Sun into Gemini 2011: Flying with the Gods

Published: Fri, 05/20/11

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Sun into Gemini 2011 Edition




    Welcome to the Sun into Gemini edition!  Thank you, as always, for subscribing.  As we enter the sign of communication, technology and travel. there is lots of exciting news to report from inside the Oracle.  There's is also a lengthy feature article about the upcoming cycle in this issue.  With major moves from three of the large outer planets, two eclipses and South Node conjunctions, my dear colleague C.A. Brooks and I laughed at its size.  Ultimately we concluded that such verbiage is only fitting for talkative Gemini.  Special thanks also goes out to author Mark Husson for his contribution to that piece.


    Gemini loves broadcasting and social networking which makes it the perfect sign for the premiere of the new "Hay House Book Club" on Hay House Radio.  The first episode debuts on Friday, May 27th, at 11:00 A.M. PST, and I am delighted beyond measure to be one of the show's featured bloggers.  In the inaugural edition we spoke with "Married to Bhutan" author Linda Leaming, which was truly a treat.  She has wonderful energy and graciously shared about her courageous decision to move from Nashville to Bhutan where she met her husband and Soul Mate, Buddhist painter Namgay.  You can see some of his art here, btw.  

    During the coming months we will visit the vast and inspiring Hay House library as we talk with some of the greats of our industry and time.  You are warmly invited to be part of the big launch this coming Friday and to join the conversation on Facebook.  In fact, here is one of those "subscriber-only" specials I promised you for joining this email list.  If you listen to the first edition of the "Hay House Book Club" this Friday and you email me (at with the name of one of the countries in Africa (not Bhutan, it is in South Asia) that is mentioned on the show, I will add 3 free minutes to your Click4Advisor account toward a reading.  Offer expires June 21st, 2011.

     In other news, a new "Media Page" has been added to my website.  There you can read back issues of this newsletter and listen to archived radio shows I have been a guest on.  And there is more fun ahead.  On Summer Solstice, June 21st C.A. Brooks will be taking a break and I will be hosting her show "Simple Tales" on 12Radio.  It's exhilarating and terrifying all in the same moment, and I  hope that you will be part of the fun.  I will send a reminder with the Sun into Cancer edition which will go out that morning.  That issue will also mark the two year anniversary of this newsletter.  Thank you so much for your support!  Now, on to our featured article.

Sun into Gemini 2011: Flying with the Gods

    Those affable, talkative Twins of Gemini arrive on May 21st at 2:21 A.M. PST when the Sun enters the mutable air sign associated with broadcasting, technology, socializing and travel. True to form, their speedy ruler Mercury will move from Taurus, through Gemini and into Cancer during this solar cycle. Neptune and Chiron will turn retrograde, Jupiter will enter Taurus, Mercury and the Sun will make conjunctions with the South Node and two eclipses will occur.  Meanwhile Saturn, now traveling through judicious Libra, will trine the planets in Gemini and emerge from its annual retrograde.  Such a hotbed of astrological activity seems only fitting for our hyper-chatty, multi-tasking Twins.  Any less and they would be bored senseless. That being said, during the Gemini journey ahead, our inquisitive, adaptable Twins may find themselves wanting to abandon life's uncomfortable headlines for its crossword puzzles.  The planets however, will ask them to read the entire Sunday edition, thoroughly.

  Mercury is Gemini's ruling planet and the Messenger of the Gods.  In astrological shorthand, Mercury represents mental activity and the Sun represents the ego.  Glimpse at any chart and the two will not be far apart.  That is because Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.  At any given moment, the amount of information coming at us is staggering and simply impossible to fully comprehend.  It is Mercury's job is to instantaneously mine the massive and exhaustive databanks of the past and present to cull the material vital for decision-making.  With such a close alliance with the ego however, the danger lies in Mercury becoming our "yes man."  Under its unconscious influence, we selectively choose the facts that support "our story" and conveniently dismiss the irrelevant rest.  Positioned in Libra, the sign concerned with balance, truth and fairness, is stern, astute Saturn.  If the Sun and Mercury are like two eager young journalists intent on breaking a dramatic news story, then discerning Saturn is their old-school newspaper editor.  He will put these brash upstarts through the rigors of solid journalism, like extensive fact and source background checking.  Old Saturn knows the damage one faulty variable can do to an entire equation and the painful consequences for us from acting on erroneous information.  In noble Libra he is diligently working to insure that we do not allow our minds to play unhealthy tricks on us. 

