You Can Heal Your Life," a book that has sold millions of copies, been translated into 30 languages and made Hay House a self-help publishing empire.  In it she espoused her theory that our thoughts play a critical role in our health.  Even in her wildest dreams and most robust affirmations, Hay could not have possibly foreseen the tens of millions of lives her work was waiting to reach, aid and connect.  We were all on the other side of the third dimensional veil waiting for someone to flip the switch, and she did.  Hers is a great example of how a matrix works and of how one voice can active it, and its mind-boggling complexity and intricacy.  The Sun moves into gentle, discerning Virgo at 4:21 A.M. PST on August 23rd and becomes part of a grand earth trine.  Venus and Mercury will add their strength to this trine, and supportive new and full moons make this cycle fertile ground for establishing the frameworks of our own matrixes.  On September 6th, Hay will join author and astrologer Mark Husson on Hay House Radio to talk about her work.  In the meantime, the planets are lining up to help us plan, build and transition to new worlds.

    Virgo completes the summer season and like its fellow mutable signs signals a time of change.  During August, provocative Mars has been traveling through Cancer, where it formed an exact square to Uranus in Aries and an exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn.  The issues Mars stirred up began pointing the way to needed changes in our lives.  With Saturn in Libra in the Cardinal sign mix, the message of release for renewal was powerfully reinforced.  From June 2012 through March 2015 we will undergo a series of seven exact Uranus squares to Pluto.  The recent Mars activity gave us a small glimmer of the immense energy and new directions available when these planets form challenging angles in Cardinal signs.  Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac and is recognized as the sign of service.  Renowned for its trouble-shooting prowess, organizational expertise and planning genius, it can help us devise reliable strategies for the life-altering times ahead.  The forthcoming grand earth trine offers time and material support for building new foundations and paradigms.
September 12,  2011

    Venus ventured into Virgo's calm, cool and collected realms on August 21st where it met Pluto at 5 degrees Capricorn and Jupiter at 10 degrees Taurus.  On the 23rd, the Sun follows suit as will Mercury on September 9th.  The earth signs, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, relate to finances, career, health, resources and the physical plane of reality.  Whether it is involved in the contentious energy of squares and oppositions or the softer, harmonious stimulation of trines, Pluto purifies through destruction.  In the upcoming configuration, Pluto will trine Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Virgo.  We will have to trust that any loss we experience through Pluto in industrious Capricorn is paving the way to necessary progress.  The new Virgo moon of August 28th, occurring two days after Mercury comes out of its retrograde, is an ideal time for harnessing that Plutonian power to seed the desired changes we want to see and be in the world.
Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!
        The September 12th full moon in mystic Pisces provides the chance to tap into more intrinsic and intuitive support.  By then Mercury will be in its native Virgo where it, Venus and the Sun will oppose the moon.  Impeccable logic and practicality meet stunning psychic insight on the solid ground of the grand earth trine.  This full moon is the time to write the software for the programs your developing matrix will run in the future, or more plainly said, a 5-star day to write affirmations.  Jupiter will turn retrograde on August 30th (until December 25th) and Pluto goes direct on September 16th, and it will be months before they move past their shadows.  Earth signs require projects, goals and aspirations to prove their endurance and reliability before tangible rewards are given.  What should emerge during this Virgo cycle is a profound sense of being on the right path and some welcomed confirmation.  Keanu Reeves' character Neo ends the movie "The Matrix" with the line, "Anything is possible."  Louise Hay and Mike Dooley teach us to be conscious of how our thoughts are creating our possibilities, perceptions and realities.  Observant, dedicated and mild Virgo prefers to spend her time remembering, our innate perfection.
Subscriber-Only Cosmic Note
Fitness in the Forecast

     This is an excellent cycle to rededicate yourself to fitness goals.  The cooling air and changing leaves in the Northern Hemisphere will make getting outdoors a pleasure.  But it's the Grand Earth Trine that will give your intentions the stamina weight and exercise goals usually need to produce lasting results.  Intellectually you know the benefits or regular exercise.  To truly appreciate them however, you have to physically experience the decreases in stress, the sound sleep patterns, the improved moods and the euphoria of a "there's extra room in my jeans" moment.  During the cycle ahead, the planets are aligning to support physical endeavors in particular.   This is a great time to embrace your cosmic admirers as they cheer you on from the heavenly bleachers.  Already in great physical shape?  Use these aspects to set a new financial or career goal.  
     Here we are, at the conclusion of another edition.  I always thank you for your support here, and with all my heart I hope you know how much I mean it and how deeply I feel it.  It is a gift and a privilege to write for you.  Thank you!

With love and blessings always,

Message from the Oracle


You are releasing self-sabotaging patterns
and connecting with spiritual wisdom that supports enlightened self-expression.

Awhile back I heard one spiritual teacher say that she was sick and tired of everyone's "Inner child" running amok and that she wished some "inner adults" would show up more often.  Her point was well taken.  In the quest to express our "Me" it is entirely possible to lose any sense of "We."  This message asks us to get in touch with our motives and to be more thoughtful about how our actions impact others.  If you are feeling agitated, out of sorts or conflicted, wear some turquoise.  Allow the healing energies of this lovely stone to work their grounding and illuminating magic on you and those in your energy field. 

Cosmic Community
Gracious Earth Naturals
     About a year ago I intended to run an item about my 12Listen colleague Karen J. Lewis' natural bath and body product company.  As I coded the edition of the newsletter that item was slated for, I discovered that her site's launch had been delayed.  There was nowhere to send you all for these wonderful salts, soaps and lotions.  So I set the item aside until her site was up and running.  Over the past year, every now and then the thought of it would surface, and I'd wonder if I had remembered to run the item.  Karen, truly being the gracious namesake of her shop, never wrote to ask what had happened.  As a fan of the Mercury retrograde, and someone who sees the cosmic humor of remembering Karen's site when the sun is heading into cleanly Virgo, I am proud to introduce you to Gracious Earth Naturals.

     If combinations like lavender rose, chamomile mint and lemongrass sage sound the least bit enticing to you, then something in your spirit is asking you to connect with Gracious Earth Naturals.  Karen's dedication to providing safe, healthy and eco-friendly products and packaging is impressive.  The scents and textures of her lines are exquisite and their purity noticeable.  If you are like me, you'll totally appreciate the complete absence of plastic in her packaging.  Karen has created a wonderful choice in the world of body, mind and spirit care. Virgo encourages us all to wash our hands, and I encourage you to treat yourself, and members of your gift lists, to a visit to Gracious Earth Naturals.
     Btw, Karen has a new radio show called "Conscious Culture" debuting on 12Radio in September.  She has a lot to share and I am looking forward to listening to her on it.  

To Buy My Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment


The Matrix
   It's hard to think of "The Matrix" as a flashback film, but the original movie of the franchise came out 12 years ago.  Though a little dated, its science fiction theme, high-tech gadgetry and deeper philosophical musings make this rewarding material for the Virgo mind.  In a futuristic world a group of computer hackers uncovers the truth about the forces controlling society.  Like all heroes, they diligently work to free humankind from the illusions created by the power keepers.  It's fast-paced, intriguing and ultimately sweet.  For all of the cutting-edge special effects, ones that set advertising trends for years, we are reminded of the power of love.  In a world running on fear, "The Matrix" also reminds us to stay awake.
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For a Reading with Me 
"Elizabeth - Thank you for your compassion and honesty. You helped me see things more clearly and gave me plenty of tools to help me move forward in my life."

 August 2011

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