  Assisting us with a much more subtle and subterranean sort of review, will be Neptune and Chiron beginning retrogrades in holistic Pisces on June 2nd and 8th respectively.  Their influence takes place far beneath the surface of our endless streams of thought.  From their deeper vantage point, we can get in touch with the emotional sources and motives behind our stories and the passages and narratives of it needing revision and healing. Pisces assimilates, integrates and completes and Neptune and Chiron further compassion and healing.  This June they embark on a five-month-long process that ends in November when Neptune turns direct on the 9th and Chiron on the 10th.  Note how closely they are traveling.When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 20th, the grounded, 

Be sure to join Elizabeth and astrologer CA Brooks every 3rd Tuesday of the month on "Simple Tales" at 11 A.M. PST on  Thank you for listening!!!!
        Another large-planet, big-picture concept that will give our lovable Twins food for thought is expansive Jupiter's journey into earthy Taurus on June 4th.  With it perhaps an old phrase from the national lexicon will be amended.  Can you say "rational exuberance"?  The happy-go-lucky planet of plenty has been in fiery, impulsive Aires since late January.  On March 11th quirky, inventive Uranus joined it there, and the two very likely bestowed some truly brilliant flashes of insight and inspiration, as well as some golden new opportunities.  The calm, stabilizing presence of the bull will ground us long enough to give those Aries-born ideas form, and the bull's patient disposition welcomes the hard work most meaningful endeavors require. With a favorable trine from truthful Pluto in pragmatic, disciplined Capricorn, Jupiter's year-long run with the bull is likely to produce long-lasting success where we employ its energies consistently.  

  Then there's the business of those Nodes.  Presently the South Node is in Gemini and the North in Sagittarius.  On June 13th Mercury will connect with the South Node and the Sun will make its South Node conjunction on the 14th.  The South Node represents the resources we bring into this lifetime.  Via genetics or reincarnation, its placement in our birth or natal chart often describes our natural gifts and abilities.  The North Node suggests our growth challenge this time around.  To better understand how this works on a practical level, here are two interpretations of the current Nodal placements.

Mark Husson, "Lovescopes" author and Host of "The Power Peek Hour" on Hay House Radio.

"(The) South Node in Gemini takes the role of the translator or diplomat in the family, communicating issues from say Mom to Dad. Often used as the messenger, this person is at the hub of all information,  Those with this placement are often cordial and find it easy to understand a diversity of people. The South Node gets in the way when a person relies solely on the mind for fulfillment.  The North Node in Sag asks the adult to take a leap of faith (in the direction of its house placement and Jupiter). Rather than looking for cues from others, this person must trust an inner knowing.  If we learn to start with the North Node, the issues of the South Node automatically get healed."

CA Brooks, Power Peek Astrologer and host of "Simple Tales" on 12Radio.

"This energy pattern would emphasize the need to know when enough is enough and to learn to trust your own intuition. South Node in Gemini tends to be a perpetual information gatherer without ever coming to a decision or applying the information. This position is a call to slow down, and enjoy the moment and what you already know and to release the need to look for validation and expertise outside yourself."

  Underscoring those points will be this cycle's forthcoming eclipses in Gemini on June 1st and Sagittarius on June 15th. Gemini gathers information and Sagittarius gives it context and meaning.  For example, a well-functioning instrument panel with its precise and sophisticated measurements is essential for safely navigating an airplane.  Who would want to fly without it? But an airplane flight is not merely a function of the math and science that make it possible.  Through aspiring, philosophical Sagittarius, we begin to appreciate the magic of flying.  In its awe-inspiring presence, we remember that sitting in a chair, perched thousands of miles above the earth, while hurling hundreds of miles for per hour through time and space, was once the sole domain of the gods.  The new Gemini  moon of June 1st will yield new data, and the Sagittarius full moon of June 15th will offer moments of enlightenment.  So during the 2011 Gemini journey, if it feels like the planets are conspiring to encourage those adorable Twins and us to exchange old patterns, people and places for new adventures, concepts and horizons, they are.
     We did it!  We made it through another edition.  Thank you so much for your subscription.  I hope that you know how much I enjoy sharing my work with you.  
With love,
Ps:  This is probably the funniest note I have posted in a while.  It seems that gmail does not like tables or images.  So those of you with Google email addresses may be only getting half the story, or the left hand column of Elizabeth's Oracle anyway.  If you use gmail and would like to read the whole edition of this newsletter, here are some options.  One, I always post a link to a webpage version of each edition at the top of each email.  Two, just select the "display images" option and the "download entire message" option at the bottom of your email message.  Finally, visit the new Media Page of my website where you will find all editions of the newsletter.  Thank you for your understanding, interest and support!! 

Message from the Oracle
Jade is here to support you.  Soothing frayed nerves, easing a troubled mind and releasing negative thought patterns, Jade helps you to restore tranquility and devotion to your purpose.  Let the healing energies of Jade assist you in actualizing your dearest dreams.
Keep that one handy as we travel the busy, kinetic  airwaves of Gemini. 

Cosmic Community
More on the Belfast City Marathon
   In a followup to last month's story, here are some photos from the Belfast City Marathon.  That lovely, fresh face belongs to none other than Frances Rafferty, the "Rose of Belfast" and PE Teacher at Strangford IC, and the kids are of course those fantastic Strangford students.

     I know that I often wax poetic about these students, the integrated school movement and the peace process of Northern Ireland, and I sincerely thank you for so kindly allowing me to share my thoughts.  The morning I received these photos I thought about why this story always tugs at my heart.  To understand, consider this very contrasting image and story.  Also from Northern Ireland, it is that of a van loaded with explosives and abandoned on a busy freeway.  Fortunately it was discovered before its contents were detonated.  The image of the van reminds me of how fragile peace is.  Frances's gorgeous smile, as she enthusiastically moves forward, is a beautiful reminder of what is possible.  Hats off to Strangford and all of those involved with the Integrated Education Fund.
You can keep up with the Belfast City Marathon on Twitter, FB and Youtube and the Integrated Education Fund on FB and YouTube.  Also, 10% of every download of my music goes to NICIE and the IEF.  Thank you for your support!!
Finally, it seems that I'm not the only Elizabeth who feels deeply about peace between the Irish and British these days.  This week none other than the Queen of England visited the Republic of Ireland.  Hers was a great, historic and  momentous step toward furthering peace between both nations.  Moreover,  amidst bomb and terror threats made during her visit, the people of staunchly Irish Republican Cork turned out to show Queen Elizabeth II their support and the will to peace.  Love and healing to all.
To Buy Elizabeth's Music

 Awakening Queen Maebh - In a Moment

Netflix Pix


  Happy Birthday Dirty Harry!  While Marilyn Monroe, Liam Nesson and Johnny Depp were all born under the sign of the Twins, I decided to give this month's nod to actor/director and Gemini Clint Eastwood.  It's hard to believe, but he turns 81-years-old this year. 
I'm definitely more of a fan of his later work, including 2009's "Gran Torino."  But I will certainly cop to being in touch with my inner-Dirty Harry from time to time!   It's 2008's "The Changeling" that seems most in keeping with our Gemini theme.  Based on a sensational, real-life story, the film is set in 1928 Los Angeles and is loaded with twists, turns and intrigue.  This one is bound to keep the full attention of even the most easily-distracted Gemini.   

  Follow Elizabeth


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Blog for Hay House
Many of you are gifted writers and most of you are fans of Hay House.  So here is an opportunity that you may be interested in.  Hay House is looking for bloggers and book reviewers.  This is NOT a paying gig.  But the books are free and you only have to complete one review per month to stay on the list.  Here are the details on how you can be next.  Good luck.
For a Reading with Elizabeth

"It's always such a treat to speak to Elizabeth. If you want a clear, warm, experienced and accurate advisor, there isn't a better choice than Elizabeth. "

 May  2011

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